skin problem

I have now spent hour on other users posting about dry/itching skin. My OES Vedder has dry/itchy skin, but also has these bumps all over his body. He's been to the vet a bunch of times. I even took him to another vet for a second opinion. After changing food, shampoo, testing for mites, they both came to the conclusion that he needs to see an allergy vet.

My question is, have the other users experienced these bumps on the OES? I'm going to make an appointment with a allergy specialist on Monday, but from what I hear and read, they are expensive and it will be awhile until I can even get an appt. Any suggestions?
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That is very interesting! Murphy has developed the same sort of thing! 8O

Does Vedder have a full coat or short? My Murph-Murph (said like mmmfff-mmmfff, it makes his powder puff wiggle like crazy!) has a full coat and had just come back from the groomer AND dog it was hard to nail down where this started! It kind of felt like a scratch so I also thought it might be from The Muppets romping around together?! Or then I thought maybe they brushed a little too vigorously at the groomer? He doesn't seem bothered by it and the area is getting better. So I was just monitering it. Are any of these situations similar to Vedder's?

I also have not changed food, but we have moved houses...if it could be stress related somehow, that might do it! 8O

Give Vedder a scratch from us...and hopefully we will figure it out. :wink:
Can you describe the bumps a little more? Color, Size, area of coverage? Maybe that would help to narrow down the field a bit.

My middle dog got what appeared to be a rash and itchy skin after the new dog came. Turns out it was a skin infection from all the rough play and "acid spit" as we like to call it now. It took an oral and topical antibiotic and careful grooming to get rid of it.
Hmmm... hives come to mind (or bacterial infection but the vet would have prescribed an antibiotic if it was that. Panda had these little bumps in her ears from a bacterial infection and we treated her with Tresaderm. But this most likely isn't the cause of your sheepie's problem.)

We do have a sheepie with allergies to molds and dust/dust mites. We've been treating her since September with allergy shots because the itching was so severe... we didn't want to go the steroid route. (Note that allergy shots don't always help.) I do know that Tavist (just plain Tavist... no letter after it) effectively reduced the itching while we waited for the serum to be produced. You might ask your vet about it if meds prescribed don't control the itching. My poor Darby would scratch her head until she bled even with Benadryl and another med and chewed/licked her legs/feet 'til they were stained rust color. The Tavist gave her relief.

A standard blood test may reveal high "Eosinophils" which result from allergies or parasites (Darby's test in March was 1722 where normal is 0-1200). If your sheepie recently had complete bloodwork done you might ask to see if the levels were normal. And you can have what I believe is called a RAST test to help determine if environmental allergens are causing the problem. I've heard that food allergies are more difficult to diagnose and that this test isn't as reliable for this type of allergy. We did switch to Purina ProPlan Extra Care for Sensitive Skin and Stomachs (salmon, rice/oatmeal base) on our own.

It depends on the type of allergy that is actually causing the response but we also run a true hepa filter in the bedroom at night, vacuum/dust frequently and if she starts to chew her feet, we clip the fur between her pads short so they can be washed/dried quickly. She started chewing one night earlier this year when the ground began to thaw (molds)... after clipping them down I applied Bag Balm and the chewing stopped. My friend has a sheepie that they think is allergic to pine straw and her vet recommended leaving the hair long to prevent contact with the skin. So it depends on the allergen causing the problem.

Here is a link to a website that I often visit when I have a health question- I didn't go through the postings but maybe there is something that might help.

For us? So far, so good. I KNOW how frustrating allergies are... I hope your sheepie-boy finds relief soon.
The bumps are pink/redish and the size of a large mosquito bite. Some of them then scab up. They are throughout his back and belly. None really on his legs, face or ears.
We took in a rescue dog that had little bumps all over him. Found out he had Cushings.

As for alleriges, we are treating Dixie for allergies. She was scratching till she bled, also. She still scratches, but not as bad. She has other problems, too, but we put her on non-allergetic food and treats. Took a few weeks, but she has really calmed down in the scratching.
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