MY GARDEN! My roses are starting to bloom!

I'm so excited! It is finally approaching rose season in my garden!!!!! So far I've put in 11 new bushes this year, and some of them are starting to bloom!!! I've been dreaming of my rose garden all winter long, it is so exciting to finally see them do their thing! I've still got SO MUCH WORK to do in my garden: i've got tons of perrenials I want to find and plant, the patio and pond have to be finished, the fruit needs tending, not to mention I have to make something out of my messy west bed.... PHEW!

Anyone want to do a seed and/or perrenial exchange this autumn? I have lots of VERY ORANGE oriental poppies that need new homes... not to mention extras of just about everything growing in my gardens, since nothing has been thinned in forever!

What are you guys enjoying or looking forward to in your gardens???
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Everything here has been flowering all year. Except the Roses...which stopped for a month when the temps dropped. I am very excited because the bushes have all grown in the past couple of month. I am going to have TONS of roses.

Our lime tree is finally producing limes. We have had the tree for three years and the poor tree has been moved three times. But finally I see little baby limes. I hope they make it. Billy is looking forward to it. He calls it his Corona tree. lol

We just ripped out our oleander bushes that lined two sides of the yard. They were very pretty but also poisionious, so for the dogs safety and ours they are gone. We are going to be planting about 5 Queen Palms and more flowering bushes this summer. Maybe some cacti too. Of course they would have to be flowering ones. I just love lots of colors.
We have mutli colored Vincas are against the pool fence and they have grown very big and bushy. I planted them very close together for this exact reason. I did lose a few of them thanks to the landscapers hitting them with the weed wacker. :evil: So I will be planting more.
After all this is our Desert oasis... We need lots of color!!!
I'm enjoying a lot of burnt out spots in our grass and dirt piles. 8O This is the second year in our house and we were told that the people before us has planted a ton of flowers. So we've been waiting to see what comes up. Unfortunately, it has only been a few tulips. I guess they planted mostly annuals. I'm definitely not a gardener and I told Steve I wouldn't make him plant things every year. So, I may have him just plant tulips next year.

You have fairly similar growing conditions to me out where you are (other then being blessed by a slight warmer zone)

Do you want me to send you out some extra perrenials this autumn when things are ready to divide? They'd only need planting once, and hey, they're free!!! I've got A TON of hosta that need to go bye bye- they're super easy care for shady spots!!! Lots of other stuff too... some of which I've still got to identify :roll:
Thanks, Karen! That would be great. You'll need to give me detailed instructions as to how to plant and take care of them since I'm clueless.
I'll send ya easy stuff! plant and water if it gets super dry :wink: I'll let you know when I get closer to dividing things out.

How's everyone else's gardening going? Ron... how did those bleeding hearts look? Jil- how're your roses doing this year????
My hearts bled nicely and are juuuuuuuust past peak.
My roses are full of buds, but it will be a week or two before I see any flowers. I'm going to take a picture from the same spot I did last year - my Darlow's Enigma doubled in size from last year - it's HUGE!

Did I mention I bought six (6) new roses a few weeks ago? They jumped in my cart, I certainly wouldn't buy them intentionally because I have no idea where to plant them. :roll:

I also bought a lilac bush and some more perennials . . .

My bleeding heart was 4' tall and 5' wide this year. Gorgeous.
*jealous* My 'garden' (read:plants in pots on my front stoop :D ) are ummm well they have periods of doing great vs doing very bad. I do not have a green thumb-but I try. I want to see some pics of these beautiful gardens!!
My yard looks horrid. I just don't have the time to spend in it. And all the folks that I used to be able to hire to do it got jobs working in New Orleans in the year we are going for the overgrown and weed infested look. :lol:
Karen, post some pictures! I'd love to see how all your hard work paid off.

I feel like I'm moving plants this year like most people move furniture. Last year I spend hundreds of hours on two perrrineal beds in front of the house, they were lovely. This year we've (yes I had a hanbd in the planning) decided to put a 15 x 15 enclosed porch on the front of the house. Right where both beds are :( Soooooooooooooo, it's time to move the flowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder where I'll be moving them to next year.
I can't wait to see pics of all your gardens! Only one of my beds is photo worthy right now, but when I get my camera back, I promise to add pics!!! (Come on Dad...) By luck happenstance, I planted my white Madame Hardy rose right in front of white iris (I didn't know what color they would be, they're from the previous owner). It's so charming, as the iris peek up over the rose! To be fair, the reason I have so many early blooms is because almost all the roses are from the nursery... where they're pampered and kept warm for early bloom. In all fairness though, my only rose from last year is covered in young buds... I can't wait to see her in action!

Jil- what varieities did you get? If you REALLY don't have room for something, you could ALWAYS send it my way :lol: I have plenty of room still!!! I wanna see that D.E. I'm thinking of getting one for the backyard, I've talked to some MN rosarians who have had good success with it. I need some subtantial big smellies for my back corners.
Darlow's Enigma is a single and not very fragrant, but the bush is nice and when it flowers, holy crap!

Let's see, I got three Playboys to replace the Sexy Rexy's out in front of the living room window. The S.R.'s are pretty, but get a bad case of blackspot by July whereas the Playboy I have in the back never gets bs. It is a single, but absolutely gorgeous. Of course, now I'm having second thoughts about putting the orange/yellow/red out front. I liked the idea of pink AND the Playboys will block the view for the 4-leggeds. :roll:

I also got an Angel Face - a lavender floribunda that I love, but doesn't do great so I keep replace it. Same with the Moonstone (white HT with pink edges). I bought that to replace one I thought died, but now it's got one good cane, so who knows.

Finally, I got a yellow Sunsprite floribunda. I like floribundas because they're almost always in bloom.

It's weird, though. The one climber I have (Dream Weaver) that's in the spot with the most sun isn't doing well this year. It's even an own-root that I bought locally, so it should be doing great. It's a couple years old and all the old canes died and there's just one new cane now. I can't figure that one out, but I think I'm going to move it and put a lilac bush there.

Here's my rose list: Playboy, Dream Weaver, Autumn Sunset, Iceberg, Moonstone, Fragrant Lace, Don Juan, Perfume Delight, Peace, Joseph's Coat, Angel Face, Sterling Silver, Helen Hayes, Brass Band, Sexy Rexy, Fairy, Flamingo (of course!) and a few minis that I can't remember what they are. Oh and a particularly thorny apricot-color up front that I can't remember the name of.

<center>This is last years picture taken June 9-
The orange/pink is Playboy, the white behind is is Darlow's Enigma and the arbor has Autumn Sunst. There's an iceberg to the right of the Playboy. The DE is so big this year that you can't see the windchimes hanging on the garage. Heck, the Autumn Sunset it monstrous too and I waited to long to properly prune some of the errant canes that grew over the garage.

BS didn't used to bother me, but these days I don't have the inclination to deal with it.

Karen, what else do you have besides Madame Hardy?
Awesome picture! I garden too, just not roses. But I certainly can appreciate and enjoy other's. I do have one, a climbing rose (don't remember the variety) that is hardy and has tons of hot pink flowers each year. I can almost smell yours from here!
Beautiful picture!
I am so jealous :( I used to LOVE gardening- before kids! Now I barely have time to weed :wink: We have oodles of Echinacea (Purple Cone flower) and Monardia if anyone would like some this fall.

Noodle's (aka Ambrose) Mom
For roses I currently have planted (excuse the bad spelling on all the french names :roll: ):

Cardinal De Richileu
Reine Des Violettes
Reine Victoria
Konigin Von Denmark
Mrs William G Koning
Duchesse De Montebello
Clotidle Soupert
Pink Soupert
Madame Hardy
Crested Moss (Cheapeau De Napolean)
Rosa Mundi
Baron Girard De'Lain

They're all antique varieites, nothing introduced before 1900. glorious with my victorian house! I still want a few more like General Jaquiemont, Centifolia Bullata, Charles Des Mills, Rose Des Rescht (the list goes on and on :lol: )

For the back wall of the patio, I'm going to buy New Dawn, and I'm thinking of some Austins for my back western bed, becuase it's causing me trouble... I'm not sure yet though!

I LOVE Angel Face- my mom has that one! I'm trying to stick with the older varieties to fit in with the architecture, but there are a few new ones that tempt me, like the Austins (love those forms) New Dawn (No big, antique, repeat blooming climbers work well for my zone) and a precious few HTs and floribundas... maybe I can sneek them into the patio...

I promise I'll take pics, as soon as I get that camera back... Impatiently taps foot. You guys need more Pippin pics too, right???
Iriskmj wrote:
I promise I'll take pics, as soon as I get that camera back... Impatiently taps foot. You guys need more Pippin pics too, right???

Uh yeah!!! :cow: I need my Pippin fix :excited:
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