The old Drez is not totally gone!!

My Drezzie, my sweet girl, my once destructo-pooch . . . ah, the stories I could tell about her! :roll:

In her younger years when she could get around easily, not much was safe if she really wanted it. We keep the kitchen garbage can on a roll-out tray under the sink in the cabinet. She learned to open the cabinet, roll out the tray and help herself to the garbage. :evil: We'd come home to find wrappers and anything else non-edible strewn around the first floor. And where was Drez? Hiding in the corner of the dining room, cause she knew she was in trouble! :oops: But did that stop her from doing it again and again and again?? Nope! The lure of garbage was too strong. We finally had to DOUBLE LOCK the cabinet doors! We installed a baby lock on the inside of the doors first, which in short time she learned how to loosen enough to get the doors open. Then we wrapped a short bungie cord around the cabinet handles. She tried to get them open but must have gotten scared when one snapped at her, so we finally found something that worked. :D

Then she discovered the coveted bread drawer! :? It's the bottom drawer, and she quickly learned how to put her paw in the drawer handle and pull it out. No more bread! Geesh! Was there no end to this dog's hunger and/or boredom?? :x Apparently not.

This was all when we had our old kitchen, and one of the reasons to replace the cabinets was because there were teeth and claw marks on certain doors! When we installed the new kitchen, before we would leave the house we got into the habit of just taking the garbage can out, leaving the tray out and the door open so she could see it was empty. Same with the bread drawer - opened and cleaned it out before we left the house. We got into the habit of asking each other before we left - did we dog-proof the kitchen?? :roll:

As she's aged she has calmed down quite a bit, especially since her hip problems have limited her mobility. However, this morning showed me that my old girl is not totally out of it yet. 8O

This was a crazy morning. :| I was a zombie from not enough sleep. I decided I couldn't function on 3 hours sleep so I called in to work and left a message that I was going to sleep a bit more and would come in late. Dale left for 3 days of travel and left before I got up. Before I left, I let Drez out one last time and lured her back in with the promise of a "boney" (dog biscuit). She gladly came in and had her treat.

While I was in the kitchen taking my daily drug store of meds, I heard her bump into a dining room chair. Odd, I thought. She usually just goes back into the TV room or foyer and plops down. If she gets stuck in the dining room, she'll die from the heat. (Our dining room has a southern exposure and is the hottest room in the house.) So I go into the dining room and see her by one of the floor plants, head down in the dirt with dirt laying on the floor by the plant. "DREZ!" No response, still head down. "DREZ! Get out of there, bad girl!!" Still no response, still head down. Then she comes up with something in her mouth and scampers past me. What the $%^&? I follow her to the TV room, only to find that at some point in time, she had hidden one of her dog biscuits in the plant and it was now time to enjoy her hidden treasure!! :P

When she was done, the look on her face was priceless. If I wasn't already so late for work, I would have run to get the camera. The look was like - Hey, Mom! Wasn't that cool? 8) The eyes just sparkled and I could see her mischievous spirit shine through. What a character!

These memories will always stay with me. As she ages and becomes more immobile, I fear "the" day. I see how she struggles just to get up, how she takes a few steps, lands on her knuckles and falls back down. But through it all, those eyes shine through. When she's outside, she doesn't remember she can't and still tries to run. Her body may be broken, but her spirit is not. I can't let her go - not yet.

And when she pulls stunts like she did this morning, I know my girl is still with me. Like she's trying to say - "Mom, I'm okay yet. Don't worry." I'm both crying and laughing as I write this.

Sorry for the long post. But this has been the morning from h&*% and she still found a way to cheer me up. What more could I ask for?

Give your babies extra hugs today, in honor or Drezzie!
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What a wonderful story, Chris. It made me so happy! :D
What a great story!!! Just like a squirrel. How cute. I didn't know the younger Drezzie, but the girl I saw at the park sparkled with vitality. Clearly, her hips are a major problem, but her spirit is incredible. I love Drezzie! :hearts:
Aww Drezzie girl....I love you too!!! Panda will get double kisses tonight! :hearts:

You are just too cute! Glad to hear your are up to the
sheepie antics ! Bet Mom was surprised about
your hidden treat in the planter(Good hiding place :wink: :wink: )

You're just too sweet!
Chris what a sweet story..... I love hearing about Drezzie, you can see even in pictures that her spirit shines through....
For all of us, our dogs touch our lives in ways we will never forget... Drezzie is something extra special and touches many lives. :)
Being entertaining in true sheepie style.

Drezzie, you go girl! :go:
Yay for Drez and her memory! LOL
"Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion" :D You've got me laughing and crying too. Thanks for sharing this incredibly sweet Drezzie story. :hearts:
How funny! I wonder how long the bone had been in there?
She had definite plans when she came in the house.
A bone was to be had....lmao
Sounds like she was very proud of herself.
Rags & Pepsi send a :high5: to Miss Drezzie
Lol. I love it. I can just picture her thinking, yeah, I think it's about time for that snack now. Don't worry Chris, Drezzie's still definitely all there. My 3 don't have enough brainpower between them to hide and remember something for later! Well, in all fairness, with 3 of them, there's no hiding food from anyone but you know what I mean!
Valerie wrote:
... but the girl I saw at the park sparkled with vitality. Clearly, her hips are a major problem, but her spirit is incredible. I love Drezzie! :hearts:

Valerie is dead nuts on. The twinkle in Drezzie's eyes is absolutely inspiring to see. Frankly, every time I think about it, it makes me smile; there's just something about that sweet girl that is indescribable. :hearts:

Yay Drezzie! I think there's still more mischief left in her . . . .
What a great story - I love hearing how much individuality and spirit our dogs have! What a great memory to hold on to!!!
Chris there is still a lot of spunk in the Old girl , that story about drezzie just brings a huge smile to my face and that will stay with me all day.

Drez sounds like my peppa, amazing arent they, can still do things when it comes to the food factor, drez would fit well in our place too, locks on pantry doors etc.

Give that gorgeous girl a cuddle and say "good on ya drez" your still a cheeky girl who loves her food & still has penty of spunk as well :wink: .
hehe, too funny! I bet it was nice seeing the mischevious Drez again, even if she did leave you a mess to clean! :)
Thanks, everyone, for your kind words. :lol: Drezzie really is a wonder to me sometimes!

Gail, you're right - I didn't mind cleaning up the dirt because it showed me a side of my girl that I hadn't seen in awhile, and I loved it! :o

Lisa, isn't it funny how no matter how old they are, they can still be conniving when it comes to food? And yes, there IS a lot of spunk left in her! :D

Emily - individuality? You bet - in spades!!! 8)

Jil, you're absolutely right - there IS something indescribable in her. Her eyes just have a way of lovingly looking into your soul. :hearts:

Jill, don't underestimate your crew! There's more brain power there than you think - and I'm sure they'll surprise you someday with something you would have never thought possible! 8O

Elissa - good question! I didn't get a good enough look at the bone to see if it had gotten wet (from watering the plant) or if it was a recent hide! :roll:

Tammy - laughter through tears is how I look at a lot of things with Drez these days! :( :lol:

When I told Dale about it on the phone last night, he laughed hysterically and said - "ya know, I saw her in there one day but just told her to get out of the plant. That must have been when she buried it!" I didn't think she had that much spunk left in her. I was wrong! And I'm SO glad I was wrong!

My daughter was surprised for another reason. Said - when was the last time she DIDN'T eat a bone? 8O When she thought - hmmmm, I think I'll just save this for later. Amazing!

As I sat brushing her last night, I kept looking into those beautiful eyes and they just kept smiling back at me. My mischievous little girl. May she be with me for a LONG time yet. :hearts:

I really enjoyed your post and found myself smiling at her past antics and now this latest one! Oh Drezzie sounds like such a character. It's true we relish the days with our aged ones and smile at the memories of their antics in their younger days. Seems as Miss Drezzie has quite a lot of spunk left in her! Give her a belly rub from me!

Marianne and the boys
Chris, that's a memory to cherish.
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