I can not wait until Tomorrow, my new puppy is coming home!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
My boys are cleaning up the backyard and putting toys away. I have set up a wire crate with a cushy bed in the kitchen. A bell is hanging from the back door for potty purposes.

A small kennel will go next to our bed until nightime potty training is under control :wink: (Are they sleeping thru the night yet Kaye?)

Still discussing although DH may win with Ambrose as the official name (Bumble will be his nickname :D ) We didn't name our boys until we saw them either!

Tick-tock, tick-tock...

Are you going crazy yet?
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Love your avatar. He's adorable. That last day is the HARDEST wait!
WOO HOO, exciting, not long now even thought it will feel like forever 8)

Pictures of ? when he is home, best wishes to you all. :yay: :banana:
Yippee!!!! Ah - I'm so excited for you - thats so awesome! :yay: I can't WAIT to see pics!
I've never had to wait since none of my dogs came directly from the breeder-- I don't know how you can stand it! I'm going crazy for you!
This has been the longest day of my life, and I still have 24 hours and 10 minutes to go... and that is if the flight is on time!

WE CANNOT WAIT.... AND we will share pictures... be patient though, I am sure the first day or two will be full of too much excitement!!!

Lark, Julie's family, good luck tomorrow morning!!!!

Kaye, best for safe travels to the airport, and my thoughts are with you, I can only imagine how difficult it is to say good-bye to these babies...
GOOD LUCK tomorrow to all the new puppy parents :yay: :excited:
Try to get some sleep tonight :lol:
:yay: YAY How exciting!!!!! :excited:
Definitely get some sleep while you can.... 8O
Enjoy your new puppies!! I'll be joining the new puppy parents group. We have 2, 3 month old sheepies. They are a handful![/i]
Is he there yet?????? Is he home?????? When do we get to see picture???????? :yay: :banana: :yay:

This is such an exciting day for you!!!!! I can't wait to hear about it!
:banana: Ambrose is home! :banana:

He missed his flight and didn't get in until this evening. I could see him thru the door behind baggage claim all alone, but could not get to him and had to find someone to page the AA staffer to let me have him :cry:

He was poopy and a little stunned on the ride home but so quiet and sweet. The boys all sat and pet him in the garden once we got home.

He had a little bath to clean up and that seemed to revive him :D He started following and chasing the boys with the CUTEST little hop run. We were laughing at how cute he looked hopping around the backyard.

He tried to poop and pee but only a tiny bit of red came out of his tushie- is that OK? He finally ate some food and water - didn't want to go potty- and is napping in his comfy crate in the kitchen with the door open.

We are so happy to have him home! Thanks Kaye :D

Pictures later tonight- I promise :wink:

Lark (Ambrose's Mommy)
Welcome home Ambrose :clappurple: :clappurple:

I bet you sure are thrilled that he is finally home.....and safe :D

I'm not sure about the reddish poop....maybe stress related. I know Kaye doesn't feed the babies before their flight. I remember Emmie being very tired when we got home with her. She didn't eat much either. I thought what a sweet mellow girl she is......NOT. Sweet, YES. Mellow....NO WAY :D :D
When she woke up in the morning we seen a different baby girl.....full of energy and hungry.
Don't worry to much, a good night sleep will do him wonders....you on the other hand......you don't get any sleep!

How is Ambrose doing?
Laurie, Emmie and Bella

Chipper has a precious little hop too- we were calling him hoppy earlier. He loves chasing the ball in the backyeard--

WOOOHOOOOO WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ambrose is awake and playful this morning :D My 6 year old sang him a song last night and he fell asleep! SO CUTE :lol: Trying to keep the balance with the kids playing with him without overwhelming him. Doing OK so far. He is really laid back and sweet natured.

Cried a tiny bit overnight but slept in his tiny crate next to the bed without needing to go out until this am around 5:30am when my other 2 kids woke up. We went straight out and he peed the pooped once we got inside :oops:

Kaye- What was their schedule for eating and going out?

I'll post some pics in a few minutes.
:yay: :hearts: :kiss: :yay:
Welcome home Ambrose! Julie sends puppy kisses to him! I love the pics of him and the family! Keep us updated, We would love to stay updated with Julies siblings! :D
He's too cute for words!! :go: Looks like he's settling in with your boys just great.
Let the good times roll!! 8) :banana: :cheer:

Oh yeah...

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