Today will be his first day in childcare

Today will be his first day in childcare .........and probably last for a long time. I'm not worried, ...more like anxiety. I already want him back and I haven't even left. My meeting will be down the hall from him, but I keep thinking... will they feed him correctly (cause he hates the bottle/not used to it), will he just be laying down ALL DAY LONG, will he be sucking on toys that have a million germs on them from not so clean kids, will they put his dang diaper on tight enough since I've yet to have someone do it right (at the hospital), and a million other things.. I bet I cut out early from this all day meeting. Sigh.. I don't even know why I'm going to this thing. I've also never gone all night plus all morning without pumping/feeding. I'm going to explode by the time I get home. :lol: Exhales. Okay, I'm off.
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Everything will be fine...the first true test of leaving your child with someone gets easier, and by the time he's a teenager, you'll just say..."Go" can do it...chin up..give extra hugs and kisses when you see him after your meeting
HAHAHAHAHA! REALX, take a deep breath, it'll be OK!!!!!!!!! A little time apart is good for both of you, even if everything isn't perfect. Nothing at Daycare is ever just like home but somehow they manage to survive inspite of it!!
Oh the memories this brought back :lol:

I have had to go thru that with all 3 of my munchkins at some point. My first child SCREAMED the entire time (2 hours) I was gone and we were asked not to bring him back because he was not ready to be separated from me. :cry: I stayed at home (literally) for the next 4 years.

Now he leaps out of the car without a kiss or hug and runs into his second grade class to play with his friends!
Hayley is a Momma's Girl and will cry the entire time when I leave her...even with family.
Billy & I finally got to go out on a date Saturday.
My MIL came to watch Ryan & Hayley.
Hayley cried for 1 hr straight. Poor Baby!
When I got home she was lying on the living room floor exhausted from crying. Ryan had given her her blanket. I picked her up and she puked on me.... Billy too. Pay back, I am sure!!
Billy told his Mom that the only reason she cries around her is because she's never around and Hayley doesn't know who she is.
He is trying to make her feel guilty for not visiting enough.
She is also the same with my parents, who she sees a lot.
This started about at 9 months old. Before that I could leave her with my parents.
Getting Jordan used to other people now will make it easier for you later.
We don't have a local babysitter so we don't go out very often.
Oh... Poor Jo!!!! HUG!!!! This is a good step though... It is important for you and Mr. J to have spousal alone time, and this helps you get used to leaving him with someone else (KINDA LIKE MOMMY TRAINING :) ) so you guys can do that. It'll be ok, I promise!!!!! What's the meeting for anyhow- the military spouse thing?

Now you remember to say comforting things to me when I have to leave my little one for the 1st stime!!!!
You will both survive just fine, Mom! You'll find the socialization will do him good.

This reminds me of an episode of Roseanne that I was watching the other night. It was after Jackie had her son and she was being SUPER protective of him. Becky wanted to hold him and Jackie was going nuts - "Now, support his little head, hold him more upright, hold him under his little butt, watch his leg, don't squish his chest - okay, now, he doesn't like it. It's okay baby. Mommy has you now." Then Mark wanted to hold him and she snapped, "No, he doesn't want to be held right now."

The first time away from him is the hardest, but I'll bet it's harder on you then him. Breathe! He'll be fine!
I was like that with my first, when she was born I was sure not even the nurses or my own mother were going to do anything right. LOL
I still prefer not to have a sitter honestly..... I feel no need to "be away" from them or take a break, I enjoy *most* of the time I have with them.... though some days...... sheesh......
When they were little I had no help, and no breaks, when I probably needed them most, and it definitely would have been better for them to get used to having a little time away from me at a much younger age..... so enjoy, and relax! :)
Baby J will be fine, HOWEVER mom might be a nervous wreck :lol:

Enjoy your little break while he is in day care. It is easier to start when they are young so if there is ever a need for child care in the future you know he will accept it and be fine :wink: It will do him good to be around other bubs and new sensations. :D
Ohhh. I didn't even notice til now that someone was nice enough to move this thread for me. :D

Anywho... well.. lil J came back to me in one piece. What a playa he is. First he was french-kissing Ms. Piggy and then today I walked in and he had some 4 yr old kissing all over him. She said, "I like chunky boys." :oops:

When I left, he frowned like "where you going mommy?" No crying though. I can't believe he didn't miss me enough to cry. ;)

All day I thoguht about him. Some girl brought her 2 wk old to our briefing and every time her child cried... my "chest" started to THROB in PAIN!!!!!!!! As the day went by, it got worse. Didn't help that I help this hungry newborn for awhile too.

Drezzie's Mom :lol: .... I've seen that episode (esp. since I'm a nick at nite junkie).

Iriskmj, it was a military 101 meeting (about army life). I have to take "X" amount of courses to get my certificates so I can help out other wives.

...and btw, I did cut out early. lol I COUDLN'T stop thinking about WHAT he was doing. Not that he was in danger or anything... just wanted to hold my boy!!!!

I think it was worth it the end. When I came back to pick him up, I was asking how he was... and lil J just pouted and pouted that I wasn't paying attn to him.
We don't have a local babysitter so we don't go out very often

we can't find any here. the only ones so far are in anchorage and we live outside of town (they won't come to our place).

our small child care place only lets me do part-time (25 hrs a wk) until he is in school.

Yeah. They only babysit at YOUR house that is on BASE. I don't live on base. None of the babysitters come out to where I live on the childcare listings on base either. :P It's not a big deal. Was just trying to relate a little to Pepsi's Mommy.

Mr. J and I don't really want to put him in childcare unless we have to. I could have brought him into class with me (all the wives fight to hold him), but I chose not to because I knew he would just be down the hall. I'm a stay at home for a reason! :D

I tried to sign up for "Parent's Night Out" (military babysits your kid while you go out) since it falls on our anniversary and it's the last one until school starts up again... but Mr. J still doesn't feel comfortable with it, so I had to cancel our "spot" yesterday. Lil J is so young, and we don't want him to catch anything. EVERY mom in our company has had their child get sick at least twice before the age of 4 months .......except ours. There's something going around. Not to mention that Mr. J likes bringing him everywhere. I don't mind at all since Mr. J leaves Soon for Iraq.
Yes, It's totally understandable that he wants to spend as much time with bubby as possible before he leaves!! Just don't forget that you 2 are H+W not just M+D. You get some hubby bonding time in there too before he goes Jo!!!!
Haha..oh the memories. Our daughter never had a babysitter until our son was born...I needed hubby at the hospital, so we had a family member watch her but as soon as our baby was born, I made hubby go home and be with her.

When he finally brought her to the hospital she would not look at me, talk to me, or anything....she was very very mad at me. She was 14 mths old.

Our son fisrt babysitting experience came much earlier, we HAD to attend a wedding, I felt it would be better the kids not attend...It really felt wrong, and I hated leaving him, he was 8 weeks I think. After that I never left either for a very long time, we too were parents that felt we gave birth to them and we can include them in anything we do.

Now that they are 5 and 6, we feel they do need to move on, see other kids, have playdates and an occasional babysitter...hubby and I do enjoy a movie night every 4 mths or becomes sooooo expensive to go out we rarely do.

I agree tho, if you know you need to leave him, starting early will help. It also gives them more confidence to handle new people and children...and will be a huge benefit as he starts kids lack child social skills (interaction protocol with other of their peer group).

Have fun
((HUGS))) I remember how hard that first time is. I think it's good to leave them occasionally though. Brandon, my youngest, never left my side until he was about 2 (except for one week when my husband & I went on a cruise to celebrate our 5th anniversary). He was a preemie, had some complications, was on different medications, so I was pretty paranoid about leaving him. He has the WORST case of seperation anxiety now. We tried preschool, so he could play with other kids. That didn't last long, they said it wasn't working out. He would do nothing but cry and scream for me. *sigh*

We've tried church over and over. He talks NON-stop. It's okay in our church, no one minds and several kids do it. They want kids in the service, and everytime one gets really loud, our pastor says "Rejoice in the sound of children. They are the future of our faith." or something along those lines. At MIL's church though, they're a little more reserved about children. We've taken him several times, and it just doesn't work out. We tried the nursery and he got kicked out because he kept opening the door (childproofed door), trying to find me and he was letting other kids out. The second time we tried the nursery with him, he stayed the whole time, but I found out he and the nursery director spent the entire hour walking around the hallways "looking" for me. They put a sound proof parent room in, where you can hear the sermon through an intercom and watch it through glass, and I tried that with him once. Then, he wanted back in the other room and kept trying to escape. Nothing works with him there, lol, I wish I had taken time away from him. Maybe he wouldn't be so attached to me now. I can't even go into the bathroom without him crying and banging on the door "Mama, let me in...let me in...please let me in..." If I even leave the room he's in, "Mama...where are you?" and then he comes to wherever I am. We're going to try preschool again this fall, and I hope it works out better. He has to learn to spend some time away from me, because he starts kindergarten in two more years. So far, the only people I can leave him without his complaining with is my mom and my mother-in-law.
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