Lucy is Trying to Call All of her Friends!

Lucy has just started the strangest habit. Starting Friday Lucy picks up a specific cordless phone and brings it to me all the time then looks at me and acts like she is trying to talk! It is very funny but weird. If we are gone from the house she leaves it by the front door for us when we come in. If she is closed out of a room that I am in she will put it by the door. Just a few minutes ago she was downstairs with me and went back up stairs to get the phone and was carrying it in her mouth and brought it to me meanwhile, she was whimpering the whole time! What is she doing?
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I don't know but that's awesome! LOL
I would give her a command when she does it and praise her, like "Phone Lucy!" and then praise, maybe she'll learn to do it on command. LOL
Of course, that may also lead to phone chewing.... :lol:
That's so cool !!!

I like the idea of turning it into a command, like "Get the phone" or "bring the phone"!
Just like my old neighbor in college used to say to his dog "Boracho, get me a beer" and the dog would run to the fridge, open it, get a beer, and close it and bring him the beer. Being college kids, we were VERY impressed. (For those non-Spanish speaking folks, boracho means drunk in Spanish)...
That is so funny.
I saw a story about a dog that had a false pregnancy and took care of the portable phone after.
Maybe it's her baby?
Or maybe she just want to make sure you have it.
Could it be she thinks you are cuddling the phone when you talk into it? Is she jealous? "If I hold this thing will you cuddle me too?"

Would be great if you could get her to bring it to you when it rings. On second thought, maybe I'd rather have her chew on it and destroy it. I hate phones!
That's hilarious! I like the idea of getting her to do it on command. I'd love to train the wigglebums to do a cool trick. (Something besides counter surfing, I mean. :roll: )
Maybe it's E.T.
Maybe Lucy would like a little change from kibble---

she would like to phone in for a

Pepperoni Pizza

:banana: :banana: :banana:
I woke up this morning with the phone at the foot of my bed. I wish I knew what she was trying to tell me. Maybe she IS trying to call Pizza Hut. Who doesn't like pizza? I like the idea of her getting me a beer but boy, if she could get into the refrig. I would be in real trouble. The way she counter surfs now we would not have any food left to eat. I will try to praise her and see if she will bring me the phone every time it rings. Although, then I wouldn't be able to screen my calls anymore!! LOL! It is a good thing I don't have phone numbers programed into the phone or she really would be calling people with her teeth.
This really is a funny new behaviour! 8)

I'm so glad you put up an avatar!! It's nice to "see" you & Lucy!! :clappurple:
Let's think this through....

Maybe when she sees you holding the phone close to your head and chatting, she is thinking that you are comforting the phone, that you care deeply for the phone or something like that. Perhaps she wants to be held next to your ear too!

Maybe she's bringing to you your toy?

hmmmmmm.. what else could it be?
Maybe she overheard you saying something about needing to call someone back or make an important phone call...I think she's trying to tell you that you need to stop putting it off already and call!

That, or the pepperoni pizza idea - I like that one better.

I would love to see sounds hilarious!
How cute is that??? I wonder what goes on in their cute heads.

Lucy, where did you get that afghan on your couch with the sheepdog and pups on it? I have one but it has a bunch of different dogs on it too. Is that one just sheepies?
Damn, I wish one of my dogs would do this. :D
As much as my husband misplaces his cellphone, it would be nice if we could teach one of the dogs to track it down. Maybe I need a bloodhound instead of a sheepdog?

You know, rodents are attracted to the sound that electrical current makes while running through wires, it mimics their mating call. It's a big reason they get electrocuted in walls! Maybe your cordless has a hum or another odd high pitched noise that your dog doesn't like and they're trying to tell you to turn it off?
Lucy, where did you get that afghan on your couch with the sheepdog and pups on it? I have one but it has a bunch of different dogs on it too. Is that one just sheepies?
Isn't it cute. It isn't mine. We were at a friends house. She has all kinds of OES stuff. I don't know where she finds it all but her house is decorated with every thing you could think of for oes! It is so cool!
I would think of the conversations you have while on the phone. "What" is it that you're saying that she connects with? Things like: what a treat that would be; how's the baby; wanna go out tonight; etc.........
May be that you're not "hearing her" and she's connected the phone as a way to communicate it to you, but.............. so far you still haven't "heard". :roll: Who knows. But, they're smart.

I know of a bird that imitates the dialing of the phone, answering the phone, as in "Hello. How are ya? Whatcha doin? Oh, ok talk to ya later. Gotta go now, bye bye." Clicks to hang up. So......................they definitely connect things and words.
Well, I have to say, I beleive that dogs sense thigns way before we do, you just never know and I'm guessing that very soon, you'll need that phone and won't be able to get at it ??
Anonymous wrote:
Lucy, where did you get that afghan on your couch with the sheepdog and pups on it? I have one but it has a bunch of different dogs on it too. Is that one just sheepies?
Isn't it cute. It isn't mine. We were at a friends house. She has all kinds of OES stuff. I don't know where she finds it all but her house is decorated with every thing you could think of for oes! It is so cool!
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