Once someone/thing gets to a certain point it can't go back.


What are some things you can think of by the following line

Once someone (or something) gets to a certain point it can't go back.

anyone? any good ideas?
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Once someone who's looking for a puppy goes to see a litter of OES puppies, he/she can't go back without one!
Once you've given your word...

Once you've tasted freedom...

Once you've had butter on your corn...

Once you've had a refrigerator that gives you ice cold filtered water through the door, and once you've had instant hot water at the tap... :D

I could go on, can you give us an idea in what area you're interested?
Once time moves forward, it can't go back.
Once you sign the papers, no going back.
When passing from life to death, there's no return.
Once its said, no taking it back.
Once you've had a sheepdog, you'll always want a sheepdog. :D
Once an alcoholic always an alcoholic!
Once an abuser always an abuser.
Once you love someone, you'll always want to find love again.
Once bitten, twice shy
Once you've had a kid....you're life changes and is never the same.
Once you lose respect for someone, you'll never have that same respect for them again.
Once someone hurts you, you never forget.
Once a relationship gets too far gone and there is nothing but contempt for the other person, there is usually no bringing it back to what it was.
Once you see the beauty of something spectacular you will always remember it.
Once your grown up you can't go back to childhood (Which really sucks)

Once you've had a bite of my Stuffed Shells, you'll always crave them :wink:
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