First Walk

I decided to venture out after work with the two furbabies. It was quite an interested walk, but went well. Annie was very patient as Mom tried to figure out how to hold two leashes and not to trip over Fozzie. We must have been quite a sight. I was very glad that my friend Romy, the Shih Tzu, was out as well. Annie just sat with her back to the two of them as they got acquainted. It was so cute!

Foz pulled on his leash, but kept looking to Annie to make sure he wasn't left behind. It was very cute! I think we'll try him on a gentle leader in a few weeks.
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Go Fozzie!!! Good boy, going on a walk with mommy and Annie!!!! Stacy- You can try keeping his leash at an "L" in you hands- If Fozzie is walking on your left, hold the leash in your right hand and feed it through your left, the leash down to Fozzie completes the L. It is much easier to control where he is this way. This is how I get Pippin to heel properly if he wants to wander. Then I just keep repeating "heel" with lots of praise when he stays put where he should be. Treats help too of course! This should help teach him not to pull, while he is still little enough to correct with physical restraint on your part. I know it is gonna be harder to do this with Annie in tow- but you can try doing this in the backyard or a long hallway too. :D
Thanks, Karen. I think I'll need to start going on two separate walks for a while :roll: . It was so beautiful out yesterday and I knew some of the neighbors would be out for Fozzie to meet. Thought he should go out and experience the world.

Pip loves meeting the neighbors. No one can resist a sheepdog puppy, mwhahahahaha!!!!

Pip has to go out for walks/potties on his leash, as we don't have a fence. If he's out in the yard, I've bought him a 10' tie out cord, which I attach to his collar, and then to my belt loop, so I can garden while he plays. I can't wait till we get the fence up, so he can run around without being tied to me :lol: (Or worrying about the neighborhoods loose dogs getting to him!)
It's very funny watching the two of them in the yard. Foz watches Annie as she "patrols" the street and sidewalk from the hill (just a higher pile of dirt with grass). It's so cute when Foz sits next to her or does it when Annie's not out there. It's like a little mini-me. They were both on the hill yesterday and I asked Annie for paw. Foz sat down, looked at Annie, then lifted up his paw. SO SWEET!
Glad to hear yours WALKS! I remember when Yuksters was a puppy... until she was about 34lbs... she would get tired after a few blocks. So she would just sit on the curb, paws in the street and refuse to go anymore. I got so many looks as I carried this enormous dog all the way home.
:lol: Poor Jo- I can just see you toting Yuki down the street...

Pippin LOVES to walk- In fact sometimes I can tell he's a little peeved at me when I DON'T take him for a walk- when we're just doing a potty run. He'll stand at the edge of our property line, on the sidewalk like "come on mom!!! Let's go already!!!" I think the end of the walk is his favorite part though- the nearer we get to home, the more excited he gets... if he'd run full tilt the whole way if we'd let him! That's when the heeling goes out the window :lol:

I still wish I had an adult sheeipe to show him the ropes... I'm so jealous of you Stacy!
Iriskmj wrote:
I still wish I had an adult sheeipe to show him the ropes... I'm so jealous of you Stacy!

And here I am thinking...why the heck we now have 2! I feel like I'm ruining Annie's life and everything's off our routine. All Annie did today when I went home for lunch was say hello to me and growl at Fozzie. He is disturbing her peaceful rest while we're at work.

I miss my unstressful afternoon walks with Annie. I feel bad going in the house, letting pup out to pee and then sticking him in the crate while I take Annie for a walk. Do you think it would be okay? I just hate putting him back in there when I've been gone.
Depends on howlong your gone with Annie. If it's just for like 1/2 hour- you could stick him in the "trouble free" zone you picked out- wasn't that the bathroom? I left Pippin home by "himself" for an hour. He wasn't really by himself- Christina was asleep in her room, so she could rescue him if need be, but he had free run of the living room and dining room, and he didn't manage to get into any trouble.

Right now he's home with Mike- and Mike was sleeping on the couch when I left this morning to go to work. I gave pip his kong, and he was happy as a clam to chew on peanut butter and kibbles while daddy slept.

You could sure try putting him by himself for a little while in a safe room, and see how he does!
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