Two legged critters that we raise......

Boy, can they ever keep you on your toes. My oldest and his fiancee really managed to put guite a few gray hairs in my head yesterday. You know the call that you always dread? The one that you get in the middle of the night or early in the morning? The one that says "Your son, his fiancee and a friend have had a vehicle accident. It appears that Jason in non-responsive at the moment. You need to come to the hospital." I got mine early yesterday morning. Thank God that all are going to be fine, but is was scary as h#$*! Once I get to the hospital, 50 miles from home, I can't see any of them. They are all in xray or ct. It just so happens that I run into a former co-worker who is a Security Guard at the hospital. She has spoken to all 3 of them, she knew Jason, and the were all responsive. Long story, somewhat shorter, Jason has a mild concussion, his fiancee had a fracture of the maxilla and four teeth that we are hoping they were able to save with surgery yesterday, the friend only has a busted lip and they all have scratches and bruises. They will all heal in time. The car on the other hand.......not so lucky.

To add just one more thing, just when you think it could not get worse. After all of this yesterday, My ex calls Jason and tells him that his chemo is not working. They gave him his last treament yesterday. They have basically sent him home to die. He weighed around 175 when we were married, he now weighs 112. Please keep him, his new wife, my kids and the rest of his family in your prayers.
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How frightening :cry: You must have been scared to death not knowing what was happening during your drive to the hospital. I am glad everyone in the car will be OK.

I am very sorry to hear about your ex. His new wife and kids (as well as your son) must be devastated.

Wow...How scary! I am glad everyone in the accident will be ok. :phew:

I am very sorry about your Ex. It is a very sad situation. I wish him and his family the best.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your whole family.....
Thinking of you and your whole family, you are all in my prayers.
I can't imagine how afraid you were making that long drive, but I'm very glad it turned out so well. I'm sorry about your ex, I will keep e and his family in my thoughts.
I'm so sorry..... I'm glad those who were in the accident are ok, and sorry to hear about your ex...
Wow, I don't know how you made the 50 mile drive without getting in an accident yourself! I'm so thankful though that everyone is okay.

I also pray that God will help your ex's journey home be as peaceful as possible.
Oh my gosh. I can't imagine how your heart dropped when you received that phone call, but to have all the added pain from the second call too. :(

I hope you're doing okay, and everyone has the strength to make a full recovery. Hang in there. I'm really sorry to hear about your ex. I hope God helps him get through this with all the courage and power that is needed.
So glad the kids are ok!! It is a terrible scare. i'm sorry to hear about your ex :(
What a terrible day! I'm glad everything is okay with your son and his fiancee. I'm sorry about your ex. I'll have him in my prayers.
How frightening! That call is the worst!! And then to have to drive 50 miles not knowing what you'll find when you get awful. I'm very glad that they're doing okay.

So sorry about your ex. Your kids & his family will be in my thoughts.
Scary--I'm glad it turned out okay...sorry to hear about your x :cry:
Our blessing are with you and your family. I truly believe God gives a person only what they can handle. Our prayers will be with all of you!
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