Vomit, Vomit EVERYWHERE!

Well Billy thinks Pepsi and Rags got into some cooking oil. :roll:
I don't think it is was oil. He left a pot full of water that he had cooked corn in last night on the ground. Most of the water was gone. I believe it was the corn water that caused this.
Rags didn't have very much and threw up a couple of times. Pepsi threw up like 8 times so far .... IN THE HOUSE!! :evil:
Luckily I had some fluid left for the Little Green Clean Machine....
Then I ran out :( So off to Walmart. When I got home there where three more piles :roll:
I am giving them Rice for Dinner.
I really do not feel like cleaning up any more vomit.
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awww that sounds horrible. i would hold of on feeding til their tummies settle down.
Too late now :?
They are eating right now.
Hopefully they can keep it down. (fingers crossed)
Yuck! I hope they feel better fast! :)
How is it staying down now?
So far, so good. I hope I have seen the end of it. :plead:
Great to read!

If they should vomit again, I'd think about restricting their food and water completely for 12 hours, then reintroduce with BOILED rice and/or BOILED hamburger (as low fat as practical).

UGGG! I spoke too soon. Or should have said knock on wood or something. Pepsi just stood up and threw up :roll:
I am going to wait until tomorrow afternoon to feed them again.

Rags has a Vet appt on Thursday, if Pepsi is not better he will be joining us. I think Rags may have a urinary tract infection. She is not peeing more than normal but seems to be excessive with licking and has dark colored staining in that area. She also has some kind of a bump over her eye that I want checked out.

I really need a break!!! Anyone want to come over and watch the kids and dogs for 24 hrs. :plead: PLEASE!!!
Ahh, Two more piles of Rice to clean up :twitch:
Actually the last one was in the shape of Mickey Mouse's head.
I am so warped I actually took a picture of it. It was too weird... I had to get a picture. It really is the shape of Mickey's head!!!

Maybe being at stay at home Mom is getting to me.... Or maybe it's my new Duragesic pain patches 8O
Elissa, you're not losing it, are you :lol: Good luck, maybe they'll be better today.
I hope things are better today, Elissa!
Hi Elissa~
just me the worry-wart. :P

They didn't get any corn cobs right? Just the water?
Last summer a friends lab got a hold of a corn cob and had to have a new emergency zipper installed. She back to normal but it was a scare for them.
They didn't get a hold of any cobs. I threw them out as soon as we were done eating. Just the corn water and maybe some vegetable oil too. :roll:
Rags is fine. She only threw up twice. Pepsi threw up like 10 times....probably because he did manage to sneak some kibble before I was able to pick it up yesterday. Pepsi is still his normal self other than the throwing up. I heard him throw up this morning but didn't find anything. It was probably just a dry heave.

Stacy, I woke up to find a VERY flat tire on my car this morning :roll:
Luckily Honda Care sent someone out in 15 minutes and put the full size spare on. I am going to drop off the flat to be fixed later.

Anyone what to see the Mickey Mouse puke??? :lol:
Phew! That's good. :D
I hope Pepsi's tummy settles down soon!
Rule in this house is if you puke, it's no food for 24 hours and restricted water to only minimum....ice cubes. It takes awhile for the nerves and muscles to settle after an episode. Don't worry, they won't starve. Think of it as a fast...............good for their tummies and your carpets.

SheepieBoss wrote:
Rule in this house is if you puke, it's no food for 24 hours and restricted water to only minimum....ice cubes.

Humans too? :twisted:

My sister's been sick and I suggested that she try the rice water...
Humans can think (well most can) and understand too much liquid might come right back up. The trick is to get enough liquid in and remain in to ward off dehydration but not enough to cause the rebound. For baby's, Pedilyte is good to have on hand, but for adults water is fine except in severe cases. Rice water probably would be fine, if she can bring herself to drink it.

I've heard adding a touch of salt to water isn't such a good idea, whenever possible stick with plain water or diluted fruit juice, or chicken broth.
Jill, has your sister tried the BRAT diet? Bananas-rice-applesauce-tea. Not apples - has to be applesauce, sweetened; and the tea should be very, very weak tea with a LOT of sugar. Also, lollipops, popsicles, flat ginger ale. Stomach viruses apparently don't like sweet things. My son was prone to stomach viruses when he was young, and this is what the dr prescribed. Just a thought . . .
Drezzie's Mom wrote:
Jill, has your sister tried the BRAT diet? Bananas-rice-applesauce-tea. Not apples - has to be applesauce, sweetened; and the tea should be very, very weak tea with a LOT of sugar. Also, lollipops, popsicles, flat ginger ale. Stomach viruses apparently don't like sweet things. My son was prone to stomach viruses when he was young, and this is what the dr prescribed. Just a thought . . .

She can't keep anything down. I also suggested that she drink some gatorade or pedialyte. I'm going to call her tonight to see how she is and suggest the BRAT thing to her. She's really bad about taking care of herself.
I learned this dehydration prevention recipe from PBS-It cut the mortality rate from diarrhea in Africa by 50%:

2 liters of water (two quarts) a fistful of sugar, a pinch of salt.

They don't have measuring equipment (I don't know how they know what 2 liters of water is), and this simple recipe saves tens of thousands of lives every year. Istis a goal of the health workers to train one person in every household on this recipe.
Hi there!

Just thought i'd offer a comic paws... :D

too bad you couldn't freeze the mickey mouse pile and auction it off on ebay. might have paid for the vet bills tomorrow. hope the pups are doing better.

Pedialyte is actually better for sick people than Gatorade. The concentrations are a little lighter so it's easier to keep down and the amount of sodium is much less.

Just a sidenote: a lot of musicians put Pedialyte on their riders for rehydrating themselves after playing, partying or whatever other activities they engage in.
No more VOMIT since Pepsi's last episode on Tuesday!!! :yay:
Just to make sure everything was ok I didnt feed them anything until last night. They got some Rice and all is good! Woo Hoo!
In other new... Rags will be going to the Vet today to find out if she has a UTI. Also to look at the bump over her eye.

Again....Are you sure nobody wants to see the Mickey Puke??
I sent the picture (in black & white), to my best friend who is just as warped as me.... She is also a BIG Mickey fan. Her reaction.... "Wow, It does look like Mickey" LMAO
forstton wrote:
too bad you couldn't freeze the mickey mouse pile and auction it off on ebay. might have paid for the vet bills tomorrow. hope the pups are doing better.


Diana, Do you think I could auction off a picture of it? :wink: :lol:
Glad to hear they are doing better! Yippee!!
I'm gross and twisted too. And yes, Elissa's picture really does look like Mickey 8O
LMAO... I have a talented dog don't it? :lol:
I told you it looked like Mickey's head.
Thanks for looking Stacy! 8)
Uh, your welcome...I think.
Glad they're feeling better!
C'mon, send up the mickey puke pic... :roll:
Ron, Did you see the picture?
I emailed it to you.
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
Ron, Did you see the picture?
I emailed it to you.
I say upload it and post a link to it with a mild warning! :twisted:

Definitely eBay "material". lol
I uploaded it to photobucket. I didn't want it on here in case someone went to my photo album on here and saw it and was offended.
So here is the link...for anyone interested.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v613/ ... Mickey.jpg

That is hilarious :lol:
:lol: I knew at least one person would look.
Owning Sheepdogs we have seen it all, from dingleberries to much much worse. Whats a little pile of puke?
Especially when it looks like Mickey Mouse :lol:
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