I'm still here! I've just been lurking, popping in and out.

I’ve just been lurking, popping in and out when I can.

Some of you know the chaos I’ve been dealing with. My dad’s Alzheimer’s severely advanced after surgery in January. He became very aggressive and it became necessary to place him in a nursing home. My mother’s health is failing and we moved her in with us. We packed up their house and had my oldest son move in so he could take care of it. I’m doing good to keep up with my own yard and my mother-in-law’s around the corner. My other son is still battling a pressure sore on his backside so he can’t get in his wheelchair till its better.
We are getting ready to add on a room to the back of the house, so I don’t look for things to settle down for a little bit yet. But I am hoping things get back to normal sometime this summer.!!!

Mojo is doing great. I finally broke down and turned on the air conditioning today because he was hot. :go: Been lying on the vent all afternoon! He is up to 94 lbs. and his adult coat is coming in nicely. After moving my sister to her new office tomorrow, he is getting a bath. Maybe I can get some new pictures.

It seems like every time I log in, somebody needs something. Makes it hard to get any posting done. I’m up every other hour through the night with mom, so after I get everybody tucked in, I go crash myself. No late night chats. :( I at least get a chance to come in and read what is going on and see how everybody is doing.

Miss everybody and will jump in when I can.
Big sheepie kisses to all.
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Wow - you've really got your hands full!! I hope things settle down for you soon and that both your parents' health improves. Give Mojo a belly rub for me! :D

Thanks for the update!! :D
So sorry to hear about the troubles with your parents and your son :(
You must be extremely busy with everything going on. Do you have anytime for yourself?
Thanks for checking in and giving an update!!!

Mojo is HUGE!! Can't wait to see new pics... But no rush! You definitely seem too busy right now to worry about that.
I hope things settle down for you soon.
You really need a vacation!!!
((((Hugs of Support to you!!!))))
<<<HUGS>>> It does sound like you have your handsful. Good Luck with your Dad, I know how difficult that is. Good to hear from you!!! Hurry back.
Wow, life is pretty crazy for you!!! Hope everything settles down soon and at least falls into a less chaotic routine. Good luck and best wishes to you, Mojo and the whole family.
Holy cow he's huge! Any new pics? :)
Just sending you Sheepie Hugs from me and Maize. (((((hugs))))

Miss you on the chat but I know you try to get here when you can.

Hugs to you and Mojo

Just sending wishes all will calm down for you soon,

Sending Hi's and Hugs for you and Mojo :D
Wow--make sure to take some moments to yourself (if you can!)...hopefully things will calm down soon...
Lots of hugs to you!!! glad to hear from you.
Boy, you've got your hands full. I hope things get better for you soon. Steph's right, make sure to take some time for yourself! Give Mojo a squish from all of us!
I wondered where you've been. Good luck with everything you have going on, I know how difficult it is to find time for yourself.
You sure have a full plate! I hope things settle down soon and you can get a few minutes to yourself. Hugs and kisses sent your way! :D
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