How are Chipper's brothers and sisters, the Miracle Babies?

How are all the pups doing- Kaye's first set of Miracle Babies (boym she moves quick- round 2 of Miracle Babies!!!!)...

Just wondering how everyone was... I recall Ambrose/Noodle and Julie being flown out the same day.. and seeinga string on Gracie Ann...

Hoping to keep in touch
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Julie is doing great! WE are experiencing traveling problems with Julie. We can't figure a way of getting her from AR to PA. Seems the airlines the temp has to be less than 85. Currently, we are getting ready for the big move to PA. I haven't been on the oes forum for awhile. But, Julie is a puppy by far. She loves to chew on sandles. Leather ones are the ones she prefers. She is just great.... we love her to pieces. We just had her weighed. She weighs 20.6lbs She is eating wellness and raw. She loves her bones and loves to be outside even though its hot here. She seems to love our 2 year old the most out of our family. Maybe because either Julie is following Gabe or Gabe is following Julie. They always seem like they are together. In fact, Gabe got in the Butt Paste (for babies bottoms if your not familiar with this) and put some on Julies head??? They are two of a kind. Ya gotta lovem' !!!
Hows your little one doing?? Once we get moved I will be on the forum more. Sorry for the late response! :D
julies family wrote:
They always seem like they are together. In fact, Gabe got in the Butt Paste (for babies bottoms if your not familiar with this) and put some on Julies head??? They are two of a kind. Ya gotta lovem' !!!

ROTFLMAO...well Julie should be rash free for awhile...Nice of Gabe to be on top of things. Kids are so funny.

I LOVE your avatar. She is soooo cute in flowers like that.
Julie can probably fly with you as a carry on. When we brought Emmie home she weighed over 20 lbs. and was big. I was very worried that she would not fit in her carrier, we had to shove her in it! She slept most of the way home so it wasn't that bad. It is worth looking into. I think it cost around $80.00 for her boarding pass.
Good luck
Good luck with the move and transition- glad to hear she is doing well.

Chipper weighed in last week at a bit over 24#....

BUTT PASTE is the best- how did Julie's head do with it?? LOL LOL LOL

Talking about sandals... Chipper just pranced in with my NEW leather sandals, that I SPLURGED on ... he ate the band around the top- YEAH- they are now in the trash :(

Keep us posted!
Yep, got a new one on Julie. She likes to nip at Gabes(2 year old) :excited: :excited: :excited: bottom. My oldest son let Julie out to use the restroom. Well, of course Gabe followed. Gabe just got out of the shower. Julie instead of using the restroom nipped on Gabes bottom and got his diaper off. Then, Gabe was butt naked running around the front yard. Julie was running away from Jacob, she thought it was a game. I must say... Our neighbors are probably ready for us to move!!! This is such an arkansian story. Not only barefoot but, butt naked. :D Things have been pretty crazy around here since my husband has relocated already. I gotta say things are a little out of control!
How funny- did you get pics???
You guys have the cutest puppies! Just keep up the puppy horror stories to remind my how happy I am with adopting Bart - almost 3 yrs old :) .
Being new to the forum I didn't realize your pups were littermates. Seeing the avatars next to each other - they do look similar, like 2 peas in a pod.
Dawn and Bart welcome to the forum. :D Glad to have ya along for the ride in listening to the puppy stories.

No, I didn't get pics. I was too worried about getting Gabe inside after he was running in our front yard naked. Our house sits on a corner lot where a two way stop is. So many cars gotta see us outside that day! :D

How'sChipper doing? Hows the family holding up with him around? Since my oldest is out of school Julie and Gabe are lovin it
Chipper is doing great....typical little struggles witht he normal "puppy stages".. but otherwise super. He goe for his 3rd set of shots Saturday, I am anxiuos to see how much he weighs. He eats like a horse, loves the water at the lake and the bath tub, loves his squeky toys- squeaks till the squeak no more. He is a hoot, and loving the time when the boys play with him and always, his belly rubs!! We are so lucky and blessed that Chipper came into our lives!
Julie went to the vet today for her third round of shots. She has just layed around today since then. Feelin a little blue I guess! She weighed in at 21lbs exactly. Can't wait to see what Chipper weighs. I talked to Kaye. I explained how tall Julie is. I can't believe how quick she is growing! :D
Hi Everyone!
Noodle weighed 22lbs at his appt 2 weeks ago and I think he has doubled in size since then 8O He has started puppy trainng and we are working on Heel and Off to stop him nipping and herding the family. Still feeding Wellness part dry and part canned.

He loves going for walks 2x a day and gets a bit wild if we don't make time for it. He loves seeing the neighborhood kids (and adults!) and will sit nicely while they pet him. We just love him to death :lol:
Larkles- what a cute avatar! Sounds like the pups growing and enjoyin life- keep us updated... :D
Chipper went for his third round of shoys yesterday morning and he weighs 28.4 pounds. He is getting very tall, his legs are so long. Otherwise, healthy and happy!!!
wow 28 lbs. Julie is only 21 lbs. her legs are also long. sounds like the sibblings are gonna be tall also!
Its about 0208 in the morning. I am just finishing giving Julie a bath. Gabe decided to give Julie red highlights in her hair this evening. I am busy getting ready for the movers to come this morning. I decided I would order pizza for the kids for dinner. Well, to have you know Gabe decided to put dipping sauce from the breadsticks on his fingers and use it to spike Julies hair on her head. Jake our oldest son came in and told me to look at Julie. I went in the kitchen and Julie was sitting right next to Gabe letting him put pizza sauce on her head. I don't know if Gabe was giving her a head massage or what? It literally looked like red highlights. Well, I'm getting ready for bed now to be up early in the morning. Its always an exciting day at the Andersons house :
I saw you on line, wondered who else couldn't sleep!!!

Good luck with the move, I know moving is stressfull.

Anybody heard from Kaye????
Yes, I talked to Kaye I guess I would say yesterday since its 0312 this morning. She seems to have her hands full agian! Little Emily is having some problems. I thought I was the only one up at this hour of day.
I was wondering if Kaye was oKaye or not. :roll:
Ron wrote:
I was wondering if Kaye was oKaye or not. :roll:


Julie's Mom, did you get my e-mail about the schools? I had server problems and am not sure what went and what bounced back.

If not, there's not much to report. The one charter school in the area just shut down. There's another but it's only available to kids under 6. The last was a cyber charter school and there's not much info available on it. (If you got my e-mail then this is old news!)

Where did you guys end up settling?
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