Fozzie Status Report

Just thought I'd provide an update on how we're doing. Both Annie and Fozzie went to the vet on Saturday. Fozzie looks great at a little over 10 pounds and goes back in 2 weeks for more vaccinations. Annie weighed in at 80 pounds.

Annie has ear infections in both ears. I feel horrible that I didn't catch it this time, but they looked fine when I cleaned them last week. So, she's getting 5 drops twice a day of Otomax. I'm so grateful that she she cooperates so well for the drops. She gets a treat afterwards!

They are still living well together. Fozzie seems to sort of understand our words "leave it" and "uh uh" when he's biting on things. He was GREAT for his first bath yesterday. I sat in the tub with a bathing suit on while Steve leaned over the tub. Foz was making these pitiful crying noises, but cooperated the whole time. What a sweet boy!

We slept through the entire night last night. We put the gate back up in our doorway again so that Annie would sleep in the hall like she usually does. We've had the gate down and she's been sleeping in our room, but gets up at about 5:00 and makes noise on the wood floors so Foz thinks it's time to get up. Today we slept through to the alarm at 6:15! :D

Both Steve and I are very tired and he's been crabby. I never thought he'd be like this, but he's actually been very snippy at me lately. I got it out of him last night that he's upset we haven't spent any time alone since the puppy came along. It's a tough job!
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Sounds like it's time for a babysitter and a night out on the town. Have some time alone and some time away!
If you stick him on a flight to PA, Shellie will watch him all weekend while we're all at the dog show and give you a break. :wink:
Glad to hear he's doing well! Does sound like it's time to call Grandma, though, and let him visit for a few hours. :D
Awee.. well I am so happy to see how excited you are about the new puppy! Poor Steve though. I agree that it's time that grandma visits. :lol: Any dates planned?

Mr. J has a 4 day weekend this easter sunday, so we're going to the movies. something we used to do every weekend and haven't since lil j was born. Except, he doesn't want to leave him with anyone, so we're taking him. :lol: so it'll kinda be a date, i guess. :)
Stacy- it was funny- Mike said the same thing, that our... romantic.... life had gone to the toilet since getting the puppy. At which point I told him that the puppy sleeps in another room, with the door closed, and that shouldn't influence the... romance. Since then, it's pretty much back to normal. In fact, I think it is even nicer to cuddle on the couch with my husband on one side and my sheepdogon the other :hearts: I do feel a little guilty when we leave to go out to dinner or something, but hey, that's life. Pip is fine in his crate for a few hours, and really we've been going to bed at a normal time. (I'm sure that is soooo much more then you needed to know :lol: )

You just have to give up the guilt factor- remember he's not gonna be scarred for life if you leave him in the crate or another room for a while so you guys can have some puppy free alone time.

Sleeping in on the other hand- yep that's gone to the dog(s). I got up earlier this weekend because of Pip then I normally do during the week to go to work :cry: No sleeping in till 9 am after potty break this weekend! He did sleep all morning for daddy today though- what's up with that??? :?

I'm so glad to hear that he did well for his bath... i've noticed that sheepie puppies are dirt magnets- the cleaner they are, the faster they try to get dirty.

Note to self and other new puppy owners- gardening and freshly bathed sheepie babies DO NOT MIX.

Sorry to hear about annie's ears. Poor baby- hope she feels better soon!

Ahhhh the lack of sleep, the constant attention to the little one, the priorities, the talk of all the bodily functions...when did the baby..poop, pee, eat, sleep..ect. 8O

Yup you guys are parents allright!!!!

Hope Anne's ears get cleared up soon and little Fozzie sleeps through the night.

Marianne and the boys
Sheepie parents :lol:

So glad that all is going well with both Annie and Fozzie. That time will pass sooner then you think with being tired from a lil one.

He sounds like he is shaping up to be a wonderful boy. And most importantly annie will have him for terrific company too.

NOW time to get a doggie sitter in and go for a good night out together. :wink:
Aw, he won't be a puppy for long, it just seems like it :) About Annie's ears, I just read about using aloe vera and calendula to help with that.
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