Backyard Beauty No More! Bries award is being taken from us.

:cry: WELL I AM IN TEARS!! at the moment. Bries award is being taken from us because of complaints. I DID NOT KNOW!! there was a faint reflection in the window of another OES till the judge made a comment of that when giving her this months award & commenting on the photo. I thought it was a wonderful & cute photo of my baby, but apparently there has been complaints made and I have upset a lot of people because of another OES SLIGHT!! reflection in the window has caused an uproar & a flood of annonymous e-mail.

So sorry this has happened and terribly terribly upset & embarrassed too, can't stop crying at the moment just such an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

I feel just so awful and upset that this has happened and people can be so nasty & critical about something that is suppose to be a fun thing.

I feel for the sheepie dreams group too very much as they have to deal with all this because of an innocent mistake of submitting a photo of my little baby and not noticing a slight refelction of another in the window.

Very heartbreaking that people can be so critical of a picture of my baby.

Lisa who at the moment is in tears & extremely upset by all that has happened and very sorry to of caused such controversy by a simple photo of my baby girl. :cry:

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I looked at the picture and had to study really hard to see that there was a sheepdog in the sliding glass door.

I don't think that should have disqualified the picture, I think whoever raised it as an issue was being a sore loser. If there was a photograph of a sheepie on a mantlepiece inside the house, would that have disqualified the picture? What if you zoomed in on Brie's eyes and found the reflection of another dog in there?

Shouldn't the fact that there is a reflection of a sheepdog in the wet stone of the NEW winner disqualify THAT picture, too?

Brie is still a champion with me.
OMG...thats awful. I cannot believe they took away Brie's award. It is not fair. :evil: It's not like the picture was of the two dogs, it was of Brie. I also thought the reason they picked the picture was because of the reflection. That is just wrong to take away what you rightfully won!!! :evil:

I had my dogs entered in this contest and was very happy that you won.
Why can't people just get over the fact that they didn't win and be happy for you...instead of jealous!! :evil:
I would be heartbroken too. I am sitting here in tears :cry:
(((Hugs to you Lisa)))
Oh, the judge had said s/he chose it BECAUSE of the reflection?? I missed that in your post, Lisa.

Well then... they'd really have no choice but to do what they did.

Still stinks though.
I just sent an e-mail stating that they should have caught that before awarding prize. That it's not right to take a prize away.
I do understand why they had to do it, but still think it sucks.
No they had no choice there ron, but what stinks more is e-mails to them not signed with a name, that is what has terribly upset me the most.

Fair enough, rules are RULES and it was a genuine mistake by me, but at least people can be open in there critisimn of what has happened.

I truly am just so upset by that, not the fact that brie has had the award cancelled, just the spite factor that if anyone has a reasonable and fair enough comment on something the fact they can't put there name to it.

It really has upset me, big time and I am terribly upset & embarrased for the sheepie dream people as well, they are trying to sort this out at the moment & I feel so sorry for them too that this has occured for them because of a simple puppy photo :cry: .

:( :( :( :( :( :(
Well, I still think YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is the big deal?
The Judges are the ones who picked her as the winner! They knew what the pic looked liked in the first place. ( to tell ya the truth no matter how many times I looked I couldn't see another sheepie)

but who cares anyways! The SOUR losers I guess.
what do you get for the prize? a million dollars? a new car? must be something big that people are like this.

how odd
Brie is most definitely still a backyard beauty! I'm sorry that you are sad about the award. Putting it in perspective, when I first skimmed the subject of your post, I thought it said BRIE was being taken away from you -- not the award. Can you imagine?? 8O

So I hope you take pleasure in knowing it was the favorite picture and try not to sweat the technicality that rendered it ineligible.

Well, having a big mouth comes in handy sometime....... I sent them am email and told them HOW WRONG I thought they were :twisted:

I think we should start an email campaign and POLITELY inform them of the error of their ways :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Brie should always be the winner in your heart and mind. If senseless nonesense is going to remove the award, SHAME ON ALL OF THEM.

Keep your chin up and know you have a beauty!
Feel better!
I would like to give the same response to the person that complained as I did to the person who was complaining that the members didn't show enough concern about all members:
Is that even for real? Is so, wow, get a life.

You and Brie got the shaft, Lisa. It wasn't fair to take the award away. Technically the other dog isn't even in the backyard! Those contests are the kind of thing that, if you win, you're really happy, but if you don't, no big deal. You move on and submit something the next month. The increasing amount of whiners in this world never cease to amaze me. You guys still won in my book. :)
I think you're still the backyard beauty, too! Actually, when I went and saw your pic on-line I read the judge's comment and couldn't see the sheepie in the window at all. I thought he must have really good eyes. :roll:
Sorry to hear they took her award, she IS the cutest anyway :)
Awww...Im sorry! Brie is still number 1! Remember, she won in the first place...its like a beauty pagent...1st runner up still isnt the winner, she just moved up.....Brie will still be the original winner, always!
Not to start a war or get edited but I'm just curious, is the "new" winner's dog a member of the OES-L? And if you have to whine your way into winning what have you won?

BRIE ROCKS :) And we think she's adorable!
brie's picture was so adorable i cant imagine they found a better one!
I got two e-mails back from Michelina last night. She is very upset over what happened. I felt bad for criticizing her. It was 3:30 am her time and she was still over disgusted over the whole thing.
So I don't think an e-mail campaign would help. It would probably get her more upset for not catching the other dog in the picture. She and Terry didn't even notice it until the judge picked it for that reason.

What I have learned is that Lisa will still be receiving the Grand Prize that was listed even though it is a limited edition because she felt Lisa deserved it. She thought it that was the least she could do.

So I really think we should drop this now and far as bashing their site. Poor Michelina was being personally attacked in the anonymous e-mails she was receiving by the people who were complaining about decision of Lisa winning. She had to stick with the rules on this... Which I do understand.
So she decided to award everyone that participate in the contest a prize.
I don't feel she needed to go that far. Because now she is just pacifing these sore losers. But it was her decision.

Lisa is still a winner in my eyes!
I too know Michelina, she is also a member here ( ), and I am saddened that this has affected her.

I don't think anything was done by her maliciously, a judge made an innocent error and someone called them on it. I wouldn't have done it anonymously, but if I had a picture in the contest I might have dropped them a note that said something like: "Ummm I hate to point out that the rules said 1 sheepdog..."

Welcome to the real online world, Michelina! :roll: C'mon, grab a cup of tea, and come out here and sit on the curb with me!
Well, I still think once a decision is made, it's MADE and I have a low opinion of people who don't OWN their words (only cowards write anonymous emails).
Hi everyone, feeling a bit better today, thankyou all for your kind words.

Feel very sad that there are people like that in the world and pity them also as they must not have much of a fulfilling & happy life. Never mind I suppose there will always be miserable people like that around. :cry:

Just was such a huge shock to one minute be on such a happy high and the next to come crashing down with a thud all in 24 hours. :?

Again I don't blame sheepie dreams team, they have had an awful time sorting all this out, just feel very sorry that this happened and something that was suppose to be a fun thing can be turned into so much drama for them. :cry:

Congratulations to those annonymous people too, I hope it made your day :?
In my book you are #1 :lol:
Just catching up on this thread. Wow, Lisa! What a sucky thing to happen!! Of course no one is getting rich on the grand prize, so I don't see what the big hairy deal is. :evil:

Brie IS the backyard beauty in our eyes! :hearts:
I can't believe someone complained over that. I'm sorry :(
Hello to all that have read and replied to this thread....

Please let me clear the air - I can not possibly please everyone, nor do I wish to. I am just stating facts, and keeping this entire odeal in check.

I, on behalf of my company, take FULL responsibilty for what transpired on my website. There was an error in judging in which there was an HONEST mistake. The judge didn't realize there was the 1 dog per photo rule for that particular month. When the photo was submitted, no one noticed another OES even in the picture, including myself. I had to have it pointed out to me....

I have NO PART in judging any of these photos because I know most of the people that participate every month. That would not be fair to anyone. The judge picked Brie because of her pose, and because she was "intruiged" by the oes in the backround looking at her through a glass door. It was then that no one realized (which Terry, Theresa, or Danielle should have realized) the judge made an error.


We received a few anonymous complaints in which I'm not getting into, but rules ARE rules. My company made an honest mistake, and I'm willing to take full responsibility for it. Brie is/was the original winner for May, and I am encorperating this precious girl into my calendar however I possibly can. Lisa, which I can't believe had to go through this, IS getting the original grand prize along with the second chosen winner.

I am still disgusted over one specific email and personal attacks at my company for the way we handled the judging. I barely had any sleep for two days because I can't believe this has happened and that it snowballed.

I think people that sent anonymous emails bashing people personally, and professionally IS cowardly. If you have the nerve to say something like that and attack me personally for creating that is supposed to be fun for everyone, attach your name and own up to it.

I am giving EVERYONE a prize because I think they all deserve it, for starters, and because that was the best possible solution I can think of because I didn't want to have the judge, Theresa, Terry, or Danielle to chose 6 random prize winners. Just give everyone a little something as a thank you for showing support and having a great time participating.

This "Sheepie Stars" contest was created IN FUN!!! FUNNNNN.... I wanted people to come on my website and look at the Other OES lovers and share pictures....and while you are at it, your entering to win a free prize from my company. I would have never dreamed of this happening.....and it ruins it for everyone else.

I am willing to own up to something if people feel it was wrong, I have to make sure that the rules and regulations of my contest are followed through....

Ron where the heck are a spot for me on that curb, would ya.....

(p.s. I'm not signed in right now)

I do know lisa, and this should have NEVER happened.

I would like the public to know (forum people), that this whole situation was taken care of.

I'm making sure I clear the air because I want to make sure there are no rumors, or false statements attached to SheepieDreams.

Thank you!

I think I speak for all of us here and, of course, no one blames you! We know it was an honest mistake and I think we're all pretty bummed that anyone would get so upset as to first complain or attack you. I think you're handling it fairly on both sides given the situation. It makes me personally mad that anyone would be so petty to get mean about it! I'm sorry you have to go through this when all you were doing is a holding a "fun" contest for people to enjoy with their dogs!

Please don't feel bad :( In the overall scheme of things this is just a blip, which was quickly resolved. You are being more than fair to everyone involved. Being attacked personally by someone who doesn't have the courage to sign their name is cowardly at best! I will certainly continue to follow the contest because I enjoy it.
yeah I think you hit the nail on the head. We call it the "tall poppy syndrome". If someone succeeds knock them down as soon as you get the opportunity.

Why is it that you try and do something fun and get people involved spend all that time making lovely prizes (and I know how long things take)

Just to have it slagged on

Poor Lisa you were so excited and proud. Were you the first Ozzie to win??
Bries a winner and so are you Lisa..for being so sweet about this whole thing.
Poor Michelina....Hold your head high...youre doing a great job..and should be very proud of the way youve handled yourself..I applaude you

Terry Dennis Adelaide South Australia...alias Doggy Doos
Hi again everyone, just want to let you all know that things have been resolved and knowing michelina for awhile now I admire her integrity and handling of this situation too.

Michelinas artwork and her way of capturing a special essence and character of the breed is much admired & sought after by collectors ALL around the world, I know here in Australia there is a lot of lovers and collectors of her highly desireable pieces, so I can understand totally all the "WHO HA!" that has happened when it comes to aquiring a piece of her artwork.

I heard of one client of michelinas that lost everything in Cyclone Katrina including one of there beloved OES and after 3 years of collecting michelinas original pieces of art work too that all went as well, how devastating that was for that person the loss of two very special loved things in that persons life.. Another client that went through an awful hardship and to think that special art pieces can bring a smile and a bit of joy into that persons life is wonderful and heartwarming. It does bring a lot of pleasure to many many people around the world, you can never put a price on that and not to mention too the generousity this artist shows too, to the breed and people involved in the breed as well. :D

No big deal the prize? well to some it obviously is and I can understand there desperate desire to aquire something from this artist anyway they can regardless of who they have to knock over and hurt to get it.

Unfortunately that is the nature of certain individuals in the world and we all have to learn deal with people like that sometime in our lives, I suppose it is a lifes learning experience when people like that cross your path. :evil:

Just wanted to say that, and also michelina again thankyou so much for being you, a wonderful ambassador around the world for the breed and someone who I admire so much in all that you represent.

I hope this forum will also support this competition and send in photos too as it would be an awful shame if you don't, and the annonymous complainers win then!!, I am having another go as I really have enjoyed it each month since it started, have had a great time looking at the pictures and having a giggle at some of the photos and what our lovely clownish breed gets up too. :wink:

That's what it is all about the universal appeal of our lovely breed, sharing and caring about all things OES and meeting and getting to know people who are fortunate enough in there lives to be owned and loved by this beautiful breed. :wink:
Wow. I don't know whether I like or dislike weekends (husband was all for an entire week...mostly b/c he was sick). I miss so much! It shocked me at first to read the first post, but I'm glad that in the end... it all worked out. Everyone knows lisa has the prettiest dog .....I guess that should be dog(s). ;)
Lisa, your sheepies are so gorgeous. :D I always have to sigh when I see your sheepies in those luxurious full coats.

:( Gee whiz... mistakes happen. Individuals making personal slams over a contest and a no-entry-fee one at that?? Disappointment, yes, I can surely understand that but not sending anonymous emails to make someone feel bad. I dislike it when people hide behind anonymous postings/emails.

Michelina, I never did explain why I've never entered :( I was ready to enter 2-3 months ago but then read the rules. I take pictures for a living as part of my business. I don't sell the pictures... I guess you'd say they're used in "ads" but technically I'd be considered a professional. Just thought I should explain why I haven't shown my support. But I love to see all the pics from everyone who's entered each month! :D

Passing you another cup of tea... make sure it doesn't come out your nose! Enjoy the upcoming weekend!
OMG..I've been gone all weekend and just read this. It is unfathomable that someone would make a huge deal out of this situation and make Micheline and Sheepie Dreams feel badly about their ADORABLE website and business. The contest is for fun. It's not like someone is winning Publishers' Clearing House Sweepstakes. It was an honest that has been addressed and dealt with ethically. As I've said in other posts recently, there are always a few nuts in every group :D

Look on the bright side, the contoversy may bring more picture submissions (including mine...I keep forgetting)!and purchases of Michelina's beautiful art. :D
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