Bark Question

So I was re-reading the AKC Breed Standard:

Therefore, soundness is of the greatest importance. His bark is loud with a distinctive "pot-casse" ring in it.

and was wondering if anyone could explain the term "pot-casse" for me? I was just curious as to it's meaning, and how it sounds...

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I believe that means cracked bell. I think of it as if you clanged a big heavy metal bell but then quick silenced it so you get the initial loud clang noise without the ongoing reverberations. Chummie's bark sounds like that and it is bright and loud and piercing. Maggie has more of a throaty woof woof bark, unless she is playing with her corgi friend and then her voice is higher but it is on the whiny side.
Thanks Valerie - that's a perfect way to describe it. I can imagine exactly what it's supposed to sound like. I'll have to listen for it!
Walterthedog wrote:
Thanks Valerie - that's a perfect way to describe it. I can imagine exactly what it's supposed to sound like. I'll have to listen for it!

Lol. You can't miss it! Sometimes (like now as a matter of fact), it's the kind of bark that makes your ears feel like they're going to explode. :twisted:
"Nigel's "pot casse" bark-like two pots clanging together rang his enthusiasm."

copied from the site
Barney doesn't bark very often...mostly silent but sometimes a 'bok' huffing noise, but in the morning when I feed him...he lets out his pot casse and I swear my eardrums have ruptured (every morning... :evil: :roll: )
Panda has that pot casse bark, but Dancer and Sky do not. They occasionally have a "big girl" bark, but not often. Usually they are high pitched and piercingly loud, like a yappy poodle bark. LOL
Toby barked during group at a show.
One handler said that had to be the sheepdog, the other guy goes, oh so that's what that pot casse thing is. :lol:
Rags has the pot casse bark. :roll: Which she loves to use at night...when she sees my neighbors cats on the blockwall.
Pepsi had the loudest pot casse bark I have ever heard...before being debarked. Now he has a very loud HUFF. I swear he was 50% louder than my German Shepherd Harley.
No wonder people were complaining.
I've heard "pot casse" means broken pot.
How exactly do you break a pot anyhow??
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