Here gOES Nothin'!

Ok, so after reading all these posts about puppy cuts and summer coats and all, I have decided to try the puppy-cut myself. I'm used to cutting people hair, and have had good success getting Walter to sit still for most normal grooming.

I will be back to post before and after pictures as soon as I'm done. Cross your fingers everyone!!
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OOOOOhhhhh good luck - I'm sure it will turn out super cute! :wink:
You'll do fine and remember if you make a mistake it grows back real quick :wink: Best thing to do is get in there and have a go :D

Look forward to seeing pictures :D
Why is everyone getting their dog's shaved! I need a little circle of people who aren't to encourage me!!! ;) ;) Your dog looks bEAUTIFUL in your avatar. But all the pics in your photo album are great! Good luck and can't wait to see his handsome new haircut!
I'm trying to keep Bentley long, so you're in good company. :wink:

It's getting harder though, now he tangles up if you breathe on him; daily brushing is required.

He & I are going to Cleveland to visit friends this weekend and I'm going to try to get some pictures of him. He's absolutely adorable these days.

Not that he wasn't before. :)
Good luck! I could never do it with scissors. The clippers are nice and fast.

Jo, As for my dogs.... 114 degrees is just too hot for long hair.
That is our average temps in the summer here.
It's already been over 100 twice. So off comes the hair...and here comes a happy dog.
I just got it! "Here gOES nothin'" LOL

OES! Ha!
a little on the slow side today too Ron...I just got it because of
ditto. i didn't get it either. :P

It's getting harder though, now he tangles up if you breathe on him; daily brushing is required.

I KNOW!!!!!!! When she starts scratching herself, I start cringing b/c I know that means "MATT!"

Jo, As for my dogs.... 114 degrees is just too hot for long hair.
That is our average temps in the summer here.
It's already been over 100 twice. So off comes the hair...and here comes a happy dog.

Well, I totally understand that. I think Yuki would be MISERABLE with long hair too. She definitely was in TX and OK. BIG difference in her personality.
J if you strip out the undercoat with a rake, comb or a Mars rake, you can still have the longer hair look, not much matting then as it is the undercoat that matts. :wink: Kelsey has her undercoat removed as she is elderly and still has a long coat but not much work to groom her now. :wink:
lisa....... I AM TRYINGGGGGGGGGG... I haven't gotten the MARS rake yet. Haven't had my credit card downstairs every time I've thought of purchasing it. I can't get it with a comb. I mean.. I am using what the groomers recommended and what I always see here (something willowsprite picked out when yuki was a puppy) ....but there are just areas that are terrible.

like that line along her side right before it's "belly"
the armpits
the chest/borderline where collar is (just started to take off collar)
then her feet from those darn bones. she spends so much time licking the bones off her after she's finished (no color normal bones...but she's made the pieces she's torn off so soggy, they stick to her)
The mars will help as it cuts through the matts too. So it will make it easier for you then. You still have to have a light stroke with the mars as you can take out chunks you pull on it too hard. But it is a great and quick rake to keep the undercoat away.

Bones, use my trick, pair of knee length socks on front legs and then they can chew and goop away without the mess on the legs. Mine use there front legs to hold the bones so easier then to take the socks off with all the goop on it and wash them rather then get all the yuck out of there front legs. Works well :wink:
oooooooooooh, that's a good idea!!! thanks!!!

sorry for going off topic. back to your beautiful dog getting a haircut!!
Ok, so it's definitely a rough cut...2 things.

1) I attempted to do this job outside on the picnic table - so as to prevent running away, etc. Well, that was a great idea until Walter decided to jump OFF the 3 foot tall table. After I got him back on, he settled down, and I was able to get most of the way through before the nosey neighbor kids came over wandering what I was you all gasp 8O knowing what comes next...there goes the calm dog and any progress I was making. So I let them play for a while, which was actually very funy to watch, as Walter was quite furry on one side, and not on the other (he he he he). Anyhow, the cut came out pretty well for a first hack with scissors (I'm definitely investing in a rake or clippers or both). I didn't spend a ton of time on the paws or the front legs, but now that I know he'll be calm enough, I can do it later.

And 2) NEVER ask your technologically inept mother to take pictures for you with a digital camera...I would have had some pretty good shots, but alas...see below:

SO, in short, a good experience. Again, I'll definitely be investing in a rake at some point, because even though Walter's wiggle butt looks very cute with short hair, I definitely prefer the full coat. Thanks for all the support and advice on the trimming - you all inspired me to go for it. And don't worry about the gOES was lame ;)

After - sorry you can't see much. More soon, I promise!
I'd say nice shot, but it looks just a TADDDDDDDDD blurry. ;)

If the trim he got was what you can see in the other may 3rd pic... then he's cute and it still looks like a nice length!
YAY you did well for a first time trim :yay:

Using the picinic table outside is a great idea and saves your back too. To make him more secure on it lay an old towel or blanket over it and get him to lay on that, makes it more comfortable and secure especially when they are still babies and if they stand up on the table, when you train him to do that, for trimming the feet it stops them slipping too. :wink:

Mmmm still trying to make out the first picture :lol:

Yep I use the outside table too when the weather is nice, beats grooming inside and vacuuming up all the hair :wink:

WELL DONE :clappurple:
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