Is that a mud ball, or a sheepdog?


I had my first "labyrinth" sheepdog moment this weekend. (For those of you who aren't obssesed with this movie like I am, the main character has a pet OES, who gets banished to the garage at the beginning of the movie for being soaked through and muddy)

It has been raining straight since Friday morning here in MN. Naturally I had some bare root roses that HAD to go into the ground this weekend! So Saturday morning I got up the guts to go outside. I got totally geared up- flannel jeans, heavy work gloves, sweatshirt, rain jacket the whole 19 yards. But I thought, hey misery loves company, right???

So I took Pippin out with me...


You'd have thought I'd learned by now that if you take 1 sheepdog, add in freshly turned soil, and add rain, it would be a gigantic mess, but NO!

After 1.5 hours of digging in roses, and ripping out 1/2 of my west bed in frustration over the rampant overgrown perrenials and weeds, I think there was more dirt on Pippin then left in my garden! Oh what a mess!

I was so cold and miserable that I just gave up the ghost (I still have a gigantic fruit order that came and needs to be planted!) took us both inside, gave Pippin a bath and sat on the couch the rest of the afternoon under the down comforter playing video games!

sorry that I didn't take a picture, but at the time I was so miserable that a black, wet sheepdog puppy wasn't looking really funny or photo worthy.

Next time I go to do something like this, will someone please smack me long distance, PLEASE????
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oh my gosh. i don't know what to say, but you are BRAVE! I would N-E-V-E-R think to bring my sheepdog outside when it was muddy and rainy!!!! :lol:

I SO WISH we had pics. They would have been so much fun to see. <to point and laugh at of course> ;)

look on the bright side... your baby is tiny and bath time is a easier!!! :D
Yep- although I noticed he is now the size of a HORSE literally... ok a miniature horse, but still!!! We went to a horse expo on sunday, and some of the mini horses were smaller then Pip! :lol:

Luckily, he is a champ in the bathtub- and takes his weekly baths very well!!! This time he just got one extra!

I can just picture it.. him running from garden to garden, ripping, digging, you yelling Pippin No.. you getting up from your crouched position to chase after him, him running to another part of the garden and on and on.. till yes finally in the house in frustration you go...

I can see it, cause I lived it for 2 1/2 weeks.. it's name was Sadie.. and it was a game every time she went out.. my garden lay in ruin.. my maple sapling is dug up, my lilies, tulips, hostas, so sad, so sad.. spirea, assorted vines, didn't survive the Sadie destruction...

When I delivered her to her new family last Tuesday, it's out in the country on a lake, I pull in the driveway and lo and behold, BEAUTIFUL gardens all around..They opened the door, with joy and glee on their faces, I thurst towards them their puppy... and say.. she's a digger...I hear their screams of horror as I drive away.
Luckily, he only wanted to help mom dig THAT hole- so if I was digging a hole, he wanted to help dig the hole. He ALSO got into the soil I was mixing to go back into the holes, so my tarp got tons of holes in it :cry: And my good manure, compost, top soil, peat moss combo soil got all over his coat instead of where it belonged- in with the roses! Luckily he doesn't do the PIPPIN SMASH thing to my beds, he's pretty good with the plants themselves, but man if I'm moving dirt, he's gotta be right in there with me!
All I have to say is...YOU'RE NUTS!!! We have the most spoiled dogs in the world. Mom and Dad hate the rain so you better hurry it along out there. It poured all day for us too...we all went back to bed at some point yesterday.

Could you please tell me how you bathe Pippen? Do you get in the bathtub with him, sit outside and lean in, or do you have a doggie tub? We gave Foz a bath yesterday. Steve got in the tub with him. Unfortunately, we ran out of hot water (supposed to be a newer hot water heater :evil: ) so they eventually got very cold. Poor Foz :(
Stacy, you can try one of those pet showerhead/hoses. We have one. It reaches all the way to the bottom of the tub (from where it hooked up on the showerhead). It only comes on when you spray it. It's great! Of course ours goes in our extra bathroom. We wouldn't use the same showerhead to take a bath in.
Well, when he was really little still he and I both went in the shower, me with my swimsuit on. When I had to rinse him off, I just lifted up his tummy.

He's too big to do that to now, so into the tubbie he goes. I stay outside the tub, fill it with about 4" of nice and warm water. I wet him with the assistance of a small tupperware pitcher, soap him up, and then do a final rinse with clean tap water to get all the soap and left over dirt bits ( :evil: that's my peat moss darn it!) out of his coat.

Then he gets toweled off with 2 towels, and blown mostly dry with a hair dryer. To do that I pick him up and put him in/on the bathroom sink, so he's at hand level, and can't run away. A grooming table would be better though :(
I have to say that I can definitely empathise with the "dirty-dog." Since the weather in Cleveland is starting to stay a bit nicer, we've been working outside alot. For the most part, Walter is a very good little helper. He likes to carry sticks for me to the stick pile.

He doesn't dig so much, but the other day, he did get into a HILARIOUS fight with the sprinkler. We got his when it was still snowing, so this was his first experience with a hose. After he attacked the hose and realized there was stuff soming out the other end, he decided to chase the water as it came out. Poor guy ended up soaked, but had a great time!!

My absolute favorite: I set up the sprinkler to cover two areas of new grass near Walter's house/run. I hooked him to the cable, put him in his house with food and toys, and went to the front yard to do something. By the time I came back (no more than 5 minutes) he was laying in a mud puddle, completely soaked!! With the biggest grin on his little face! I came around the corner and he lifted up his head and looked at me like, "gee thanks dad...this feels so good!" :lol:

I absolutely love his dirtiness, because, after all, he's a little boy...and when I was a little boy, I had grass stained feet and muddy hair all summer!

I hated getting dirty as a kid- I always managed to do it somehow, but I never meant to... honest, really.

Pip loves the water too- we play chase the water... where I'll turn on the spray nozzle briefly and then he'll run though it, turn it off, then repeat. He loves water games. I'm just hoping he doesn't think the new pond we're installing is a personal Pippin outdoor bath. I'm not sure the goldfish would appreciate that!
Crazy! My dogs hate rain anyway.... LOL And lil miss priss Dancer would never put even a toe in mud. LOL
You lucky girl! Pippin is definitely a boy, loves that mud! Sometimes I think he'd rather drink from a mud puddle in the yard then his water dish :evil: :lol:
einy went for weeks not drinking out of his dish

i was starting to worry then i caught him drinking from the fish pond

Ugh, Einy, that's a good way to get intestinal bugs. GIARDIA for example.

As for planting in the rain......well, after what is rain??......(1) no way would any of my dogs be outside in the rain. They are desert dogs and (2) no way would I be out in the rain and (3) I worked too hard trying to coaxed life into the worthless dirt around here to willing destroy the structure by working with it when wet.

That said, God Bless you and your landscape helper. Sounds like you are already going from grumbles to laugh rumbles.
Ahhh you desert people! What's a little rain, I'm not gonna melt, I might get muddy, soaked, and miserable, but I won't melt :lol: . Besides those roses had to get in, I didn't want them to sit in the bucket any longer... I do know better now regarding mud and sheepies... gardening with sheepdogs is an interesting passtime to say the least!

Now if I could only teach him to weed!!!!
Mud + rain + Sheepies = HEAVEN :lol:
I immediately thought of this thread and I had to laugh yesterday...

Not only did Walter find his way into a mud puddle again, we had just mowed the lawn and then decided to play in the yard. Walter had grass clippings all over him, and even his head had somehow managed to get grass stained!

To boot, we are in the process of painting the house, and I still have no idea how he ended up with blue paint all over his face?!?

Oh, my little boy. :roll:
LOL. My parents just put a fountian in their backyard and Bunker thinks it her own drinking Bowl. She puts her whole fat head in.
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