My dog is getting into cat food...

Ok guys I need some puppy assistance.

Pip has been getting into Crash's kitty food, to the point where he is eating more of it then she is!

Now Iris and Bell get fed up on the island- he can't get up there, the girls get left alone, everyone is happy.

But Crash eats seperately- she won't eat with my girls on the island. Remember, she is my sisters, and is a "seperate household" when it comes to eating. So she eats on the floor in Christina's room. Now we try to keep the door closed- but the 125 year old door is off it's alignment and doesn't latch, so a gentle nudge pushes it open. We ALSO have a baby gate in front of the door, but as you all know, Pip jumps and climbs the gate no problem. None of the tables my sister has in her room are high enough that he can't get to them. We all do our best to watch him, but he still manages to sneak in and get to her food.

So any ideas for curbing the cat food diet???
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Our kitty food hasn't been safe since Ben has been big enough to surf.......which was pretty quickly.......we feed our cats up on the "bakers rack/liquor cabinet" Ben gets to it everytime.................that is something we have all just had to learn to live with.................. :roll:
Jasper eats the cats food too, but the cats eat the dog food. I guess it evens out... lol
How about a taller dog gate? The one we have just has bars so there's nothing for them to stick their feet into for climbing. Foz has tried to sort of climb it but the bars are slippery and he just slides down. There are some gates that have an addition you can put on the top too.
Can you do something like put a bungee cord on the doornob so it will only open a few inches so that Crash can come in and out but Pip will be denied access?
For me, the only solution IS to find a way to put the cat food higher. Does she have her own bathroom? If so, I'd keep it in the corner of the bathroom counter. That's where our cats food is. I also like the higher gate idea.

Our cat will eat the dog food if she doesn't have any food, but that just makes me feel bad for her. Something I rather prevent happenening. I end up yelling my cat's name...and the cat yells at me back because she's so hungry.
Does she have a dresser? Not pretty, but it would work. Or, could you install a shelf that the cat can jump to from the bed?
Nope no dresser, and the jewelry cabinet is too small for her to jump on. Pretty much every piece of furniture is either too low for pippin safety, or too high (Like her armoire) for Crash to get up there.

that bungee idea though... hmmm you might have something there...
That's what my parents do to keep Maggie away from the cat's litter box. They have it in a cabinet and have the bungee cord so the cat can come and go, but the dog can't get her silly sheepie head in...
We had that problem when we had a cat and Rosco was small. My vet told me that cat food is horrible for dogs because of the high protein content, which is why they like it.
Yep, I definitely DO NOT want him eating the cat food (it's diet but who cares?)... especially when I pay all this $$$ for his Eagle Pak natural holistic specially formulated for Pippin food!
Iriskmj wrote:
Yep, I definitely DO NOT want him eating the cat food (it's diet but who cares?)... especially when I pay all this $$$ for his Eagle Pak natural holistic specially formulated for Pippin food!

Lol. They're like kids and would rather eat the junk food. I can't keep Clyde out of Bear's puppy food, again, the higher protein content. I started mixing Clyde's food in with Bear's so he'd lose interest (and because I think Bear's getting to the end of a need for puppy food). Now that it looks just like his, he's not quite as excited anymore. I know that won't help you but I was just sympathizing!
You could always cut a hole in a door of whatever room you want to keep cat food and cat litter in to keep the dog out of it. Or install a cat door, but cutting a large mouse-like hole in the bottom of the door works too if you're not too concerned about the decor. LOL I cut a hole in our basement door for the cats. The litterbox is now down there, and the food and water for the cats is on the top basement step.
I did think about that but the door is an antique, 125 years old- original to the home, and that would kinda be like sacrilege. I try not to damage any of the original wood in the home- it helps to keep it's value (What little of it there is :lol: )
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