Poor Bear

Turns out the diarrhea that Bear's been having is not stress or food related. He has whipworms. :( I know it isn't a big deal but it's still a bummer for the little guy. Since he was so young, he wasn't on any worm preventatives. Apparently the home he came from was a haven for worms since the cat and the kid had ringworm when they got rid of Bear!

He's on his medication now and should be doing better in a few days. Just wanted to kind of vent about it. :x
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Poor baby boy! How irresponsible can people be? It's not like dewormers are very expensive for heaven's sake (Can you imagine letting your child get worms :evil: ). Hope he feels better soon!!!
awwww! poor bear. please give him lots of belly rubs.
Ringworm in people is a fungus -- it is the same fungus responsible for athlete's foot. It's very common.
Ron wrote:
Ringworm in people is a fungus -- it is the same fungus responsible for athlete's foot. It's very common.

A worm is a worm is a worm...

No, I know they're not related but it was a wormy coincidence.
Poor Bear! :(

Just curious- what is the treatment? Panacur?
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Poor Bear! :(

Just curious- what is the treatment? Panacur?

Yup, exactly. 3 days of it. I feel like I'm poisoning his food (which I guess, in a way, I am!). I tried to bribe him with canned food and he wasn't even that interested. Can you believe I had to lay my 80 pound baby down and spoon feed him like he's an invalid? *sigh* The things I do for my dogs.
You're just a good mommy! Give the giant a hug from me and Panda!
:oops: THANKS RON-

Poor baby Bear! :( Give that boy a belly rub and ear scratch from me and Drez! :lol:
Ewwww is right!
Lol. No, ewwww is cleaning poo off the CEILING as I did on Wednesday. Poor Bear had an explosion in the crate while we were gone and his giant tail has a helicopter effect. I hate whipworms. :(


Poor Bear!

Poor, poor Jill!!!! Holy > :cow:
oh yuck :(

Poor fellow. I bet he's embarrassed.
Is that why they call it whip worms???
Ringworm is not a worm at all... it's a misnomer.
It is as Ron said, a fungus, and very contaigious from animal to animal, from animal to person, and from person to person.
I'd keep a close eye on him and examine his whole body for any bald patches.
Hope those worms wiggle away soon :roll: and bear is back to his normal firm self :wink:
Poor Bear :(

Glad it's getting taken care of! I guess it's SORT OF a good thing that it's not the food that was giving him the runs. I always hated trying to figure out what food (or ingred) my dogs are allergic too. I had to go through pretty much most of the favorite brands with my maltese before we found a brand she could take. Then come to find out ...she had to be on l/d food.
Where did the mention of "ringworm" come from? Ron?

I think she said Bear had "whipworm", not "ringworm".

Aren't they the really, really long ones? Like tapeworm, but they don't break up in pieces?

Anyhow, poor baby. Hope he gets to feeling better soon.
ButtersStotch wrote:
Turns out the diarrhea that Bear's been having is not stress or food related. He has whipworms.

ButtersStotch wrote:
Apparently the home he came from was a haven for worms since the cat and the kid had ringworm when they got rid of Bear!

Cat and kid -- ringworm
Bear - whipworm
I see the connection, now. Thanks!

That's what I get for reading too quickly. :oops:
citation is a habit of my profession (lawyer . :oops: )
POOR BEAR, POOR MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope he feels better soon!!!!
Sending Bear hugs.

Hope he's better soon!

Marianne and the boys
Awww poor guy. I hope everything gets cleared up quickly - I'm glad it was finally pinpointed.
Poor Bear :( poor Jill :( I would, however, like to see a picture of the poo on the ceiling :evil:
Poor Bear & poor Jill :(
I hope Bear is back to himself quickly.
I feel for you. In AZ last summer Pepsi had diarreha in his crate.
He must have backed his butt up to the side of the crate because it was everywhere.... all over the walls..carpeting..etc....and this was a hotel room 8O
Hardly any was in the crate. :roll:
poor baby
When I first read the title of this thread I thought it said Pooh Bear ( although that's accurate, too :wink: ) I hope he's feeling better soon! I can't imagine having to clean poo off the ceiling! 8O
Now, that is TRULY gross!!

Problem with whip worms is how the yard has to be cleaned as well. If there's gravel about, that needs to be cleaned too. Whippers love gravel.
Well, after 3 days of panacur, there is no change in his poo. It's still all mushy and disgusting with not much form. Back to the vet we go (well, at least a sample!). :(
Poor Jill...hug the good end of Bear for me...
For those who also read OES-L, wasn't there a case of a dog with...something?????...that even after 13 or 14 medicine doses still had the diarrhea. It wasn't until a med from Canada was the problem solved. Anyone remember what that was???? I hope this isn't Bear's problem. I do know whipworms are very hard to eliminate.......er cure.

That's it, it was tapeworms!! something different
Whew! You scared me there!
Oh Bear!

Please feel better soon, so sorry you are not feeling well.
Big hugs to you (and Mom)!
They are very hard to get rid of, Jill. In fact, I was reading while I was in the vet's office Saturday, that they are THE HARDEST worm to irradicate. :twisted:

So, don't dispair - Bear will get better - it will just take time. The last little boy I fostered, Mr. Muggs, had to be treated three times. :evil:
Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. I talked to the vet and she said to wait until Wedesday to see if things started improving and, if not, we start another cycle or another medication.

Tammy, did you have experience with anything other than panacur for whipworms?
Jill, have you tried giving him some pumpkin? Maybe it will help a little.
No, Jill, the only thing we've been prescribed is the Panacur for both hookworms and whipworms. Olivia, the little girl I'm fostering right now, has both. :cry:

Strangely, her stool is not that bad. Too big and too frequent, but not runny. :?

How's he doing today?
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Strangely, her stool is not that bad. Too big and too frequent, but not runny. :?

How's he doing today?

That's a very good description actually-- too big and too frequent. It's not runny as much as it's the consistency of soft serve ice cream. It's just messy for him, especially being white and very furry. It looked about the same today from what I could see. :(
Poor fellow. :(

If you trim the area around his bottom would it make it less messy?
I actually shaved him a nice open area which has helped but sometimes his tail drops up against it-- and that's when it gets ugly! :evil:
Just a short note-how did Bear do at his vet appointment today?

Hope those little pests gone for good and Bear is feeling
better. Please update when you get a chance!

Found a tick on Bogart today, even with Frontline put
on early this week. :cry:
We didn't go to the vet because he didn't "go" this morning. The vet has late hours so if he goes when I get home, I should have time to take him.

On the plus side, things looked a bit better yesterday. Not what I would call healthy, but definitely a bit more solid and on the road to recovery.

I'm becoming way too much of a connoisseur of poo. :evil:
ButtersStotch wrote:
I actually shaved him a nice open area which has helped but sometimes his tail drops up against it-- and that's when it gets ugly! :evil:

I used to trim the underside of my shelties tail, too. Down about 5 inches of the tail, but gradually so it didn't look obvious.
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