OES.ORG Puppy Parent Support Group

Ok all,

Lets get rolling on this thing! I know we have TONS of new puppy parents-I've counted 3 new families just with Kayes babies, ho knows how many lukers are out there :wink: . So let us know, when do you want to meet for puppy parent chat? Please list what time zone you are in, and what days and times will work for you, so we can choose a time that is convenient for as many people as possible.

Trust me you new puppy parents, you'll need a supportive ear before you know it!
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I'm in the Central time zone. I can usually log on during the day at work as I'm not busy at all. Otherwise evenings work too!
And days, or evenings after 9pm work well for me....

Very excited that the Puppy Support Group is getting started!!

We are anticipating the arrival of Chipper (Franc); one of Kaye's Miracle Babies this Saturday!

I am on the East Coast and can be online some evenings around 9pm :D
During the day works for me! Do we chat right on this site?
Poor Allie, found out yesterday she does have a urinary tract infection, eplains how she can pee every 25 minutes! Night time in the crate is down to 2 times getting up...I am just hoping she eventually sleeps till about 6:45am! Maybe when she cuts down on naps during the day?? Which seem to be about every other hour! Right now she has been sleeping for a little over an hour!
You guys figure it out and let me know. I think it's a great idea.

We'll be using the oes.org chat feature, which is located at the top of the forum in red :)

It sounds like late weekday evenings may work ok, from what I'm seeing.

How does 8-9pm CST sound for everyone? i'm not sure what day- Wednesdays maybe??? Usually there isn't too much going on wednesday nights.

as far as time break down, that would be:

9-10pm EST for the east coasters
6-7pm WST for the west coasters
11-12 sunday morning for the folks in OZ
here's a problem though- if we have any european puppy parents, the chat would be in the middle of the night for them- 2am for the brits sunday morning, 3am for the folks in norway :cry:

Let me know what everyone thinks...
Not sure if I'll be able to join at 8PM CST on Wed, but go ahead without me. Wed are hectic for me with me.
Iriskmj wrote:
9-10pm EST for the east coasters
6-7pm WST for the west coasters
11-12 sunday morning for the folks in OZ
here's a problem though- if we have any european puppy parents, the chat would be in the middle of the night for them- 2am for the brits sunday morning, 3am for the folks in norway :cry:

Let me know what everyone thinks...

I think you mean Thursday morning... :lol: :lol:
Yep that's the ticket! How about tuesday evenings? Would that be better? thursday's are really the only evening that doesn't work for me. Let me know which days are good for you guys!
this sounds great! I would love to chat with ya'll! We are getting one of Kaye's babies also! We are on central standard time. Please keep me updated to when the final time is. Keeping in touch with everyone would be great! :D
Well I really need a place to vent!
When will this get easier??? Am I spoiling her, by being with her all the time she is awake? She naps alot during the day. We are trying real hard to keep her awake from 7pm till at least 9pm! But when she crashes, it is tough! I think that is why she is up alot at night?? Still having trouble with her at night in the crate....I am up 3 times with her. Which of course can still be the urinary infection...But I have noticed the last 3 nights, she does not pee at the 12:30am-1:00am take out.....Should I start ignoring that wake up? Is she getting used to it out of habit? We are heading to northern Michigan Thursday night, so she will be sleeping in a different place in the crate...I think when we come home on Sunday, her crate will be moved to the living room, out of our room. Does this seem like a good idea? I am always listening for her, very sleep deprived......Would love to take her out 2 hrs after she goes to sleep, then about 3:00am....She is 9 weeks old today. It will be 2 weeks on Sunday that she is in the crate.....Any advice, wisdom will help! I miss my old life :roll:
Yep the first few weeks are super intense with a new puppy. I'd start fazing out the 12-1 wake up... as long as you're sure the urinary infection is getting better. We started fazing down to 2 potty trips at night when Pip was 10 weeks, by 11 weeks he was sleeping all night pretty much. I think Stacy said Fozzie was sleeping throught the night even earlier. Hang in there!

That's why we're starting the chat group... new puppy parenting is fun, but very challenging and not for the faint of heart! :lol:

Do tuesday nights sound good for everybody???
Tuesdays will work for me!
So with Pippin, you do not feel that he was in a habit, where he needed to still get up?? Amazing how pups are so different....My friends Boxer, 8 weeks, has been sleeping with them since saturday night, sleeps the night already! I am sure it is because he is in their bed....I am sooooo close to putting Allie in bed with us, but Darrin will not want it!
Hang in there, Chris!!! It will get better...I promise. I think it might be a good idea to phase out the midnight potty. Try to just tap on her crate and tell her it's okay. She may just be worried that she's alone...like a little kid :D We did have Fozzie sleep in a crate in our bedroom for about 3 nights. Then we moved him to our hallway where our 9 yr old OES, Annie, sleeps. From then on, he slept through the night. We couldn't believe it, but I do think having Annie helped. She may have talked him out of needing to go potty :D.
I'd still keep her crated at that age. her bladder control just isn't reliable enough yet, and you DO NOT want her having an accident in bed.

at this age they're too young to have developed firm habits, they're super moldable still. You may have some crying and whining for a few nights when you skip that middle potty trip, but she'll be fine, and so will you!
Stella is doing very well in her crate, but also ended up with a urinary infection. I worry that maybe it stems from her holding her urine, while crated, so I have been crating her less. The result is pools of urine everywhere! I have training pads down, and she does her best to to use them, but I would have to paper the whole hallway, for the amount of peeing she is doing. She has always peed excessively, and I wonder now, if she may have always had a bit of a urinary problem.
Stella will be five months of Friday (How the hell did that happen so fast?)
and she weighed in (last week) at 42 lbs!
Trust me... try to take care of all the potty issues, before they get this big... it's not as easy of a clean up when they are this big. OMG got to go.she is eating the office couch.. SERIOUSLY
Oh, poor stella... what a bummer. I remember when my cat had a urinary infection potties everywhere, what a MESS! You guys dealing with that have my sympathy!!!
If i'm around at 2am i will join you :D
Ok guys! Looks like it is settled! Our first official OES.org puppy parent support group meeting will happen on Tuesday evening, May 9th (for the north americans) from 8-9pm CST. For those, like me, who are time zone impaired, here again is a listing of what time that will be in your particular time zone:

9-10pm EST for the east coasters
6-7pm WST for the west coasters
2-3am Wednesday for our british friends (based on London time)
3-4am Wednesday for our friends in Norway (that's Oslo time)
11am-12pm Wednesday for the folks in OZ

If you want to make the meeting, and don't see your time zone, or are not sure what time to the meeting is at for you locally, pm me, and i'll help you figure it out!

Be there or be square, can't wait to talk to you all Tuesday evening!!!!
This looks like fun for everyone except those in Europe.

Maybe for your next chat, an early morning (Eastern) time might work for people? Ahhhh well, the world is too big. Or too small. One or the other.
Yep- no matter what time we put it at, it's not gonna work for someone. But we can always have an early risers meeting or something too!


Just click on the "chat" feature at the top of the forum... this will open up a seperate window for the chat! See everyone there :)
I'M SO SORRY! I feel terrible that I couldn't chat last night. Our home computer is demented:evil: I had kept the computer on the night before and all day in the hope that I would be able to log on and chat. Steve and I went up the office at 7:55PM but the modem didn't work and then the internet froze about 5 times. I was so PISSED! :evil: :evil: :evil: Steve was all set to type for me as I don't like to type at night after doing it all day at work (OES forum addict). Needless to say Steve was up until midnight saving online pictures and some files to CD. He's ordering us a new computer today :D

I have other obligations on Tuesday evenings, but I should be able to make it every other week (not this next one).

Again, I'm so sorry. If anyone wants to vent or has questions, please feel free to post, PM or send me an email. :D
Hey, I came on 6-7pm WST and nobody was in chat.
How did the chat go?
Hi :D
I expect it will be a long time before I have another puppy but I just wanted to pop in real quick to say that it's never too early to start training to help guide that rambunctious puppy behavior :D As is often said, what is cute behavior as a puppy can be not-so-cute behavior as an adult so training is the key but also a never ending process. With this large and powerful breed, it's good to get an early start especially if there are children in the house.

Puppies, even when they first arrive at 8-9 weeks of age, are like sponges and absorb the training quickly IF you keep the sessions fun and real short. All it takes is a few minutes of training repeated a few times a day using lots of praise and small treats. Work on one command at a time and repeat it until they understand then move to the next (go back to others already learned to keep the knowledge fresh). With puppies this age, it's best to use commands where you get results naturally. Like for sit... take a piece of food and let puppy smell it to get his/her attention. Bring it up from their nose to the top of their head (keeping it close to their head). Most will naturally follow it and sit. Once they start to sit, you say "sit", give them the treat- repeat a few times then quit. Eventually, you'll just say sit and my wish to add the visual cue also. It's as easy as that.

Kaytee came to us at about 9 weeks of age and despite being sick she was quickly sitting for treats with just a verbal command like the big girls less than a week after arriving. (Emma and Darby were the same way.) It only took a couple of days training, a few times a day, for her to learn the sit command despite being mostly blind. You'll be amazed at what you can teach your puppy to do at this young age... it's soooo much fun :D


One thing to remember... it's good to get everyone in the house training the pup in the same manner. If more than one person is training, you must keep the command/word and technique the same so you don't confuse the pup. Congratulations and have fun!
don't forget everyone! It's tuesday, and that means puppy parent chat night!!! And I really will be there tonight :lol: !
Sorry, I won't be able to attend tonight. I go to work on my scrapbook every other Tuesday night. I'll suggest to Steve to log on and introduce himself.

MARK, I LOVE YOUR PICTURE OF THE TWO PUPS! You should change your avatar to it. There's nothing cuter than a puppy looking up to an older one! :hearts:
I’ve missed this, is the chat still on? (It’s late but…..) :D
Yep- tomorrow evening CST, looks like you're a day early on us Ann! :D
I will try, but most likely I will be asleep 8O
hi there, im in the same situation ...training a new puppy! ....anything will help and will be appreciated...keep in touch ...also im new to this forum...so it will take me some time to navigate myself around ...
Dory-N-Diapers wrote:
hi there, im in the same situation ...training a new puppy! ....anything will help and will be appreciated...keep in touch ...also im new to this forum...so it will take me some time to navigate myself around ...

WELCOME! Introduce yourself in the INTRODUCTIONS section. I can't wait to see pictures and share stories :D
Hey all--I was so excited to find this group. I just got a puppy--he's 9 weeks now, and I've had him for one week. He doesn't sleep very well at night, and I've already had a few major breakdowns, mostly due to lack of sleep. I have him set now at a 12/1:00am trip outside to pee and then he always howls and cries at 3am to poop.

I'm just feeling really low right now--I feel bad about keeping him in the apartment while I work (I teach at a boarding school, so I run back to the apartment at least every 2 hours to get him out and play). He's in a little baby-gated area right now by the door and has access to his crate and some papers on the floor in case he needs to potty.

I switched him to Wellness Puppy kibble instead of the raw diet he was on (it was too much to try to do right now), and he's still having bad diarrhea and refuses to eat some of his meals. Is this normal?

Needing some encouragement....
My puppy just turned one on Sunday and I am missing her tiny puppy days! Don't feel bad about leaving her when you go to work, she needs to sleep and I bet you that is what she spends most of her time doing while you are at work. I would leave for work and then peek through the crack in the blinds in front of the house and within minutes of my leaving, my Mady would be fast asleep.

I remember, in the early days, wondering how we would get through it, the potty training, the puppy nipping, all of the fun stuff. Now I wish I could have that time back to just enjoy how little she was and how new everything was for her. Then again, I wouldn't trade my big girl for anything, so there you go!

If you have specific issues, like potty training, nipping, make sure to search on the topic, I bet you will find posts about it. Some of them are probably from me, begging for advice!
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