puppy class question

we haven't been able to get ahold of the people who have the puppy class we're going to - does anyone know if it's customary to not take the dogs on the first night?>
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I'd take the puppy. They usually maximize all the time they have so they'll start on the first night.
Definitely take the puppy!
Take the puppy!
we got ahold of them - they said bring the puppies :D Now my next question.....we are supposed to use training collars on them - that scares me a little......
They had us use a choker ... we didnt put it on her until they showed us the proper way...
avalasmommy wrote:
we got ahold of them - they said bring the puppies :D Now my next question.....we are supposed to use training collars on them - that scares me a little......

Eek! I'd argue if they suggest a choke collar for your OES pup. They are harsh and can hurt them. Just get him used to a regular nylon collar and then my suggestion is to work up to a gentle lead if necessary. They are the best invention and we'll be using it on Fozzie as soon as his neck gets a little wider. The muzzle on the #0 was way to small and the clasp for the #1 is too big right now!
Ava is already a year old - so I'm thinking it might be ok....just makes me nervous
I was worried too, but before we were allowed to even put it on, they showed us 1. how to put it on 2. how to use it correctly 3.when it is used correctly, the dogs will correct themselves ie not pull ....panda is still on a choke collar and she heels the whole 2 mile walk every night...another option is the gentle leader...same principle, but kinda like a muzzle too...at least how it is put on...
You might want to ask the trainer about the gentle leader. It will be gentle for you and Ava and you don't need to feel sad about using it.
Egads is right! Find out what a "training" collar is. If they mean a choke collar or pinch collar cancel the class and get your money back.
It is not a positive class, and you will be learning old-fashioned ways of choking your puppy to punish it for not knowing what it is supposed to do.
Good grief.....

When will trainers get out of the Dark Ages????

(Nicole- not logged in!!)
Nicole, I disagree.... the choke collar when used properly is a wonderful training tool....the dog learns not to pull....we dont keep it on her, only use it for walks and her normal collar comes off.....it worked for us and im sure for others here as well....I do NOT advocate choking any dog either....we werent taught to use it that way though.
Where did you all take puppy training classes at? Petsmart or another training facility?

And will they take an older dog - 3 yr old.
We are currently training at Petsmart. I'm almost positive they have training for older dogs. Give your nearest one a call and they give you info on their classes. They really are a hoot!
Our trainer was very specific: No puppies on the first night of class. The basic training for puppies involves more training of its handlers than of the puppy. Very specific instructions for collars and leashes as well. Gentle Leaders or metal-buckle collars. Leather leashes. No nylon leashes as they can cause major burns to the hands.

We loved the class and learned a lot. Still have some things to work on but know what we should and shouldn't do. Only positive reinforcement was used. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Just remember to have fun! If it is enjoyable for you, the dog will enjoy it more too and will respond better :)
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