What's the craziest thing you've found on your dog's coat?

I was grooming Frank last night, who has about 7 inches of coat. While I was grooming his "unneutered" area I pulled out an 8 inch twig with thorns on it. 8O How comfortable could that have been? I think he picked it up at his handling class, which was Tuesday night so he's been carrying it since then. :roll:

I usually find remnants of our yard in his coat each time I groom, ie, seed pods, twigs, leaves, grass, etc. It's amazing how this stuff doesn't even phase him.

Anyone else?
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Hmm...I guess peanut butter or maybe some of those tiny GI joe soldiers... lol I guess that's not really that weird in a house with 3 & 4 year olds though.
JakobandBrandonsmom wrote:
those tiny GI joe soldiers... lol

Ha Ha Ha :lol:

Well my best one besides half the garden was a big hairy huntsman spider in her coat 8O Me being fearful of spiders it was not funny. There not poisonous ones but there big hairy monsters. Took her outside, got a stick, flicked it off her and ran like crazy. She ran and jumped on me and sent me flying to the ground, she thought I was rough housing with her 8) :lol: :lol: She must of picked it up on the coat under the bushes while playing in the garden Ooooh I hate spiders. 8O
I'da run like crazy tooooooooooooooooooo 8O
JakobandBrandonsmom wrote:
maybe some of those tiny GI joe soldiers... lol

I bet they could mount quite an offense from the dense protection of a sheepdogs coat -- have your boys thought to use it as a base for the mission?
Clyde ran into a small evergreen tree last year. I picked all the needles off but the next day, I found a 6 inch branch stuck in the hair on his leg. It had all the needles attached and was about 2 inches wide. It had imbedded itself so deep, I didn't even notice it.

I think Bear's coat may actually have some sort of vacuum or magnetic properties to attract things to him and fuse them to his body. Even if I watch him go outside, he'll come in with stuff stuck to his head or his tail. I have no idea how it gets there. Clearly, it's magic.
ButtersStotch wrote:
Clearly, it's magic.

i found a long blonde hair on jack the other day, i asked him where he'd been....but he just gave me the usual response.
Bosley had a yellow lollipop entwined in his chest fur once.
Stickers from my daughter and once they roll around in them ....yikes not fun!
Nothing really strange.........yet...............just the usual muddy feet.........and little cowboys & indians, stickers, food............
Cowboys and Indians?
One day I came home for lunch, and Pirate met me in the (dark) laundry room. He had red all over his chin and front legs and paws. I figure, well...he finally killed the cat :evil: .

At closer inspection, it turned out he ate my lipstick!!!

There were pieces of waxy red lipstick stuck to his fur that I couldn't get out, so it was off to the groomers, who had a really good laugh!
Ron wrote:
Cowboys and Indians?

:lol: I must admit, it does kinda sound strange....but, yeah, those tiny little plastic figures............you know Ron! You're a guy and it couldn't have been that long ago that you were a little boy! :D

I am a girl and even I played with them as a child! 8O (GI Joe too! Hey, I am the only girl and have all older brothers! :wink: )
rebecca wrote:
Ron wrote:
Cowboys and Indians?

:lol: I must admit, it does kinda sound strange....but, yeah, those tiny little plastic figures............you know Ron! You're a guy and it couldn't have been that long ago that you were a little boy! :D

I am a girl and even I played with them as a child! 8O (GI Joe too! Hey, I am the only girl and have all older brothers! :wink: )

Those little tiny things must be the devil for sheepie coats. I find the GI joe ones in Jasper's hair a lot (well, I did before he was shaved, lol)
JakobandBrandonsmom wrote:
rebecca wrote:
Ron wrote:
Cowboys and Indians?

:lol: I must admit, it does kinda sound strange....but, yeah, those tiny little plastic figures............you know Ron! You're a guy and it couldn't have been that long ago that you were a little boy! :D

I am a girl and even I played with them as a child! 8O (GI Joe too! Hey, I am the only girl and have all older brothers! :wink: )

Those little tiny things must be the devil for sheepie coats. I find the GI joe ones in Jasper's hair a lot (well, I did before he was shaved, lol)

Thankfully, Ben doesn't care what we do to him, so the pulling and twisting......makes for easy removal!
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