Hockey Playoffs about to start tonight

:excited: :yay: GO OILERS GO :cheer: :clappurple:
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No Red Wings this year :(
No Leafs this year either :(

Oh well, Go Oilers Go!!!
Ok I've been puzzling over this for a few days now... why are the winter sports finals right before the beginning of summer? I just don't understand this at all.... does the season need to be that long? Wouldn't it be more fun to have the hockey finals during the cooler months, when your mind is still on winter activities? I just find it so hard to get into a winter sport in June :cry:

Ahem... no Wild either, BOOH! We haven't had a decent team since the Stars left for Texas :cry: :cry: :cry:

Maybe next year...
It's almost as bad as watching baseball in early April or the World Series in November!
Daisie, I love your AVATAR :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think because there are so many teams in the NHL, the season runs longer.

I HATE HOCKEY.. wonder if that would get me a game suspension for showing uncanadian like conduct?
Dudster wrote:
I think because there are so many teams in the NHL, the season runs longer.

I HATE HOCKEY.. wonder if that would get me a game suspension for showing uncanadian like conduct?

me too, but thank goodness I'm not from Canada and DON'T HAVE TO LIKE IT
I'm not a huge fan of hockey wither...but don't tell anyone in Alaska that. If the Aces (just won the championship, but more like minor league hockey) had a statue ...and they placed it downtown, there would be people who worshipped it weekly. I think the Aces will be talked about on the news for the next YEAR here. I don't follow them at all and can tell you how much their plane tickets were for each game, what they all ate after they won a few days ago, and who is screwing who.. 8O
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Dudster wrote:
I think because there are so many teams in the NHL, the season runs longer.

I HATE HOCKEY.. wonder if that would get me a game suspension for showing uncanadian like conduct?

me too, but thank goodness I'm not from Canada and DON'T HAVE TO LIKE IT

Me too, ewww hockey...
Too funny, if you guys knew me you'd know I am NOT into any sports, but hubby loves it.

Now that the Oilers are in the playoffs, I must admit I've picked up hockey fever. This city has gone hockey crazy, our stadium keeps breaking cheer records for volume.

Unfortunately last night our goalie was hit with 4-6 min left of the game and the game was tied. He won't be able to play for the remaining games, and now we need to rely on one of the back up goalies. So needless to say we lost to Carolina last night because of his injury. Something happened to his knee, but they haven't reported much about it.

So now with our amazing goalie out, we have no idea how the playoffs will end. We pray our other goalie can bring his A game, and the whole team comes together.

Up next...FOOTBALL...Go Eskimos Go :banana:

We have a grass football field, where everyone else has fake turf, and for some reason we have the best hockey ice too. Edmonton LOVES it's sports team.
That's funny. Carolina's team is in the playoffs too. Honestly, that's the only time I ever even hear the team mentioned is if they're in the playoffs. This whole area is just not geared toward hockey.
Edmonton has been insane since playoffs hit. We've had a 16 year drought since we've been in the stanley cup playoffs.

Hopefully we can do it even with our good goalie injured. Our backup Goalie's sucked all year.

I'm a hockey nut and am stuck to the TV whenever we play or I'm not at the games.
casearoo wrote:
Edmonton has been insane since playoffs hit. We've had a 16 year drought since we've been in the stanley cup playoffs.
When did Gretzky leave the Oilers?
Ron Wrote:
When did Gretzky leave the Oilers?

Gretzsky left in 88 and we won the cup again in 1990.
When Gretzky was with the Oilers, we had an amazing team. This year the head coach (part of the old group)...has put together a really good team, and they have been compared to the old team.

If anyone can watch our home games, you'll see the craziness of our crowds. It has been alot of fun. Even for me, hubby is so happy I do not protest when it's game time...we watch it together.
In Detroit we throw octopus/pi :roll:
Here we throw Alberta Beef. Someone has in Detriot and Raliegh. Too funny
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