A rant about Vets

This is a real touchy subject with me. Almost as touchy as Puppymills, Commercial Breeders and irrespoinsible breeders. I'm not saying there are not so good Vets out there. But, there are many that MONEY is the driving force. THey will say IT COULD BE!!!! That puts the fear of God in you and you will agree to anything at that point. First a Vet must do Bloodwork, fecal and urinalisis. They can tell from these 3 test basically if there is a problem. Many want to do thousands of dollars of test with out even doing basic bloodwork........... This just drives me crazy......... Then they will throw antibotics at something they don't even knowing what it is in hopes it might work. They need to know what they are dealing with before they can prescribe the right antibotic... Antobotics as with all drugs challenege the immine system. Then you reach the point that they don't work when you really need them. ANTIBOTICS DO NOT WORK IF IT IS A VISUS. THEY ONLY WORK ON BACTERIAL INFECTIONS. Then they will give them steroids. Steroids make the Baby feel better almost immediately. Babies should only be on steroids for a very short period of time. Ten days or so.... A lot of side effects.... IF YOUR VET DOESN'T ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS THEN FIND ANOTHER VET THAT WILL!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR Kaye
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Kaye, antibiotics are sometimes given when there is a severe viral infection - to prevent a secondary infection. The immune system can only handle so much at a time, so they try to prevent the secondary infections that are likely to do the patient in. And it can take months to recover to a "normal" level. Works for both people and pups.

And I do agree that antibiotics are overdone (again people and pets). And that there are people in many professions who are more interested in increasing their bottomline than doing the right thing. And then you meet one of the good guys who make it a better place.

The ONLY complaint that I have about my vet is that he doesn't want me to buy our monthly meds from a place like PetMeds. He makes money off of our monthly meds, but his good points outway this. I just factor this in as part of the cost of the annual visit. My three love him - they even recognize his name when I say it and the wiggling begins. He practices good medicine, gives us options and treats them like they were his.
You are right about a severe viral infection and secondary infections. We Need To Co Partners in Our Babies Hearth not a Observer........ I find the Older Vets are much better about explaining and working with their clients......... The Newer Ones are given courses in Vet School on Building a Vet Practice but noting on Nutririon..... That really is a shame!.. Our Babies { all breeds } are dying of more diseases and the life expentacy has dropped by 2 years in the last 10 years. That can only be Enviromental. Nutriion, Chemicals or Over Vaccination....... Most of the diseases are immune system related...... We need to ask more questions. We need to do our homework and check out what the Vets are telling us... It is not a popularity contest it is YOUR BABIES HEALTH........ Knowledge Is Freedom......SHeepie Hugs, Kaye
I am lucky enough to have a wonderful vet. When Beau was diagnosed with synovi sarcoma he offered to find us a specialist as he didn't know much about it. we stuck with him and he learned everything possible about the disease. He contacted vets around the world (on his own time) and even made some housecalls when we were unable to take Beau to his office. I ran the supplements by him, he researched them and made suggestions on dosage. He also understands why I won't vaccinate anymore except for rabies, and would even call us just to see how "his handsome Beau" was feeling. He even had tears in his eyes when we had to take Beau in to be uthanised. I truly believe that we had Beau far longer than anyone thought possible because of him.
I am not saying all Vets are all about Money. I have met some terrific Vets that really care. What I am saying is go with Your Gut. If you are not comfortable find another Vet. If they don't answer Your Questions ..Find Another Vet. Knowledge Is Freedom and You Are Your Babies Protector..... Sheepie Hugs, Kaye
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