Bosley has an Ulcer on his Cornea

He'd been rubbing for the past day or two, and this morning his eye was closed. Took him in to be looked at and he had drops put in his eye that shows an ulcer. He has to wear a cone to stop his rubbing his eye, had a shot for the pain, and needs drops every 1 to 4 hours for the next 24 hours.
Vet wants to see him again tomorrow morning and if he has not improved he goes to a specialist on Monday (if we can get an appointment), and then possible surgery.
If anyone has any information or experience in this area please let me know.
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I am so sorry! My cat had a nasty ulcer on his eye that was present a couple of days before I realized it. I had left the two cats alone while I was away for the weekend, never had a problem in the past, and somehow just didn't notice the scratch because, as a persian, he tends to have runny eyes.

I took him to the ER and they made him a syrum based on a sample of his own blood. I also had to give it every hour for 24 hours. . . it was horrible staying up all night worried that he would lose his beautiful eye. . . I was told that using syrum was more effective than whatever antibiotic they could have prescribed. He also needed the follow up appointment twelve hours later because they needed to determine whether to operate. Well, syrum did the trick and his eye healed good as new! It is extremely important to do the drops as directed.

Hope that's encouraging.

Best wishes for Bosley!
Keeping my fingers crossed that Bosley won't have to have surgery.
I am so sorry to hear about this.
Just when things were looking so good with Dixie this happens with Bosley.
I also hope surgery can be avoided and he heals on his own.
You and Bosley will be in our thoughts and prayers. :plead:
Hugs to you Nicole!

How does one get an ulcer in the eye?
Poor puppy! I hope the drops make him better. :(
Oh, poor Bosley!! :oops: Give that special boy a big belly rub from me please! I hope you can avoid surgery for him as well.
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
How does one get an ulcer in the eye?

I was told it is usually caused by something scratching the eye.
Oh no! I hope the treatment is successful for him... Poor baby!
Poor Bosley :cry:

I hope the eye drops work!!

Pooooor Bosley! :(

Pooor Mommy!
Oh goodness! Poor Bosley! :( I'm so sorry to hear this Nicole. I have no experience with this to share, but I do hope he will respond positively to the drops and that the surgery is not necessary. Keeping you in my thoughts.

Please let us know how he does.
Oh no, I'm sorry. I hope he gets better and someone can offer you some advice having gone through it.
I hope it heals quickly
Thanks for the good wishes.

No idea how it happened. The dog park we have been frequenting lately has lots of wood chips, so maybe a splinter caused an irritation?

We are hoping it starts to heal on its own, with him no longer able to scratch at it. The drops are a topical antibiotic to avoid any infection developing. They don't patch it because bacteria thrives in a warm,dark environment. We will know more tomorrow morning, when the vet has another look at it, after 24 hours.

We were concerned about keeping Dixie from rough-housing with him, but no fear. She is afraid of the cone and won't go near him. 8O
Best wishes Nicole and Bosley, hope all works out OK. Thinking of you all :cry:
Ahh, poor Bosley. Good luck getting better!
Best for a speedy recovery and that the drops are successful!
I've got my fingers crossed for a good report from the vet.
Just got back from the follow-up visit, 24 hours later. He kept sliding his eyeball up so we couldn't look at it, until I covered his good eye and then talked to him. He is so nosey he had to open his bad eye to look at me so we could have a quick peek. But not good enough, so we froze it again, and put more green die so we could have a good look.

The cornea looks "slightly" better. I have an appointment with a specialist an hour away in downtown Toronto on Monday afternoon at 4:30. Anyone who knows this area can sympathise with me....downtown TO in rush hour traffic... 8O

Anyway, there is a still a chance to avoid that, as I am bringing Bosley back to my vet at 8:30AM Monday for another final look. If he looks good enough and is mending on his own we cancel the appointment and let nature and management take its cource. If he doesn't look good enough then off to the specialist we go. So drops every 2 to 4 hours for the next 2 days, and his collar of cource, and we will see on Monday.

I have to add that this dog is amazing. He put up with all our man-handling, probing, drops etc without a whimper or a fuss. He is such a good dog...and I love him so much. He is getting lots of hugs from folks here, and kisses from his mommy.
I had Bosley continues to improve. What a good boy he was for the Vet!!
Good luck Monday morning, keep us posted!

He sounds like a super pup doing so well with all that prying... YEAH BOSLEY!!! :clappurple:
awwwww. hugs and kisses to Bosley.. and good luck driving to TO - ick.

London :)
Aw, that poor guy. I hope it resolves itself and the surgery won't be needed.
Anxious to hear how things went at the vet's office this morning, Nicole. How's he doing? Hoping for a good report for Bosley's sake and yours! (not having to go to Toronto in rush hour!)
Just got back from the 8:30 am vet appointment. His eye was frozen again, and more die put in. It is slowly healing, but she would feel better if we went to the specialist, just in case.

I agree, so I took today off work, hubby is taking the afternoon off and we are both going to fight Toronto rush hour traffic to see the eye specialist at 4:30 today.

These are some of the possiblities:

1- Let his eye heal slowly on its own, with close follow-up visits.

2-Surgery involving sewing his eyelid shut to help it heal better.

3-Surgery to remove or sew back part of his botton third eyelid to allow the cornea to breath and heal.

4- Surgery to scrap the cornea to allow for better breathing to heal better.

The specialist may have other ideas, but so far 1 is the one looking best to me.

If surgery is the route to take there is a possiblity that they do it right away, rather than booking an appointment, as these things must be treated as soon as possible.

I don't even want to think about the bill...
Good Luck this afternoon.
I will be praying for Bosley :plead:
Hopefully it can be an easy fix.
You are ALL in our thoughts and prayers!!!!!

Be safe this afternoon, and GOOD LUCK
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