Hendrix is getting stitches today :(

Last night my husband and I gave Hendrix a bath. As my husband was combing him, he was cutting out mats from his fur. Unfortunately Hendrix got snipped and he never even FLINCHED! He acted like nothing happened. I ran out and got him a big bandage and we put pressure on with a scarf and put a t shirt on him to keep it clean. I took him to the vet first thing this morning and he’s going to get knocked out and get some stitched. The wound was about the size of an egg and it was a flap of skin. My little trooper, even when I left the vets office this morning he still was his usual self.

We have sworn off scissors in my house! We will only use the trimmer we’ve got.

My poor husband was sick to his stomach all last night. Neither of us could sleep. I'm relieved that I signed up for that Pet Assure, every vet bill we get 25% off. I just signed up for it 2 weeks ago.
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OMG.. that is awful for your husband.. he is probably suffering more than Hendrix.
Poor Hendrix!

It's amazing, sometimes I'm not sure they have any nerves on their skin... I watch the vet give large injections of water, or the microchip or getting snipped a little bit, they never even seem to notice.

But touch a paw with a feather... they hit the roof!
Poor Hendrix!! :oops: I hope it heals fast for him.

And your poor husband!! :( I would feel the same way. Even though it was a total accident, you can't help but feel badly. Give him some extra TLC for a few days!! :lol:
Awwww poor Hendrix! And poor husband! I know I suffered more about Maggie's tongue than she did. She didn't hardly seem to notice while I was sick to my stomach thinking about it. Hope it heals quickly. Is it in a place he can't reach with his mouth? When it heals, it may itch a bit. . .
Aw, poor baby, daddy and mommy! Hope it heals quickly!
Poor Hendrix and Daddy :(
My husband is still upset, he's called the vet twice already to check on him! I think Hendrix is a contortion king, so I think he'll be able to lick it. It's on his chest, abour 4 inches below his collar, in between his legs.

I really hope he won't need to wear a cone. The vet said our scarf and tshirt should do the trick.
Poor guy. Don't feel too bad, we've all done it before. Heck, I've even done it to dogs that weren't mine. Sorry Bentley! In all fairness, I was cutting him in the back of van going 80 on a freeway.

Try getting a matt rake like the Mars one that lets you saw through it and strip it away. It takes a little more time but you don't have to worry about any slicing. Hope Hendrix makes it though ok!
Poor Hendrix :( Sounds like you are taking it in stride. You should be fine and will have a nice battle scar to show off to the ladies 8). We like that kind of thing.

Don't forget to milk the wound for all it is worth :twisted: . Sounds like your dad is feeling bad about it...so this is the time to push for extra cookies and rubs and special treats.

Let me know if you need someone to nurse you back to health...I saw your pictures and think you are a cutie :kiss: I checked a map and you don't live that far away.


*I logged on my human's computer...but don't tell her I was here
Poor baby! I bet hubby feels awful too....
I hope he heals up quickly!
Poor baby Hendrix....sounds like hubbie needs hugs too though!
I did that to Winston one year and felt sooooooooo bad that he had to get stitches because of me & the scissors.

Tell your husband it will be alright - his baby will still love him.
Wow - Izzie is such a sweetheart!

I picked up Hendrix from the vet yesterday. He's got to wear a cone for 10 days! EEK! While he was knocked out they also plucked his ears and cut his toe nails at no extra charge, how sweet!

My only concern now is that he can scratch at the stitiches, when it rain it pours! So, now Hendrix wears a cone and 1 bootie on his foot. He's definitly going to get the ladies attention now!

I talked to my vet and thought the perfect thing for him to wear instead of the cone and the boot would be a life preserver. I know, I know insert laugh here. But think about it, their made of that hard foam that can't be scratched and their buckled into it. Sure, I'll have the ridiculous dog in a life preserver, but my second option is a cone and 1 bootie.
Oh, and by the way, thank you everyone for your well wishes and support!!
Hendrix's Mom wrote:
I talked to my vet and thought the perfect thing for him to wear instead of the cone and the boot would be a life preserver.

I talked to Izzie and she said to tell Hendrix that water safety is hot too 8) . She also said that girls love to care for an injured boy...so the cone and sock will only add to his appeal.

They have doggie lifevests at Petsmart. My SIL used to take her Mini Schnauzer on the wave runner with her :roll: I was actually looking at them last week. Though it might help Pepsi feel more comfortable in the pool.
I hope Hendrix heals quickly. Sending hugs and belly rubs for him.
Tell your hubby not to feel bad. We have all cut our dogs at some point.
How is he doing? How are you and your husband?
Awe that's sad. I can just imagine how aweful your husband feels. Hope you all feel better.
Hendrix is back to his usual self, thankfully! There's nothing worse then watching your drugged up dog wander around the house whimpering. He's running around the house with his cone, he's got it down pat on how to use it with minimal damage to the house.

I looked at the lifepreservers at petsmart but they cover the back of the dog and not the front. My father in law brought over 2 different lifepreservers from his boat. One, the very generic kind you'd use for snorkling, worked however we didn't feel safe leaving it on him when we weren't home. The straps and clips could be a choking hazard.

So, we're back to our cone head (I've called him my little tulip) and his one velcro sock.
Read this thread right to the end!

Funny, Hendrix went from wearing my shorts after being neutered to wearing my tshirts after getting stiches. I'll have to look into the other collar options, thank you!
I came across this post and although I'm sorry it happened and am sure both Hendrix and hubby are all recovered by now, the same exact thing happened to me last night and I guess I feel a tinge better knowing I'm not the only one!

I was also cutting a big matt under the chin...My dog moved and I ended up cutting him. Trip to ER on a holiday weekend, 7 hours in the waiting room while he was treated, 500 bucks and 5 stitches later, we are home. I've been crying since it happened and seeing him stumble around on medication and looking at those horrible looking staples doesn't help matters...

I'm so glad to read your Hendrix was better in a few days and assume hubby isn't still crying like me! I've surrendered my grooming tools...
Oh my goodness! What a nightmare and during the holiday weekend is the worst! I remember our other dog Zappa hurt his leg on Labor Day weekend. Ugh!

I wish you the best and a speedy recovery for your fur kid!
AWWWWWWW I hope both dogs are feeling better now :)
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