Bein over charged at the groomer?

Hey!! I read someones post about how a groomer had told her that her dog was too matted to groom.... and it made me wanna post this. I had taken huggs to the groomer (first time) and was charged an extra 25.00 for what they said was Severe matting of the undercoat...... Now I brush him almost every day for at least 20 minutes... (like the little girl i never had) LOL And i was shocked... I felt like the worst mommy (their attitude didnt help either) Then I took him to a friend who worked at Petco and she said he does not have bad matting and was wonderful mannerans... that he was the best behaved dog!! (and the other groomer had said he was not well behaved at all.... ) Has this ever happened to anyone else?

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My guess is that this groomer wasn't happy about grooming a full double coated OES - and this was their way to get rid of you without coming out and saying so!

I have had this problem with more than one groomer - they complain that the dogs are in full-coat and take too much work! Silly me - I thought that's what I was paying them for! :roll:

We've been through so many groomers - because many of them (in my opinion) are LAZY and don't want to be bothered grooming a dog that actually needs grooming - they'd prefer the quick bath dogs!

It probably had nothing to do with your dog's behavior - or the condition of their coat - it was the groomer complaining that they actually had to work for their $$$!

Again - Just my opinion! A good groomer isn't easy to come by! Our unbelievable groomer just moved 7 hours away - and I almost followed her! :lol:

I just noticed you live in Maine - which part??? That's where my awesome groomer moved to! Houlston (up near the Canadian border!)

She's going to be opening a grooming salon up there soon!

I dont live near Houlton..... my sister used to... (so did i as a kid) thats about 5 hours from here... Too bad though!!! The girl at Petco did a pretty good job, we had to rush her though since we needed him in 2 hours and it usually takes 4... I'd pay for just the bath though!!! He is one hard pup to bathe!!!
I agree about the lazy groomers, and I did think thats what I was paying for..... They have special prices per dog and I though they had taken into consideration that OES have long hair..... Ah well.

I've had several groomers in the last 13 years of my OES's life and I've only found 2 that I absolutely loved. My dog actually resisted going to all of these other groomers for a second time except for the 2 people that I adored. I would agree with BritPresSyd that most groomers do not like to groom OES's. I was fortunate that even up to the end of my dog's life, that this one particular groomer didn't mind grooming my dog at all and was incredibly kind to him. I always make sure that I tipped well too which I think always goes a long way.

I also did try to brush out my dog the night before we went to the groomer so his coat was easier to handle.

I would say if you're happy with Petco stick with them, if not please keep searching for a perfect grooming match for your pup.
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