
Hello again... just finished bathing Dancer and noticed her ears were looking pretty gross. I've been cleaning them about once a week since I got her with otic cleanser and cotton balls, but right now they look really gross. She was just at the vet a couple weeks ago for vaccinations and he checked her ears then and said there were no mites or infections and to just keep doing what I have been doing. My first OES always had very clean ears, and I only ever had to pluck some hairs out of them maybe once a year, and never while she was a puppy. Dancer's ears have a LOT of fur in them, and I couldn't get her to sit still while I tried to pluck some of them out, nor was I able to get them looking much cleaner because of all the hair in the way. I even gave my husbands nose hair trimmer a try, but it didn't seem to work at all and she didn't like the sound of it. I put extra otic cleanser in her ears and rubbed it in so that I can try to clean them again once it loosens up, but I don't know what to do about the ear hair problem... does it have to be plucked out? Is the hair the reason behind the wax build up? Will it cause problems if I leave all that hair in there? Any advice would be appreciated... poor Dancer is doing the mad-dog-run through the house right now shaking her head, lol, funny, but I feel sorry for her....
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mitch needs his ears plucking once a month .he is now 2 years old and i still have to chase him round the house with the tweezers.when he was a puppy we needed 2 people 1 to hold him and 1 to do the plucking and cleaning now i can manage him on my own.
start by plucking just a few hairs out and gradually build up to doing the whole ear.
patience and perseverance are needed.
when i have finnished cleaning mitches ears i always give him a special treat .one he only gets after ear cleaning.
good luck
Pisco has his ears clean almost all the time and he is not that hairy....but what I do is put some baby oil on a cotton ball and rub them gently....it helps a lot with dirt...but I do finish dabbing them with apple vinager since it takes the oil residue away and it doesn`t harm his skin....
My vet insists that it is a must to pluck out the hair and keep the ears clean. The wax itself can lead to hearing loss which can make anybody irritable and anxious. So It isn't just for looks, smell, or the comfort of your dog ...it is also for their hearing and helps them be more behaved.

Some dogs produce more wax than others. Sometimes this can be caused by irritation in the ear or allergies. But most time it is just the differences between individual dogs. Some members of the uprights have more ear wax than others, it is just the luck of the genetic draw I guess.
Abbi loves having her ears cleaned. I massage her ears first, then put her head in my lap and poof in some ear drying powder, which gives you such a good grip on the hair that it just comes out as you pull with your fingers. For hard to reach hairs I use a forceps .
The Otic cleaner is good as is a bit of hydrogen peroxide with a bit of alcohol. Dont pour any into the ear, just soak a cotton ball and place it in the ear, then massage. Take the cotton ball out and place a dry one in and massage. Repeat as needed to dry out the ear completely. Pluck after you clean, then put another dry cotton ball and massage to get anything left after the plucking.
If you do this two weeks in a row, then every two weeks it will be so easy and not traumatic for either you or the dog. :wink:
If you use a forceps, be careful. If you have ever grabbed up some of your skin with a hair while plucking you know how painful it can be. I would suggest using the ear powder first.
Thanks for the replies... well, I guess it looks like this is something Dancer and I will have to get the hang of. I plucked some after her bath and then again last night, I guess I'll get as much of it as possible in the next couple of days and then get onto a schedule with it. She doesn't like her nails being done either, so I do one foot at a time, then wait a day and do another etc.... eventually she'll learn to relax and I'll be able to do it all at once, I hope. lol
Hi Agingright, I appreciate you taking a picture of everything used for ears. I have everything except the forceps, where would I find them? THank you, Stormi and co.
:D I want to thank you all for this topic! So does Maggy! :D

When I brought Maggy home I put her in the tub right off. Her ears were so gross. FULL of wax and hair. I had the cleaner, but was plucking hair out with only a tweezer. After doing a search and reading this -- I ran right out and bought the ear powder. I thought it was too good to be true, that I could actually pull it out with my fingers! But it works great and Maggy is now ear-hair-free! (for now!) :D

:D Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :D
Yes thanks to you all for the advice - I'm going to have to purchase that ear powder as well.

Just took Merlin to the vet on Friday and he plucked the hair out for me. I said I had taken a scissor and clipped one long piece off and he gave me heck..no cutting any hair in the ear only plucking. I am now chastised and realize the error of my ways so will pass it on to the other members.

Shaggy never had hair or wax problems, think Merlin is going to be of those that needs the constant checking. Oh lucky me!
i was having ear problems with walter as well. my dad plucked all the hair out and i cleaned them really well and for the past couple of days he hasnt been scratching very much and they didn't have any smell (plus they dont look disgusting anymore)! i hope a once a week cleaning will suffice.

by the way- if you dont have forceps or tweezers arent getting a good enough grip, my dad used pliers and they worked very well... just make sure theyre clean!
That ear powder was an awesome suggestion, when I did Dancer's I just used baby powder, because it was on hand, and it worked just as well. Amazing! I sprinkled a little in her ears, let it absorb for a few minutes and then was able to pluck out large chunks of fur just with my fingers, and it didn't seem to hurt her at all. It only took a few minutes, and we were done. That was about a month ago I think, and they still look nice and clean.
OMG Thanks for this post I didn't even know about this 8O
Though my husband has had sheepies, I haven't in the past. I knew there would be a lot of coat grooming and such, but didn't know about this ear thing.

I have been cleaning hers about once a week, with ear clean pads. So do they all get this or is it like an infection? I know when I had Brittany Spaniels they would get occasional infections and it would stink. Plus are you just removing gooked up loose hair from the canal or is it plucking hair that grows in there? That has to hurt!

But I will peer into her little ears tonite and see what's up.

Thanks so much for the product info too!!
Plucking the actual hair that grows there, it helps prevent infections, as well as improve their hearing! It does seem to hurt, but if its done quickly you can minimize this. Putting powder in their ears reduces the pain as well, since it makes it so much easier and faster to get done. It doesn't have to be done very often. I've only done Dancer's twice and she is almost 7 months old. Some may need it more often, and some may not really need it at all. My first OES never needed her ears plucked.
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