Update on Robin

Hi Everyone,

Robin is doing fine and seems to be settling in his new home. It's almost been 8 days since his arrival and although I still can't have all three dogs in the backyard at once, it is getting better.

Two at at time is no problem, even grumpy old Blue is able to tolerate Robin if both are in the backyard with me at the same time. It's become noticable that Blue is establishing he wants to be Alpha. However, if Merlin is out in the backyard and tries to play with Robin - Blue gets very agitated and I have to bring one of them in to avoid any fights.

Blue and Merlin get along well although they have never played together as there is a huge age difference. Blue is 14 and Merlin is 7 months, but they seem to enjoy each others company in the evenings often laying beside one another.

Merlin and Robin seem content to hang out and enjoy playing together but I've noticed Merlin gets a bit jealous if Robin pushes himself against me for pats on the head. (the trainer told me to get the dogs to come to me rather than me go to them) The way to establish a routine so they are not both pushing against each other for my attention is each has a hand..Merlin always on the left , Robin on the right. I must admit I look quite hilarious standing like a scarecrow with my hands straight out but each is recognizing their side and will come under my hand like the trainer suggested. Even on walks individually with Robin and Merlin I am remembering not to pat if they are the wrong side..instead holding out my opposite hand and YUP!! they do understand and go to the right side. Merlin has always walked on the left side and I'm encouraging Robin to walk on the right. (Blue also walks on the left and he and Merlin are fine walking side by side) My eventual goal is to be able to take out three at one time...2 on the left , one on the right...although that may be too hard and I may have to just walk only two at one time.

I spend each day with all three individually going on walks..yikes yesterday went on 6 walks in total!! This doesnt include time spent with them 2 at a time in the backyard. I must admit it's a bit of a ordeal bringing one dog out and allowing the next one in...bringing in one in the basement door, close it , race upstairs let the other dog out, go back down and bring the other one upstairs so as to avoid any fights in the house. Merlin is the peacemaker and he's able to be either in or out with either Robin or Blue.

While out in the yard I've made it a habit to rake leaves while the dogs are playing (Remember Robin was supposed to have an issue with sticks, broom handles and that sort of thing) He's never displayed any sort of agitation and will occasionally stop playing and walk over for a pat on the head while I'm holding the rake. He seems to also enjoy drinking from the hose while I try to fill up the water bowls outside (He was also supposed to be afraid of hoses. )

On our walks we've come across lots of men ( I walk on quiet streets and if a man is approaching I casually walk to the other side just to be on the safe side) but again Robin has not shown any signs of aggression towards them. We've visited a huge park near my home which is always empty as I believe it's a hydro easement and there are many other nicer parks just blocks away. This gives me the chance to clip a 25 ft lenght leash on him. His face is one of pure joy when he runs and bounces!!!! Although when he came to the end of the 25 ft we both had suprises- me bracing myself and he suddenly finding himself unable to go further. Smart boy as the next time he would always stop aprox 24 ft so that the leash would not tug him.

We've also walked to the dog park a few times but remain on the other side of the fence as it's too soon to allow him to run freely until I get to know him better. My friends at the dog park know his story and will come to the gate to greet him and he's given them all kisses through the fence and met their dogs- Douley, Razzberry and Jethro. Again, no signs of aggression. ( So far only the women have met him) Although one of my neighbors approached me the other day to ask about my new dog and again just to be on the safe side I asked him to stop when he was aprox 4 ft away from us...just in case. Robin seemed fine.

The only thing I've seen that can be considered negative so far is he can become quite destructive if left in a room alone. For this reason I'm always in the guest/computer room with him at all times. Five mins he's fine , any more than that I can hear him searching. He seems to shred cardboard with a vengence...almost frantic like as he did with the case I had of canned food or the one that held the computer paper. He seemed a bit on edge when I approached him to grab my purse back (stupid me left it on the computer table while getting a coffee) credit cards and wallet strewn all over the floor. I picked up a plastic lid and offered that to him (as it was the nearest thing avialable and he took it as a replacement) I found that each time he had something I didn't want him to have, giving him an alternative always avoided problems.

He did give a bit of a growl today as on the way out the door he grabbed a bag of potatoe chips my son had left on the counter...I said hey! he growled and ran out the door with it - too quick for me! He doesn't growl when I give him a chewy bone or food and I'm in close proximity. However, I haven't yet tried to pick up his food dish yet.

He also tugs initially the first block or so but a few yanks on the leash and heel , he seems to understand. I have noticed that he will really tug when a car drives by as if he wants to chase it. Sometimes we sit at the park and purposely watch the cars drive by ......I think he's getting used to them.

So that's the long winded update. He's a big lovable boy as Roy mentioned , very friendly and affectionate. Right now he's sporting a very short clip and I've been brushing his back to get him used to it before his hair grows...he sits down and does a bum wiggle while I do this. I haven't yet attempted legs as with most OES this is the part they seem to dislike the most. Oh I should mention he often rolls over for belly rubs!

My sister emailed Roy the first day and said "Are you sure we got the right dog?" , I keep asking myself the same thing, as so far he's a pretty good boy except for being left unsupervised in a house. We'll work on that. The biggest issue at the moment is I'd love to be able to have the sliding glass door leading to the backyard open at all times like I did in the past where the dogs go in and out freely. Right now I have the stairs blocked off so that whomever is in the house can go out on the porch but not in the yard. Hopefully this too will eventually work out.

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Good for you Marianne....:D a cookie to you ....and to all your boys one too.....again the same ? LOL are you sure you got the right dog? he seems such a cutie ....I guess he just needed a loving hand and you got that alright :)
Thanks for your vote of confidence Vero. I tend to be an optomistic person so am thrilled with his progress so far, but still feel he must have issues that are currently hidden and may yet still emerge considering his background. I still have to remind myself not to let my guard down and always be vigilant that I can control the circumstance just in case he displays any undesirable behaviors.

Three things happened today, however, that gave me a boost of confidence. I was at the Hydro Easment Park ( I mentioned no one is ever there...sigh except today.) I had Robin out for a romp when suddenly a small child came running full speed towards him from the sidewalk, I yelled stop dont come any closer, she kept running I was very worried that Robin would sense apprehension in me. The parents yelled oh it's okay. Urg!!!

I had to be really firm and said "no it's not okay, this is a rescue dog and I really don't feel comfortable as I don't know him that well yet - it's too unpredicable for your child to approach." They reassured me...I kept firm.."he seems fine but Please don't approach any closer." The little girl just didn't get it and kept coming closer and closer and I kept backing up. (I think the mom was the one that didn't get it) Finally, they sat down about 5 feet away from us and by this time I had reeled the leash to 3 ft and made sure I had a very tight grip. I didn't like this situation at all and hoped Robin wouldn't sense this, as one part of me liked that he seemed fine with the whole scenerio. The other part of me is always on guard for any potential dangers. I wouldn't want him to suddenly get agitated and have a child so close. However, it turned out well even tho I had to be really firm and kept repeating to the child to not come any closer (The mom seemed oblivious to it all). Still it was a good thing to see Robin not act any differently than usual.

The offleash dog park that I speak of frequently on here was the site of a city wide sponsered "Easter bone hunt", civic workers hid treats in the woods and along the paths and left balls and other toys for the dogs to find. There were over 60 dogs present!!
I visited with Merlin and then went home to get Robin but we stayed on the other side of the fence, sat down and observed. While we were there a contest was taking place. Dogs were given a weiner and timed whom gulped theirs the fastest..ha ha! Robin was sitting beside me and seemed perfectly calm even with so many dogs and people on the other side of the fence. ( stayed back at least 10 ft away from the fence.) I felt kinda sad for him at this point realizing what his life was like at the kennel (looking at life from a wire fence) but hopefully he'll be able to attend next years event.

Robin so far has met 2 men and 1 teen (my son,neighbor and relative) and greeted each affectionately. My neighbor whom goes to the same trainer I do and knows Robins story came over to meet Robin, and was fully aware of his potential danger. Robin greeted him with affection and doggie kisses. One of my male relatives whom I had over for Easter Dinner ...even (gasp!) picked up a picket post that I had purchased to build a gate at the bottom of my back stairs. I calmly asked him to please put it down as Robin may become upset. He was at the top of the stairs ..Robin and I were at the bottom. Robin didn't even seem to notice although again I feel I still must be vigilant to prevent anything that would be considered a threat to him.

Ewwwww Robin discovered he could walk in my fishpond ( I had just told my neighbor minutes before I was lucky I still hadn't cleaned it out this year and the bottom was murky) Thinking that he wouldn't go in it as neither Blue or Merlin do as I suspect they can't see the bottom. Shouldn't have said it as a mere 5 mins later..Robin was in it..and wouldn't get out...yuck...muddy dog!

Lastly, I drive a sports car (Yes,Merlin sits perfectly fine in the car as he's had rides daily since he was 11 wks old) I wouldn't feel confident taking Robin in this car as it's too confining should he become agitated so I'm crossing my fingers the bank will okay a loan for me to get a van this Wed. Then I could bring all the dogs to the trainer at one time..Ah life should be so much easier.

That's it for now - Happy Easter everyone!
I am so glad things are going so positively with Robin & your family. I wish they had a doggie humanitarian award because I think for all of the effort you are putting into working with him, you surely deserve it. Of course, the best payoff is your well rounded home! Thanks again Marianne for being so willing to take on such a potential problem situation. I think your love alone is why this dog is behaving so well!
99% of parents are smart enough to know to teach their children to approach dogs (all dogs, but especially strange dogs) with caution, and to keep their children back if the dog's handler says so.

I had just a few occasions when I had to be stern with parents, and I felt like a creep, but safety comes first.

Most of the time the situation was Joan and I telling children and parents to pet the dog with one hand at a time -- don't hug the dog.

People love to hug OES.

For the first several months that we had Winston with us, when people wanted to pet him, we told everyone "I don't know what to expect from this dog, he's 4 years old and we just got him from rescue." Even though we trusted him, we felt it was better that people didn't do unexpected things.

Back when we first had Jake, I was playing organized softball and Joan brought Jake with her to a game. Apparently, one of the other fans (a female colleague as it turns out) was sitting next to him and put her arm around him. He growl/snapped at her, no contact, and she backed off.

A few weeks later we took him to our favorite people-watching art-buying dog friendly place, Provincetown, MA on Cape Cod. Provincetown is an "alternative lifestyle and artist's tourism based community" and its one main street, aptly named "Commercial Street" is so narrow that cars must drive slowly. In the summer, the street is filled with people walking from shop to shop. If you're familiar with Key West, Florida, Then you can understand Provincetown, except that Key West is much bigger and Joan and I believe it lacks the charm of P-Town.

Anyway, on that trip as you can imagine, Jake was the center of attention no matter where we went. He met probably 75 or 100 other dogs in the 2 days, was greeted by and patted by (and yes, sometimes hugged by) hundreds and hundreds of people, all without incident.

After that trip, Joan told me about the episode at the softball game. I had a retroactive nervous breakdown.

Why did Jake snarl at one person, calmly sitting next to him at a softball game, and why wasn't he bothered by the immense attention of P-Town? I can think of 10 different possible explanations. The bottom line is -- You just NEVER KNOW.

You did the right thing, IMHO. Even if you need to shout "NO!!!" and cause the child to cry and the mother to hate you.
Thanks for the nice post VerveUp - but I really mean what I said before I think this whole forum deserves the credit for Robin's rescue. He's such an easy dog to love.

I hope no one thinks I'm boasting either or rolling their eyes but he's a fantastic dog. We've continued to have more success each day!!! I took him to the offleash dog park once when making sure no one was there - I clipped the 25 foot leash on him and let him race around where all the dogs usually play, and then we walked the trails. As soon as someone arrived we left immediately as I wanted it to be a success. (That was a few days ago)

Then the most amazing thing happened today!!! Hope no one is tired of my stories as I've said, the room I spent one on one time with him is the computer room..lol. I took him to the Hydro Easement Park for his romp and then walked the neighborhood to get him socialized with street noises, cars, etc...we ended up walking past the offleash dog park again. My friends were all there with their dogs and greeted us as we stayed on the other side of the fence and just watched. People and dogs would come up to the fence and greet us. Robin did a bum wiggle each time a person would speak to him and a dog would sniff him through the fence, his little stub would wiggle like mad.

Then a miracle happened...sorta..., the day suddenly changing from beautiful sunny day to a downpour of rain unlike I've seen in ages! Everyone raced to their cars and left, but for one couple and their dog.

Now what's amazing about their dog is it is also a rescue dog that
everyone at the dog park has taken under their wing. When the dog first showed up a few months ago she whined and snarled and had been so isolated and abused previously it showed in her personality. The first time the man appeared alone and explained he had a dog in his car with a muzzle on and would we mind if he brought her in for a few mins to get used to the park. Everyone at the dog park downed their dogs...and he brought her in....she was incredibly timid and cowered when anyone approached. It was quite touching as all our dogs were in a large circle sitting down when he brought her in, he sat her down for a few mins and then left. This continued daily for weeks and we all were willing to help.

Back to the story...This man and his wife...and of course his now really well socialized dog. (You wouldn't recognize this is the same dog as she romps and plays freely with all our dogs!) They stayed in the pouring rain and wanted me to bring Robin in the park. I was a bit hesitant but they assured me they were returning the favor I and others did for them when they first arrived with their rescue dog. First petting Robin and talking gently to him...Robin showered the man with doggie kisses through the fence and I brought him in...although I clipped on the 25 ft lenght leash as a precaution. Ohhhhhhh it was awesome!!!! He loved this man! Must sense he is an animal lover and has a gentle dispostion, he liked his wife too but did everything the man told him. He threw a ball to Robin and Robin raced after it....me following as well..ha ha so the leash wouldn't tug him after 25 ft...in the pouring rain no less!!! Robin got the ball and returned it at his feet and sat by his side!!! He threw it again and now both dogs would race for it , Robin got it each time and again Robin would drop it at his feet and sit beside him!!! He once even returned the ball to me and placed it in my hand!!! GASP!!! I can't tell you what an overwhelming feeling we all shared ...This couple, myself and our two rescue dogs laughing at our antics in the pouring rain.

I then brought Robin home (very tired) and had to get ready to take Merlin to his obedience class. Now still always on the safe side I was a bit leery of leaving him in the computer room with my older son, whom returned from his 11 day vacation and hadn't met Robin. It was raining hard and I didn't want to leave for my class with Robin outside. We're still not at the point where I can leave Robin to roam freely around the house without supervision. I brought him in the computer room as my son was there and again another success....Robin immediately laid down and snored loudly...in total bliss.
When I returned home he was still sleeping peacefully and was laying near my son's feet!

Ron, you are so right on the point however, that it's always best to be on the cautious side as it may take months for me to see his real personality. I gave my son explicit instructions that if Robin were to do something which he didn't approve not to do anything but leave the room immediately.I should mention my son is not a young child and I left a chewie bone where my son would have access to it, as Robin immediately drops anything he's not supposed to have if given a "better replacement".

Parents need to teach their kids that not all dogs are friendly and to approach them only with permission from the owner. So far it's been very good with Robin and I'm still working on Blue's jealousies which are understandable, but have had them a few times together with no problem. In which I remain somewhat aloof to Robin and pay attention to Blue and he in turn doesn't show aggression or jealousy to his new brother. (Still working on having three of them at a time in the backyard) Yesterday I had my sister come over to take first Merlin out so that Blue and Robin could roam around for a while , then we did a switch...she took Blue out and Merlin and Robin had a chance to play and chase each other without Blue interfering. Whew lots of work each day on top of my work schedule but I can already see results from persistance and spending time with each dog individually to form a better bond.

Here's hoping that each day Robin is learning to trust and have fun.

How can you think we are rolling our eyes :roll: or tired of your stories! 8O Are you kidding? Every morning when I log on I hope there is a nice long update from you. Rescuing Robin was only the beginning, I love hearing how he is blossoming into a well-loved dog, learning to love and trust you and hearing about your discovery of his real personality. The story about the dog park had me in tears (again) but this time of joy. Not to mention laughing at the image of you being dragged around in the pouring rain. Good people find the good in other people--you're so good, I imagine people want to do good things for you. And such happy news to find Robin responding lovingly to men--it would be awful for you if he were truly scared of all men, particularly since you have grown sons. You are so doing the right thing with hese dogs: giving special attention to the Blue and Merlin to help their jealousy and being careful, not trusting that any behavior, good or bad, can be counted on at this point. I admire your energy!

This story is just great. Have you thought about compiling all these posts beginning with the plea from Roy & Elby into a book? It reminds me a bit of "A Dog Year: Twelve Months, Four Dogs, and Me" by Jon Katz, which my trainer recommended and I loved. It is about a man who after lifetime of mellow Labs adopts a Border Collie known as Hell Dog.

Good luck and keep these stories coming.
Hi Henry's Mom,

I can't help being a fan of yours, as reading your post you've also opened up your heart and home to take in a Rescue and haven't given up on him!! I'm confident in time with all your love Henry will someday be a well mannered member of the household!

For every step forward it's sometimes two steps backwards and although I see many positives in Robin ...I see he's also going to need a bit of work especially regarding being able to venture in the house. For the first time today I let him in with at the same time with Merlin to roam freely, with me observing...eeks! He grabbed CD's, socks, movie videos, a plastic lizard I had in a planter, he counter surfed and Merlin barked...sure he was saying "Hey Mom doesn't allow that!!!" Suddenly it dawned on me that Merlin is so trustworthy in the house and it's been weeks since he has done anything other than being a good boy in the house. I hadn't even had time to notice Merlin's transition from grabby puppy to a good dog whom never touches anything he's not supposed to...well okay maybe a planter but only if it's outside. Then with Robin.......oh sheesh...he grabs everything!

Robin jumped on the couch and tried to mouth the pillows, cushions...eeks again! He hasn't displayed that behavior in the computer room and is pretty well behaved in there. Of course I'm always there to observe and can walk out to get him water or make a coffee for myself and he's well behaved unlike the first few times. The one other time I allowed Robin in the living room it was just me while Merlin and Blue were outside and Robin was content to just sit next to me. This time he avoided Merlin in the house and seemed anxious and grabbing at everything. Again, I have to work on this. He even jumped up and swept his big paw on a hutch in the living room and knocked off an ornate box (filled with chocolates!) I thought too high for the dogs to reach. He ran outside with it..this time I followed determined to get it back and picked up a plastic lid and offered it as trade...he immediately dropped the box which I scooped up. Whew! he hadn't managed to get to the chocolates which I was afraid of him doing as they are dangerous to dogs.

Back in the house he goes...this time he grabbed my sweater from the back of the chair and proceeded to drag it around, chewing on it...I could tell he wasn't going to let go and was a bit agitated when I approached...this time I grabbed a tennis ball and offered it as trade...same thing again...he dropped my sweater and I scooped it up. Ah enough exicement for one day. I'm going to be the most meticulous housecleaner on my block....nothing will be on my counters, tables , hutches...for a while anyway! Ha ha!

Thanks again everyone for your words of encouragement! If I did write a book I'll title it "My life has gone to the dogs". :roll:

Oh last thing after asking for name changes from members here on another post...Robin will be renamed Panda. :D
haha! although im sure they give you a headache i love a good naughty sheepdog story. i can just see you chasing after him screaming "drop those chocolates!!" (i know cause ive done it myself.... many times) im eager to hear how you learn to deal with his grabby tendencies, i need to try a new method myself.. appearantly 'no' has no meaning anymore haha.

and im so glad you decided to go with panda! such a cute name for a cute boy! keep up the stories, like everyone else i really look forward to them every morning!

(ps- dont feel too bad, as i was typing this walter grabbed a pen, a shoe, and soem of my unmentionables! and as i was telling him no and calling him a naughty pup he was giving me kisses!haha too cute to punish!)
Thanks again!

Ohhhh you have to love when they give you that "sheepish" look when they've been up to something they shouldn't have...the head tilt is so classic. "Who me?", "I'm so adorable how could I possibly do anything wrong?". Ha!

It's been 2 wks and Robin hasn't changed much from the time I first viewed him at the airport - meaning he always appeared to be a good natured boy. He's far better on the leash and heels after the first block, (okay the first block my arms feels like they are being pulled out of the sockets.)

He's perfectly behaved in the computer room now and never sweeps his paw on the computer table like he did the first few days and doesn't chew anything he's not supposed to.(In that room) The first day he curled up in the fetal position when sleeping and now streches out full lenght and snores contently almost looks as if he is smiling. I have been sleeping on the Futon the past two weeks to make sure he's okay during the night and he's content to sleep on the floor. Although one morning I woke up and found him beside me with his big paw around my back! AWWWWWWWWW!! The only thing I worry about is that Blue and Merlin are continuing to sleep in the Living Room and I don't want Robin to think he's got the Alpha choice spot - but for now it's the only way to have peace and know all are safe during the night.

My friends at the dog park have been incredible with "Panda" formerly known as Robin to assist meeting as many people as possible and allowing him to view humans as overall good. The other day I was walking along a busy road when suddenly a huge construction truck with flashing lights pulled over on the sidewalk blocking our path. I made a wide circle around it, afraid that someone was going to step out of the door right where we were walking past. Turns out it was one of my friends from the dog park and the two of them had a treat for Robin/Panda! (This woman is one of the regulars at the park and also had a friend with her) They stayed to meet and greet Robin and offer him a treat. He did his bum wiggle and kisses.

Others from the park have seen me walking around the neighborhood and always make a point of stopping to meet "Panda". When I walk past the offleash dog park we usually (exept for the two times mentioned above) always stop and view everyone from the other side of the fence. Each time people have walked up to the fence with their dogs and greeted him. Yesterday, he met Sleath a enormous Wolf Husky, a Lab and a new 11 wk old puppy, Goliath, the Great Dane and Pongo the Dalmation. The meeting was successful. The only time they were not was the previous day when Bear, a Shepard raced to the fence with his hackles raised. "Panda" had not displayed any aggression towards him . Still this makes me hesitant to bring him in the park eventually as Bear is one of the regulars and is there daily.

Last night, several woman from the park presented me with a stuffed OES toy! Aww nice bunch of people!

Now for the not so good part. I was rather dismayed however to see that the mattress I had placed under the porch for Robin to rest on while I'm at work had a hole dug out of it...right down to the springs!! I didn't care about the mattress as next month I was going to place it outside to get picked up by our city's yearly huge cleanup day. The fact that he did it..caused me some concern as eeks what if it had been in the house? Ironically I had also given him a blanket (that I had used) and that was left intact. It seems to me that he does get destructive when left alone and I have heard of people whom have wolf hybrids returning home to find a "den" has been dug out of their couches. It may be that "Panda" needs that security as I've mentioned he is well behaved in the computer room and has never tried to chew the Futon or blankets in there, although I can now leave him for a longer period of time.(We're up to 10 mins) Ideally, the goal is to include him with the rest of the family. The majority of the time someone is always with him in that room.

Lastly, it's obvious to me he's had some kind of training as when I have the 25 ft leash clipped on him he leaps and races around and then races towards me (sometimes full speed) and then immediately stops infront of me and sits! Then goes to my right and sits and will down with no hesitation if given the command. I can't take credit for this- I'd be a miracle worker if I could have accomplished this in two weeks! I also from day one called him different names to view what his reaction was...---------come! He knows the come command as he's never ceased to not come. While I should have asked if he only understood Chinese I am assuming he has heard English spoken as Roy, his previous owner, and the woman whom accompanied him on his flight all speak fluent English. If the commands were given in Chinese or English I'm not sure but am leaning towards he does know the come and down commands spoken in English.

Oops I lied I said last thing...have to tell about a cute position I found him in the other day....gave him a chewie bone and left the room for a few mins. When I returned he was fast asleep with his paws curled up near his head and the chewie bone between them. Much like a young child sleeps with a stuffed animal. Very cute!

Well ....time for walks..bye for now.
glad to hear that Panda is so friendly towards everybody. maybe the "aggresion" only occured when the ex-owner attempted to physically discipline him.

Marianne, you really pulled through in the nick of time as I found out today from the ex-owner's associate that Panda/Robin was scheduled to be put to sleep THE DAY AFTER we posted but the appointment was cancelled and was rescheduled on the following week. talk about a close call! 8O

Enough about his past, may Panda, Merlin, Blue and yourself live your lives to their fullest!

take care now,

I have been meaning to write for so many days now, but it seems that everything has came up the past couple of weeks. I am so happy the way everything has turned out for Panda. (What a great new name for a great new life.) I have told this story to many and I am still baffled by the chain of events leading up to his rescue. I still say how amazed I am by everyone who helped Robin/Panda. I have enjoyed reading all of the updates. He seems like such a great dog. Please give Blue, Merlin, and Panda a big hug and I hope everything continues to get better. I am excited to hear when they all 3 get to play together. Stormi and co.

I haven't had a chance to visit the forum for a few days, and I am incredibly happy that all seems to be working out!!

I thank the Powers that be that Robin has his home, and a good one it is!! You have the patience, support, and love (most importantly!!) to raise three sheepies all at once .... don't worry, they'll get along with one another. :)

What a miracle!! You'll never convince me it was anything else!!

Bless you. I wish you ...

Hi Roy,

My heart did flip flops reading your post about Robin/Panda's -stay of execution..to think that this wonderful dog wouldn't have been able to show everyone that he is pretty amazing.

Of course I'm biased but it's become so obvious how well trained and intelligent he is. I never have to repeat a command to him...he does it right away- sit, down and come. He's so eager to please and like all OES's he has a humorous side and showed me what he could do.

It was aprox 1 am and I was laying on the Futon when Panda suddenly nudges me with his big nose and places a plastic apple on my arm. The apple is luckily about the size of a ball and was once on the end of a pencil. It's not one of those small plastic apples it's about the size of a tennis ball. He races to the end of the Futon...gasp!! he was showing me what he wanted me to do...so of course I threw it...he caught it in his mouth and again placed it this time in my hand...this continued for 1 hour!! He never missed once!! Finally at 2 am...I told him I needed to get some sleep as I had to be up at 5:45...and turned my back..he continued to nudge me with the apple for at least 15 mins, Ha ha! but I pretended to sleep. What a character he is!

Thanks Jtison and Stormi for your post, I feel so fortunate to have come to know this wonderful dog and see his full personality emerging. It is strange isn't it how we came together and he is truly a miracle dog.

He's now met more males and dogs on our walks and has never shown any aggression towards anyone. I still remain guarded however, just to be on the safe side. There was one woman whom also walked her dog at the Hydro Easment whom I always kept my distance from, explaining Robin's circumstance. Just 2 days ago she approached us (Panda was still on his 25 ft leash) but she came within that distance and the two dogs met, although they had seen each other from afar for a while. Her little dog is an ancient old guy of 19 years! Panda was very gentle with him.

The night before I attempted to take both Merlin and Panda for walks...(have attempted this a few times as the first block I brace myself and they both pull) After a block they are better, by five blocks they both are walking pretty good and I make a point of walking by a really busy street to get them used to traffic noises. There is a store/gas station which has a leash tie on located away from the front door but visable through the glass doors. A few times I wait, make sure there is no one around and then go into the store to make a purchase to get Merlin and Panda used to waiting for me. Both sat patiently and neither barked - (I've done this a few times) Again, I still have to be careful to watch when I leave Panda unattended in case someone showed up and tried to pat him. I am now confident he would be fine but still remain guarded. If someone pulled up I'm close enough that I could get back to the dogs as the gas pumps and parking is on the other side.

I still can't get over what a great personality he has....he sometimes races up to me when he's on his 25 ft leash and sits beside me...then will :D lay down wanting a belly rub. Sometimes he seems content to just sit on the grass with me and lean beside me while I talk to him. I tell him about his rescue and how many people were cheering his success. He probably doesn't understand a word I say but when he leans his head on my shoulder I sometimes think he does.
oh man... more tears...
thats story about 1 am fetch is just too funny.. i also cant believe that you would stay up for an hour playing fetch with panda, it absolutely shows that you two were meant for each other.
i am still cheering robin on, and wish that him and walter could meet and robin could teach him some manners haha!

im also very proud of blue and merlin for being so patient with their new brother, it sounds like things are coming along... i cant wait til they can all play together in the backyard!
Hi Marianne,

lol, you must have the stamina of 10 people! We were watching a documentary on sleep deprivation yesterday nite and both elby and I thought of you :lol:

Has Panda visited his new vet yet for checkups?

We are still facsinated by your reports his sunny personality and how/why people form his past life has such a hard time with him :roll:

How is Blue and your cats finding him these days?

Thanks for keeping us posted.

roy and elby

I love that you play fetch at 1am with Panda. Honestly, I second Roy & Elby’s question: when do you sleep?

Of course Panda understands you when you talk to him, you are having a conversation--he leans against you to tell you that he is learning to understand what it means to be loved, and with your voice and tummy rubs you are teaching him to love and trust you in return.
Haaaaaaaaa Sleep deprived? Definately...have been for years! (I sleep 3-4 hours per night and up until a few months ago have always had 3 jobs on average, since I was a teen. Now I just teach 4.5 hours and perform my magic shows on weekends but since this is my own business I have recently started taking weekends off. (I'm usually booked to do 1 hr shows every weekend)

I seriously think I wouldn't be happy however, unless I'm busy...involved..doing something. My priorities change at times but right now life is pretty good as I have the time to dedicate it to my interest - at the moment it's the dogs. :D which is a lifelong commitment.

I am so happy with what's happened today - have to share!!!! I started the morning with taking Blue for a walk, he's still seems a bit morose over having to share the house with a new brother. He seems happiest when going on individual walks with just me, although he's fine with Merlin on walks. He looks like he's in 7th heaven with just him and I. One woman in particular at my school took it apon herself to bring me Tortellini and Lasagna just for Blue!!! At his age (14) he's entitled to this treat, Robin and Merlin eat kibbles. They eat in seperate places so they are not aware of his special treatment..but boy does he know!!! Starting at 8:45 am we went on a 1hr and 1/2 walk...Blue was so tired when we returned. (Some of this time was spent at a park just sitting and me petting him. Apon our return - he slept.

Next up was Panda, we went to the Hydro Easement where he romped and played and he and I sat and chatted. I, since day one have always stroked his head, touched his paws and lifted up his ears..now at the point where I can touch the inside (to prepare him for the medicine that I've been warned he hates to take).

After the Hydro Easement we often walk around the neighborhood and usually end up at the offleash dog park where we view all the dogs and people whom now always come up to the fence to greet us. Today, all five people there (friends that I see daily with Merlin) said "Bring him in!" One huge guy had recieved lots of doggies kisses from Panda whom stands on his rear legs with front paws on the fence and reached over licking this guy. (he's been giving Panda treats as have all the others that know his story) I thought it was still a bit soon but with encouragement from all five people and with offers of help should I need it - I entered with Panda on the 25 ft leash. If a dog can smile and I know they can...Panda was grinning from ear to ear!!!!!!!!!! The biggest dog smile you can imagine!!!

I was encouraged to let him off the leash as all five dogs there (whom I know very well) and their people felt confident by his body language that he'd be fine. Ironcially, he greeted all the three men present with big wiggles and kisses and later the women. Panda romped and played and had the time of his life! He came immediately every time I called him and would sit immediately at my side. Walking home he was one tired dog!

Next up was Merlin - the easiest of the three as he's been visiting the offleash dog park daily since he was 11 wks old. Not cause he's my dog (although I admit to being biased) but Merlin is known as one of the friendliest dogs at the park. He greets all the people he knows and his dog buddies. People with pups or small dogs love him as he gets down on all fours to play with the little ones and will allow them to crawl all over him and is so gentle with them. He rough houses with the Shepards and Labs and when the herding dogs come, they race and try to outrun one another. After 1 hr and 1/2 we head for home. Merlin whom pulled and tugged on his leash all the way there is now walking at a slow pace completely by my side. Haaaaaa they are so good when worn out!!!

Naaa haaa (laughs evil laugh) I wore all three dogs out! I have been waiting ages to do that so that I could once again attempt the back yard with all three present. A miracle!!! No growlies, no noises ....nothing!!!! I was a bit aloof to Panda and Merlin(although would pat them on the head should they come to my side)but paid the most attention to Blue whom has the Alpha position he desperately wanted. I played ball with Blue and filled up the kiddie pool I dragged home over my shoulder one day, given to me by a new found friend I met in the neighborhood. I happened to mention I needed one for my dog. He said I have one my dogs don't use..you can have it! On a sidenote should mention I've met tons of people in my neighborhood that I would never have had the opportunity to meet if it weren't for the dogs. It's usually them starting the conversations by saying hello, I see you around always walking a dog..ha ha!

Panda was happy playing in his Green Plastic Turtle Pool and enjoyed a game of playing bob for the ball. I for once didn't listen to the trainers advice not to encourage the dogs to play in water but this has saved my fishpond from any more destruction. Merlin just laid down in the back under the shade of the tree and was dozing. An hour passed and all seemed content. I decided to end it there on a happy note and left Panda and Merlin in the back and brought Blue in for more one on one time.

Made my boys dinner and after that I returned at 7 pm to the dog park with Merlin (as he's a bit upset being left out of the computer room in the evenings) Again from experience I know the more worn out they are the better behaved at home. He rough housed for an hour with one of his best doggie pals and at the moment I'm writing this he's snoozing on the back porch.

I won't write any more updates for a while and again I can't take a lot of credit for Panda's behavior as he is a really good dog. He's very well trained so obviously someone worked with him in the past. He's good with other dogs, if he weren't this would be so difficult and I would probably would not have offered to take him. Blue is 14 and I adopted him at 2 years from a Rescue Shelter and even 12 years later he can't handle being around more than 1-2 dogs or he's too stressed. Having two dogs that were not dog friendly would have been too much to handle and would never let me have peace in the house. If I had a choice I would have chosen a female dog for a companion for Merlin after Blue passed away. However, circumstances were I wanted to help out Panda/Robin. I'm so glad I did.

I don't want to make everything sound perfect as they are many issues that still need to be overcome. Allowing Panda in the house and not have Blue attack him, or have Panda snarl at Merlin when he tried to enter the computer room (He nows sees this space as his domain) which I was a bit afraid of happening but had no choice but to have Panda in a seperate room to teach him acceptable behavior in a house. (he had never been allowed in a house previously). I don't want people reading this to think that I can do a better job than they could - I just knew that with my current lifestyle and no small children in the house that I would have the time and energy to commit to Panda. My boys are older (my youngest is 17) and is out with friends so I'm not taking away from those reponsibilities. Sigh I lied when I said I was going to become a meticulous housekeeper...I've actually got behind on that part- but what the heck!

Long winded post, but as I've said that's all I'm going to write about it for a while but will keep members updated from time to time on his progress.

I just love Panda!!! He's an incredible loving and intelligent dog, and as of yet everyone that's met him has commented on his affectionate personality. I was lucky to have our lives cross paths.

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I second that emotion Ron! With MUCH emotion. :D I am sure that I would not have the patients. I am glad to know that things are going so well. I love reading the updates.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:oops: awww shucks! You guys are so nice!
You deserve a standing ovation! But all I could give you online is a bunch of applause.

You've made my month so special. THANKS!

Thank you for all the posts on your boys, I love hearing about the trials and tribulations of THREE dogs in one house, not to mention your trainer, neighbors, and strange encounters. Panda is doing so beautifully with your love and attention. Remember the forum mantra (whisper: pictures, pictures, pictures . . . .)

A standing ovation from me too!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
what can we say....

YOU'RE AMAZING MARIANNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh gosh these accolades are a bit embaressing.. :oops: What it really comes down to is the incredible personality of Panda aka Robin. I said I wasn't going to write any more but today's escapade is too awesome not to share.

I returned home from work and this time took Blue and Merlin on a really lengthy walk...both returned in complete heel positions on the way home (always repeat myself, but tired dogs are always so well behaved.) I then retrieved Panda from the backyard and this time with Merlin along ( yeah only one of them pulled!)So much that one of my neighbors seeing me hold on to both leashes yelled "Mush!" from his balcony. Ha Ha! I walked down to the offleash dog park - having attempted bringing both of them the previous evening which had been successful. I wanted to attempt this again.

When we arrived there were four people present and four dogs...when we left aprox an hour later , there were 16 people and 22 dogs!!! Robin was a hit amongst the other people...he greeted everyone old people, kids, men and ladies. One woman was so enamored with him she begged me if she could have him! No way I'd part with him...he's with me for life!

I could have cried...as it was discovered Panda plays soccer!!!!!!!!!!! One young girl had brought along a soccer ball for her dog but he was too interested in playing with the other dogs. She said she didn't mind if Panda played with it as he kept picking it up. Pretty soon people were throwing the ball for Panda...then some of the men decided to play soccer! Panda was the star!! What a site to see - Panda playing soccer with several men!

See ....it was so overwhelming seeing him jump high in the air and bounce the ball on his head and then pick it up each time and bring it to someone to throw or kick. Most of the people at the park know his story which made it even more touching. Comments of , "He's such a wonderful dog", were made several times. A sense of deja vu and a hint of sadness and for an instant he reminded me of Shaggy whom used to do the very same thing with soccer balls. It was truly a magical day for all of us. I'm truly overwhelmed at his personality and his gentleness - He doesn't even attempt to chase my four cats! I am in awe of his spirit and how others from the dog park have accepted him and helped make him see that the majority of humans are kind and loving towards him.

One thing that was noticed too, by many of the people at the park is that he never let me out of his sight nor did I let him out of my sight. Even after such a brief time I couldn't imagine life without him. (Takes time to dab eyes) Okay I'd better stop now.

Thanks everyone for listening

it was all meant to be :wink:
Panda sure sounds great! I am so happy for Blue too. You are doing a super job.

Love your summaries. Does make the day here at our house too. Hope everything keeps going so well.

I hit the dollar store yesterday and came out 45 dollars poorer..stocked up on soccer balls, bandanas, chewie toys...groaners funny how inexpensive items seem to add up!

The bank approved me getting a loan!!! Yeah!!! I'm getting a van as my sports car isn't really suitable for three dogs..but of course didn't tell them exactly that I needed a van ..said it was for home improvements. They would think I'm a bit nutty if I said it was for the dogs. Just getting an old beat up one so I can take at least two at a time out. Kinda funny telling dealers..I don't care what the body looks like or the interior..but Must have airconditioning and run well. Hee Hee.

oops said I wasn't going to write anymore!

>>slaps hand and covers mouth. :lol:
we want more updates! keep them coming!

i think blue panda and merlin should get their own sitcom
Hi Marianne! I have been checking in to see if there are any more updates on Panda! How are things going? What an incredible story! I sure wish there were more people like you around!!! Pleeeeeease keep us updated!!! :roll: :?: :D
I really think you need to go ahead a get a "Wiggle Bus". You never know who (or what 4 legged) might be waiting around the corner. We all know one thing for sure, they will be real lucky to end up with you as a Mom. :D I agree with the keep the posts coming, they always get my attention and love reading them
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