I got into a fight today :(

yes I was the one getting into a fight and not Pisco....but this is what happened....
I was at the park with Pisco ....he was playing with his friend Ruffus(OES) and Petruquio (collie) (they really get along)...after they left..I was walking Pisco and Kuki came along (another OES) we rarely see her since her owner don`t take her much to the park....I was chit-chatting with the owner and he asked me what did I do to have Pisco`s hair so nice :) and how did I get Pisco to be so obeident...I just told him I brushed him every day and taught him and praise and love him to death...he just opened his eyes and said "what but he is dog I don`t have time to do that" and sure enough you can tell by looking at Kuki :( ....she is very sweet but very shy and her hair is all matted!!!!!.....as we were talking the dogs started playing and from time to time I would call Pisco to my side and let him play again....when Kuki`s owner called her (and you could tell she was so happy playing) she wouldn`t come ....so he walked to her HIT her very hard with the leash!!!!!! the pour thing started yelping and peeing and he just yelled more at her !!!!! Pisco who was at my side started yelping quietly and backed into my knees and looked at me like saying..."mom do something" ...so I did :) :( I just screamed at the guy saying how did he dare do that to Kuki couldn`t he see it was worst!!! he just told me to shut-up and mind my own business :( (guess I had it coming) I told him he couldn`t talk to me like that ..and if he wanted a nice dog he could start by been nice himself!!!..... I called Kuki over and she just came running to me and started liking my hands and face :) .... her owner came and just hitted her in front of me !!!!! I couldn`t help myself....I slapped him !!!! (I know it wasn`t the best thing to do but I couldn`t help myself)....well to make the story short the park guards came and asked what was the problem so I told them ...we all went to his house and guess what the real owner was not at home!!! .... this man was just an employee that was taking care of Kuki because he was on a trip....since I couldn`t take Kuki home with me I told him that I will come every day to see how she is doing and when the owner came I will report him!! I did file a complain at the police for animal brutality and they told me they will check on Kuki....
I am still steaming over this....I will go tomorrow to see her!!!
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You are very brave, or hot-headed, or both!!

It is too bad that you can not offer to take care of Kuki instead of checking in. Some people just don't deserve to be in the presence of dogs.

I wouldn't go there without someone else (human) with you...

Please be careful, I agree with Ron on having someone with you when you visit Kuki.

I hope that when you speak to the owner, that in the future they will take better care in deciding who looks after Kuki. Hopefully, by reporting this person, it helps make a difference til then.. I know how you must of felt when Kuki was being hit. I've gotten myself into trouble when trying to come to the aid of people and animals in trouble.

You are a brave girl, my friend. You and Pisco take care.
I would have done exactly the same. I think women Have an in built feeling to protect their young wether its human or animal. The small park were I take dougal there is a guy who has a staffy has twice now let the staffy attack dougal. last night Ste had to lie across dougal on the park to protect him plus get the staffy off dougal. Everyone on the park knows Dougal and knows how sociable he is everyone loves him. I then told the guy if he had looked after the dog properly and been a responsible owner. His dog would not be like this. I have asked him to keep him on a lead. To which he was not impressed. I have to admit that if he did not I would report him to the local council who are responsible for the parks here. Ifeel sorry for the dog who will never the pleasure of play. If this carries on I will loose my temper with the guy. luv pepe.
I cannot even begin to imagine why anyone would want to hit a poor innocent animal. You were in the right for what you did! Please be careful when going to check on the poor creature, you could be next. Anyone that would abuse a dog is capable of anything. Let us know how things are going.
Oh my stars! Someone should get hold of the owners,right away.Sheepdogs or any dogs for that matter should never be treated this way.Is this dog sitter a friend of theirs or is he a hired person?Somehow I would get the word out how this person treats animals when their owners are away.I am so beside myself,I cannot even think,straight.To me this is cruelty.
woo... i am so relieved that that is not kuki's real owner.

its sad when people put their dogs in other peoples care and they treat them terribly. im glad that kuki has someone like you to look after her and let her owner know that she was being abused.

(and id just like to add that when i read that you slapped him i was a abit shocked but mostly i was cheering you on.. haha way to protect the sheepies!)
Is Kuki left in the owners backyard and you are just visiting through the fence? Is Lima like BA and Bahia Blanca, where all the yards open to the street with iron gratings? If so, I know what you mean about visiting Kuki. We had visitors all day long and it seemed a way of life there.

I am so glad the park guards came along before you had to do anything more to the fellow. You were right to get mad. But maybe next time, just get the guys name and address. Although the way it turned out, what you did was better.
Right now I am steaming, but it wasn't as serious as all that. The cable contractors tried to let my dog out this morning, and I was home this time. Went out, found out who they worked for and figured out who to call to complain to ... and I COMPLAINED. Took some photos too.

I hope Kuki is better for your help. Take care of yourself and Pisco. I hope you are having a better day today. I am looking forward to tomorrow. :wink: Bet Kuki is looking forward to her owners return. 8O
Good for you!

How dare some jerk hit a poor innocent baby. I am proud of you for standing up to him--he should know what it feels like to be hit.

Having said that, be careful. People can be mean and vindictive so take care that you are not alone with this idiot.
Cris my hubby also told me I should have ranged him when it happened...since we live 1 1/2 blocks away from the park he would have been there in a jifty....I guess at the moment I didn`t think straight...just thought of that poor pup.... :(
Yes I do feel better...and I went to see Kuki with a friend (hubby was at work) .... she is doing OK I guess at least she looked like it, I gave her some treats and a tennis ball so she could play...the owner`s brother was there so I explain the situation to him....it seems the employee told a different story so I set the record strait...I offerd to pay for Kuki to have a bath and nails clipped...but he said not to worry since he was taking her home until his brother came back and that he will call me when he did he did seem like a good guy and i could tell by the way he had his dog (a mix breed) that he loves dogs...but anyway I got his phone number and I promised I will check on her and come visit with Pisco....this guy was so impressed with Pisco :) he said he never knew OES to be so beautifull and that he will make sure Kuki is propertly groomed.. :)
Vero, so pleased things are well. tell kikus owner about this website perhaps he will send piccys and join in the chat and keep us up to date with kiku. If not maybe you could get piccys of Pisco and kiku playing together. luv pepe
Wow! Vero I'm so proud of you!!!!!

Okay maybe slapping the guy wasn't the best choice as you realized later, because luckily he didn't hit you back but your heart was in the right place. Truthfully, I probably would have done or wanted to do the same thing. The fact that you stood up to him and stopped his horrible behavior towards a helpless animal makes you a hero in my book.

I think secretly most of us want to slap someone that is abusing a child or animal. You stepped up to the plate as the expression goes and didn't just stand back and do nothing. You got involved!

I'm glad you were able to tell the owners brother your side of the story. If you hear more please get back to us and tell us more!

If you lived nearer to me I'd present you with a St. Christopher medal, protector of animals I think.

Marianne :)
Wow, I am impressed and glad it all worked out in the end. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done! Way to follow up 8)
Way to go Vero!

People should not be allowed to be owned by dogs unless fully trained... I'm glad that everything worked out in the end that everyone is safe and sound now.

For a job well done, you get a cookie!
I have to say you go girl! I know its not right to hit but I have come very close myself to doing the same thing.I was riding down the street in my car and I saw a man kicking his dog for jumping out of the car window.I jumped out of my car and screamed at him to stop, this man could have beaten me he was very rough.I thought better about it later but I guess my anger got the best of me.The man cussed at me and drove off I never saw him again.The poor dog. I hope you are able to get up with the dogs owner maybe the owner is a better person.I have a fear though that if the owner left his dog with this evil man I question his integrity.Good luck and keep us posted.
Way to go :D mighty impressed by your gutsy action and the results it brought! On the other hand, it is quite a risky thing do as those two legged creatures are quite unpredictible and uncivilised :roll:
Good job! Please keep us posted if you hear anything else about poor kuki... do you know if the owners are home yet or when they are supposed to return?
:!: Wow..... "I glory in your spunk girl" !!! The world needs more people like you ! I say ....hold your head high ! :wink:
Hi Vero,

I'm glad it worked out well in the end for Kuki! You have accolades from me!! Way to go!!

Vero, You go girl . I"m not into violence but that guy deserved a good slap! I hate to see things like that.
Good Job
I am new to the conversation, but I was in tears reading what that jerk did! He is a coward, for cowards are quick to hit someone who they know is not going to hit back! My husband and I are in the process of getting a baby girl (OES) and I feel like an expectant mom. If he hits dogs, i betcha he isn't far away from hitting other helpless creatures. I am so pround of how you handled the situation. Hopefully slapping him knocked some sence into him. But probably not. Just be careful that this bully doesn't sue! I am from NYC and I guess I am more suspicious of that beeing the end result. You are brave and kind. Keep us updated on what happens next.
hi Marley thanks :)....congrats on your new baby! be sure to put pics of her when she arrives....we love puppy pics :)

Fortunatedly here we don`t have many suing going on...I it`s not a comon practice here.

by the way Kuki is doing great!!! seen here yesterday and she looks so much better....she is very playfull ans mischevious.....LOL counter surfer at heart...the owner keeps telling me about it....I told him it`s a part of the breed....most OES do it...
I am glad that she is ok. I have been reading ALL the topics and suggestiions on this site! I have found it to be so helpful! You all are great! After reading all the drama with puppy agression, I am a little anxious about our new puppy to be (the litter isn't even born yet! they are due the first week of May). But as I read on, its seems it is all about training and kindness. I am a teacher and am used to putting little raskals in their place! Especially when you work with 5th and 6th graders. But as advised in one of the chats, I contacted the breeder and asked about the personality of the parents. She said that they are great. Never had a problem with agression. So I feel better. I am addicted to this site now! My husband hasn't seen me on the computer so much, ever. Well, maybe when I am looking for something on ebay! he hehe. I am definatly going to sign up as a member. I am sure I will need all your help when the baby comes home! So excited! Thanks to all for the great info! Marley, mommy to be!
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