Hubba Bubba Boy

Bubba had to be sent to the bridge Wednesday May 31st. It all started last Friday. He was sick and couldn't keep anything down. At the vets office they found something in his stomach on the x-ray thas wasnt supposed to be there. Bubba ate a sock. He got to come home the next day. But after a couple days he wasn't able to keep anything down including his medicine. He went back in Tuesday and by the next evening he was VERY bad off and I had to make the decision to hep him to the bridge. He was such a special boy from the day we brought him home from the airport he's my couch potato, snugglebum big wonderful sheepie boy.

Two children in one week ...I didn't think it was possible

I'll probably be away for a while but so I don't end on such a sad note I want to let yall now that I'm not sheepieless. Grannie Annie is wonderful. I know it is soon but my house was so empty that Madison came to live with us last night. I'll let ya know more about her later
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OMG Cher! I am so sorry to hear about Bubba.
(((((Hugs to You))))) Do you think the reason he didn't get better was because he was missing Bella? It does happen.
Nobody should have to go through what you just did.
That is so awful!!
Don't feel guilty about getting another dog so soon.
Madison will do wonders for easing the pain.
You have mine and my husbands sincerest sympathies.
Oh, Cher, what a hard time you're going through right now! I remember so vividly when you adopted Bubba from mouthypf and how easily he fit into your household. Please accept my most heartfelt condolences on the loss of both your babies in such a short timespan.

It's a good thing you have Madison now to help take a little of the sting out of the hurt. Bubba and Bella will forever be in your heart and memories. Big hugs to you in your time of grief.
Oh that is dreadful! I can't imagine the sadness you must feel -- and also the joy at having Madison join your family. Life is so strange. I have so much sympathy for your dear departed sheepies :( and look forward to hearing more about Madison when you are ready to share.
cher my heart goes out to you, i cant believe you lost two babies so close together. i am sure they have each other at the bridge, and im glad to hear that you have madison to help ease the pain.

just remember we are all here for you and will be waiting to hear all about your new girl!
I am so sorry you have lost two of your babies so soon,
You are in my thoughts and prayer. :cry:
Oh god, my heart is aching for you.

Give Madison a hug from me.
Oh no! I am so sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine going through what you have. I hope Madison brings some new light to your home.
Oh, no! I'm so sorry this happened, especially all at once like that. I can't imagine what you're going through.
Cher, how awful for you :( I know your heart is huge and maybe your new girl will help fill the void.

I am so sorry! {{{hugs to you}}} :cry:
So very sorry...
Diane :cry:
I am so sad for you. I am glad you have Madison with you but I know you still feel your other sheepie's loss. Take your time and let Madison help you. :cry:
Oh I am so very sorry... :cry:
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Our hearts go out to you! We KNOW you've suffered a great loss, and only wish we could ease your pain!!! We're soooooooo very sorry for your loss!!!

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
My heart goes out to you. ((((( big hugs))))
I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine your pain. I hope Madison will help ease some of your loss.

Big Hugs from all of us here in Louisiana.

:cry: :cry: :cry:
Cher, I simply cannot imagine going through such sadness twice in one week...... (((HUGS))).
OMG. I'm so sorry for your losses. I can't imagine what you are going through. Kisses and hugs sent your way.
I'm sorry for your loss. You did the right thing. Take your time is mourning this, as you get adjusted to the changes. Only the wonderful memories will remain as time goes on.
:( :( :( So very, very sorry for your loss. :( :( :cry:
:cry: This is so sad. I am so sorry. You did a very brave thing. I hope you find peace and comfort. Where do you live in Nevada? If you're close you can come visit our Sheepies. Many good wishes sent your way as well as heartfelt condolences.
I'm so sorry to hear about your additional loss. So sad.

I'm so sorry to hear about Bubba's passing. Take solace that he's probably taking care of his little Bella at the bridge and she's not alone. I can't imagine the grief you must be going through to have lost two kids in such a short time..and even in your grief you thought of Pam. Hugs to you and may your new girl bring you as much joy as Bella and Bubba.

Marianne and the boys

Condolences to Pam as well..You loved your boy enough to let him go. That was such an unselfish act and a mom's love. Hugs to you as well.
I am so sorry for your loss. Your babies are together now and have each other, may that bring you a little comfort. God bless you. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Hearts go out to you through this difficult time....

Memories will live forever!!!
Cher -

I am so sorry to hear of Bubba's passing. I just got the news and found your post today. I hope that you and Madison are doing well.

I remember my time with Bubba, we spent a night together before I put him on the plane in Chicago to Nevada, and I will never forget what a good boy he was. I am so sorry to hear of his passing, but know that he is happy and young again over the Rainbow Bridge playing with his friend.

My deepest sympathies to you my friend.

Kevin Z.
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