A wish came true! I got to sleep in this morning.

OMG... You don't know how thrilled I was this morning when I woke up and looked at the alarm clock and saw it said 11am.
I dropped Ryan off with my Mom last night for the weekend :banana:
Hayley is still here, but she went to bed pretty late last night.
I finally woke up rested for the first time in years!!!!
Maybe tomorrow Hayley will also sleep late. I can wish can't it?
Ryan will be leaving for his Dad's house at the end of the month. So at least we will be able to sleep past 7am. :D
Ryan is always up with the sun :roll:
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:lol: :lol: :lol: WOOHOO!!!!!
Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good for you :) It does feel nice to sleep in once in a while :)

I am jealous!! I do not think I have done that in over 7 years... 11am- THANKS FOR BRINGING BACK MEMORIES!!!
That's always nice! Brandon is the same way. The second the sun starts to rise, he's awake.
My husband doesn't understand the appeal of sleeping in. He feels that it a waste of the day.
When I was a kid I used to sleep for 15 hrs a night, on the weekends.
When I got Mono at 19 yrs old (from staying up all night partying during the summer, not from kissing because my boyfriend was in GA for the summer) I slept for two and a half days. I was living alone. When I woke up I got dressed to go to my classes and realized that it was night time when I turned on the TV to find the evening news on. (I lived in a basement apt with only one small window in the bedroom, when the shade was pulled no light came in) After talking to my Mom I realized I had been out for 2 days. 8O
That means that for two mornings in a row my alarm clock was blaring for an hour each morning and I heard nothing.

I could seriously sleep for two days straight now if someone let me. Also I am NOT a morning person. Also I am always tired.
I felt so refreshed today. :D Only 16 1/2 more years until I can sleep late again :wink:
It's amazing how little makes us so happy :lol:
My husband doesn't understand the appeal of sleeping in. He feels that it a waste of the day.

I hear you. Don is an early riser, does the garage sales between 7 and 8, even before the stuff is out. Then he will "surprise" me with bacon and eggs at the ungodly hour of 8:30am on a Saturday..

I have to act all appreciative etc, but who asked him?????

I could sleep all day.
Bosley's mom wrote:
I hear you. Don is an early riser, does the garage sales between 7 and 8, even before the stuff is out. Then he will "surprise" me with bacon and eggs at the ungodly hour of 8:30am on a Saturday..

I have to act all appreciative etc, but who asked him?????

I could sleep all day.

LMAO... Billy is always up at 6:30-7 and goes to Lowes or Home Depot :roll: He will also make breakfast and tells me to get up if I want to eat. :evil: I too have to act appreciative. :lol: I would be much so more appreciative if he let me sleep in and made breakfast later.
Or he come in and wakes me up and says he wants to go out for breakfast before the crowds get there. I usually fall back asleep. He will come in again and say I am leaving in 15 minutes with or without you. :roll: The prospect of not having to cook for the kids is usually what gets me out of bed.
I’m not a morning person, but all my children are inn their pree-teens and teens, so they have to bee dragged out of the bed, and then they are really grumpy and call me an early raiser, and the clock is about 11.30…… 8O
Ann E wrote:
I’m not a morning person, but all my children are inn their pree-teens and teens, so they have to bee dragged out of the bed, and then they are really grumpy and call me an early raiser, and the clock is about 11.30…… 8O

OMG This send me year back in time :!:
How mutch they seems to be equal to their mom :!: :kiss:
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