Attn puppy parents!!!

Do your hands look like you've been traipsing through a thorn hedge?
Sick of cleaning up that puddle for the fifty bazzilionth time?
Head pounding from the midnight barking, whining, and crying?
Beginning to think someone secretly switched your precious fuzzball with a naughty little stinker that looks JUST LIKE HIM behind your back?

Then Mosey on over to the Getting a Puppy forum and check out the brand new OES.ORG PUPPY PARENT SUPPORT GROUP!

That's right, no longer do you have to deal with sleepless nights, chewed hands, holey clothing and those little puddles by yourself! Come and share your stories, blow off steam, and commiserate with fellow OES puppy owners as we share about our new arrivals!
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Are you saying that the names is the OOPPS Group? lol
What a great lead in Iriskmj! I thought you were about to sell me something for $19.95 :lol:
you forgot to mention the paw marks round your neck when they hug you, scrathes to the face when they lick you and Ollie will try and nibble my lips, but ends up biting them - now I'm not moaning, cause yep I'm the fool here - gotta love em though :phew:
I guess that pretty appropriate... You say that a lot with a new p[uppy

"oops we missed a potty"
"opps we got into the cats food"
"opps I've got a new hole in my pants"

Oops oops oops!

Can I be a "OOPPS" wanna be?? :?
Yep! All are welcome in Oopps as long as you want to listen to us compare notes about puppy behavior ;)
I'm not a puppy owner but a close friend had a puppy who is an absolute terror when I visit him :lol: My friend says he doesn't behave like that when I'm not there, he's excited I guess :lol: His favourite thing to do is grab my handbag and bite it, oh, and of course, jumping on my head and trying to yank my hair out :twisted:

I love him to bits :lol:
I cantt find this group??? :?
We meet in chat on Tuesday nights (cst) Next "meeting" will be tomorrow night!
How has this been going? Anyone been chatting on Tuesdays?
I couldn’t keep my eyes open,8O , I really want to talk to other oopps, but it’s in the middle of the night :phew:
Hi everyone;
we just got another oes on fri. he is 10 weeks old. He is getting along with our 5 yr. old oes pretty well. But since it's been 5 yrs. since we've had a "baby" in our house, our new little guy has surprised us to some degree. He already is "humping" the older dog, is this normal? What do we do about it. He just goes and goes on!!! Then he will be playing with the older dog, they are both growling and running around, and all of a sudden the little guy kinda goes squirrely and attacks the older dog, snapping and biting. He has done this to us a couple of times and of course we corrected him immediately, and we correct him with the older dog as well, but i guess I'm wondering if this is normal behavior or is it a result of him being breech, in a litter of 10 or what??
We just never know what will set him off to this behavior, so any ideas or suggestions would help.
welcome, double trouble! You should post in the introduction section so everyone can welcome you to the forum. We have an 8 month old and a 9 year old OES. Foz still does all sorts of puppy things to Annie. I let them work it out unless I worry that the pup is in danger. Now that Foz can fend for himself now, I pretty much leave them aloneor separate them into different areas so the older one can have some peace and quiet :D
My face has had so many scratches and bruises, work mates think I am professional hockey players :)
Hi all

not got mine yet,i have another 4wks of peace and quiet. I cant wait, everyone says enjoy cause once he gets here thats it your life will change forever...... :twisted: He will be my second sheepie. I love em so much i cant help it.Hoping for a rescue when buster is about 2....yes your right im a glutton for.....

:D Keep your stories coming they bring back memories!!!! :D
Ooo! Ooo! I wanna join! I wanna join!

I don't have my puppy yet, but when I do.... :)
on Tuesdays? :lol: Had my OES about 1 month. She is such a sweetheart. Would love to chat about training and antics.
Well, the puppy chat never really took off. However, please feel free to set up a time and discuss. :D
Thanks Stacy. Just gave my 41/2 month old a bath and long combing session. I feel like a chew toy. What do you do about the nipping while you groom? She doesn't do it with a spiteful spirit. Kinda love nibbles, but gosh, they HURT!
I had just brought home my OES a little over a week ago. She is so lovable! I am looking forward to all the advice coming from this website. I will have a pictures up soon.
We just brought our puppy home last Friday. She is so much fun. She is teething and chews on everything in sight. My sister in law came over to let her out today while we ere at work. She called my husband at work to find out how to get her back in her pen in the kitchen. She told him she was shure she didn't want to go. He told her to take her home with her and we would pick her up after work. I hate to leave her in the morning. Oh well school is almost out. Then I will be home with her all of the time.
I know I will have tons of questions.
Oopps is a great name because that is what all of the puppies are saying, "oopps! I left another puddle around the house" as mommy is chasing the little baby and yelling "NO!"
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