Puppy vaccination reaction

Hi folks!
I took my 9-week-old puppy to the vet today for a checkup and second round of vaccinations. Several hours later, Dolaidh awoke from a nap whimpering and tender where he got the injection. Is this typical?? He ate his supper, though not as much as usual and is now sleeping at my feet. I don't see any other signs of discomfort right now.
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I'd tend to think he's just fine. It hurts a little after any shot. The skin gets inflamed from the needle. Just keep an eye on the pup and he'll probably get back to normal in no time!
No, it's not typical but can happy. There's not alot back there on a young dog. I don't know if icing it would help, wrap a cube in a wash cloth and hold over area. Cuddle the pup at the same time to show it's not dangerous. If it hasn't improved after several days, I'd contact the vet. Hopefully they didn't hit something during the injection.
Hi folks!

thanks so much for your helpful replies. Dolaidh seems to be feeling a little better today, still a little tender but not crying out in pain like yesterday.

now on the other hand, if someone could just stop the rain we've been having for the past week we can get back to having a happy puppy and continue our house breaking training without dodging the raindrops. :oops:

Diana thanks you, and, of course, as does Dolaidh :D
Walter experienced the same thing after his second and third shots. His second one was so bad that the vet actually inserted a disolvable fluid sac under the skin to keep him hydrated.

They said it was perhaps an allergy to the vaccines. Eventually they administered a steriod, an anti allergen, and reduced the dose of the shot. He just couldn't handle something in the shots.

I do have to say I was a little dissappointed in the vet's handling of the situation, as they didn't explain much, and just sort of said "eh...he'll get better."

Make sure to ask about some options for the next round of shots - may save you and the up some pain next time. Hope he feels better!
thanks for the imput. i've been doing a little research and agree that vets don't always tell us all that we would like to know as informed pet owners. i"ll have to be more questioning the next time. i think we tend to place too much faith in the doctor's knowlege and not enough in our intuition and personal relationship with our little people-pups. i've read they can alter the vaccine next time around if i tell the vet dolaidh had a bit of trouble with round 2 of his shots.
i couldn't agree more about putting too much faith in doctors' information (for both our pets and ourselves). That's a whole other topic on which I could babble for days, so I'll spare you ;)

hi i just took my dog mili for her first round of shots she cried in pain when she got them i think thats normal she acted normal for some time but then hours after when ever we tried to pick her up she would cry in pain we think its because the shats but were not sure she dosent realy show any symtoms she walk normaly its only when we try and hold her
can you guys help me??? she my first dog and i have no idea
Carolina, I am experiencing the same thing with my 12 week old puppy who just got her third round of puppy shots. Everything seems fine until I pick her up, I think it might be her stomach that is hurting her but I cant quite pin point it. She will also wimper out of the blue sometimes. If anyone else has experienced this please reply, I am worried about my pup.
I'm so sorry you and your pup are going through this.

If this continues, I would call your vet in the morning.
Okay, so I am on line looking for the same answers. My 9 week old husky had her 2nd parvo shot today. she was very tired soon after, then about 2 hours later was extremely hyper like never before...like crazyhyper. About the same time she would yelp and cry out if we tried to pick her up--the way we always do. She also keeps going back to lay on the air conditioner vent. I am concerned she is having a reaction.
Contact the vet. He/she may recommend for an allergic reaction, give benedryl...........for small dogs it should be in tablet form as pups need a smaller dose. Is there children's benedryl?

Keep the dog cool especially in this heat.
Our Sprocket was a bit ill after his jabs as a small pup-after 3 days of being "off colour" we took him to the vet who did the vacinations-she gave him a very good check over (for free) and gave him a clear bill of health,he was fine after a few days-the vets thought was just an unfortunate allergic thing. He was fine after his 1st year booster.x
That happened to Ramsey when he was a pup after his shots. Had his shots done at the vet, went home, had a nap, picked him up after his nap, he was NOT happy. Tried to bite me (not puppy biting) and crying out. Called my vet, he let me know it's a reaction that happens occasionally to the sensitive guys and would give him something for it the next time he had his shots. I believe it was a steroid or anti-allergen. He was ok the next day, I don't recall if I gave him benadryl, but the next round of shots, he got the anti one and was fine. Now anytime he has a shot, my vet always makes me watch and reminds me at the end of the visit which side it was on so I can just make sure he's ok.

Call the vet when in doubt!
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