The Dog Whisperer not all that...

Seems he and his facility are in a little trouble: ... index.html
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I'm at a loss for words. :( I feel terrible for the family and the pooch.
Oh dear 8O
Interesting! I'm thinking it was more a few trainers gone wrong (until I hear more). Just like if someone adulterated some chicken at KFC, I wouldn't stop going to KFC just because of one person. I will look for more info and keep up with this case before I thought anything bad of CM himself. Like I'd like to know if he was there watching the dog being "overworked." I'm sure after this... those workers are in trouble. I also wonder about the health of the dog that was brought in.
I agree, I need to here the whole story. I still think he is great!!
Yikes, that poor dog :(
They had Cesar Milan as a cartoon character on South Park last night...he was there to train Cartman...

Jo--you're pretty forgiving when it comes to fried chicken, aren't you! :wink:
my husband freaks out when i ask the waitor to fix something or give me something i've already asked twice for (like extra ranch). mostly b/c he's worked at so many food places.

i don't give a crap. if i don't know about it... i have no problem eating it. i also sniff dog butts. 8)

btw, why is it 80% of the time (hardly exaggerating) ...whenever I ask for extra ranch ...and even give a long speech about how the people forgot last time (ESP. Sonic) ...........they still forget. I'm nice about it too. Shoot.. I'm not the type of person to let someone off the hook (like mr. j)... you're geting my dang ranch. please?
I saw that South Park episode!!! absolutely HILARIOUS!!!! I especially love that only Cesar was able to "fix" Cartman, none of the nannies could do it :lol:

SOOOO funny. I love southpark!

As for the lawsuit incident- That poor guy and his dog :( how sad is that. I don't think it casts a shadow on Mr. Milan personally though, just that particular worker and possibly the facility.
I agree it doesn't really say anything about CM, just that at his facility, which is one flaw to celbreality. You have a hit show, huge facility that is named after you, youre bound to run into problems. The workers should be the ones that are in trouble, b/c how could the dog have choked if he was being supervised while they ran him close to death :twitch: Sorry i m just a little sensitive to peole losing dogs unexpectedly :phew:

barney1 wrote:
They had Cesar Milan as a cartoon character on South Park last night...he was there to train Cartman...

I was hoping someone else had seen that. It was one of the funniest episodes I've seen in awhile! I love when he finally got Cartman into a "calm, submissive" state. His fat little feet wouldn't even touch the ground!

I would definitely like to hear both sides of the story here. Something just doesn't sound right.
I'm sorry, but a training facility goes by the rules and direction of the ones who run it. The treadmills are there...Why? And choke chains are either used by the organisaion or not. And if they are, why?

I am not surpised by any of this.
The treadmills are there...Why?

exercise of course. often used for rehabilitating a dog too. i use one on BOTH my maltese and OES when I don't take them for a walk. Maltese walks on it for 10 minutes. She LOVES it. It's only walking speed (for her), so she just hops off when she's finished or just stops walking and when she gets close to the end... hops off. If I stand on it, it stops completely since she's a TAD lighter than me. ;)

We just got this treadmill, so Yuki hasn't had a chance yet, but I plan on letting her get on it. She already tries to while my maltese is on. I used to take my maltese to the gym with me at my old place, so she is familiar with it.

I've seen it used many times on Animal PLanet too as a source of exercise, and it being recommended when you can't get outside or just in general.
Hmmmm, I'm a bit suspicious. Seems like someone looking to cash in on Cesar's fame and fortune. JMHO.
exercise of course. often used for rehabilitating a dog too.

I think there is a difference between using a treadmill for excericing your dog and rehabilitating one. First of all, this insidnet "apparently" happened in few hours later. Where was the time for the getting the dog settle down into its environment, and maybe putting some trust into his handler? Then there is the training and conditioning time to get the dog used to the treadmill. I know my dogs would probably freak if they were put on one. Not because they don't like them, but they don't know anything about then. Being forced to walk in a strange environment, on a unfamiliar machine, and with strange sounds and smells would totally stress out any dog. Totally different when done in their own home, with thier family and when they are used to it.

I understand the concept of getting a dog excercised, so that they are not as hyper etc, but this sounds to me totally out of control.

I am so against sending your dog off to any training facility. For example, let's say the facility uses the treadmill for 1 hour a day, then does the obedience training. Supposedly this works well, the dog gets trained, and then goes back to its owner. The owner takes the dog for 1 hour walks, but in parks, and on sidewalks, Totally different type of excersie, mixed in with all kinds of environemental stimulation. The dog doesn't react the same to the training it has had because the whole scenerio is different.

I was horse-back riding last nite and the owner showed me how the tongue of the mare was practically torn in two. Looked like Maggie's tongue. He said when she was young her sent her off to a supposedly great training facility and they used a technique where they tied the horse's head very tight to the chest, with some kind of sharp bit is it's mouth and left them tied like that all day...To teach them to respect the bit.... He got her back and she was a mess. Since then he trains his own horses as he cannot trust what people do to animals. She is a nice ride, and respects the bit, so I guess it worked :evil: :evil:
This sounds very suspicious to me. Like maybe someone out for the
almighty dollar and some PR.
Accidents do happen, and it seems like there is always someone right
there just waiting to bad mouth the situation and cash in.

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