Trimming the feet

We bought an A5 Golden last nite, and finished of Dixie, somewhat :oops: We need pratice. :oops:

We could not for the life of us, figure out how to do her feet! She looks like a hack-job.

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I use the clippers to go down the legnth of her leg to the top of her feet...then I use scissors...with the feet on the ground, trim at an angle...kinda like a bowl cut.....between the dew claw pad and feet, I also use scissors....
Why not use the clippers over the feet? I always do....
Unless you are keeping some coat, in which case, scissors.
We tried the clippers on her feet, but there are so many bumps from each toe, that is didn't seem to have enough flat surface to work. Are we doing something wrong?

I will post a picutre later tonite. Don't laugh. :oops:
Not sure why you need a flat surface... I just zoom right over them. Also use the clippers to do in between the paw pads as well, but obviously not for a dog in show coat.
I have an A5 Golden and don't know how to use it.

The Golden vibrates or something making me uncomfortable when using it. I know I just need to get used to it, but it just makes me too nervous. I bought it because i always hear how great it is, but I find myself always resorting back to my trusty cheap Oster. It works great for trimming those paws. Real fast and gets it real good. A nose trimmer works great for my maltese.
Pepsi won't sit still when I try to get his feet. He HATES it!
He is constantly fighting and pulling back on his leg. I do the best I can with the clippers, then finish with the scissors. Even with doing it with the scissors it takes me a couple a sittings to get it done :roll:
Joahaeyo wrote:
The Golden vibrates or something making me uncomfortable when using it.
Make sure that the blade snaps firmly into place; if it's not seated it will sound chattery and won't cut.

Also if you've dropped the clipper you may have bent the blade causing a similar problem; perhaps the blade was bad from the start.

Perhaps you could take your clipper to a groomer and ask them to help you test your clipper -- stick a blade on it and see if it works?

Also, If you find the blade to be the problem, maybe they have an older blade they'd be happy to sell to you for a few dollars too? I'm not too sure about doing that, though.
Here's what we have so far :oops:


Where are we going wrong? We got most of her done, but some part of her just don't get cut for some reason. And these feet! Forget it!
It looks fine to me..... :)
that's a good idea to take it to the groomers, ron. using it gives me a little choppy look like the effect above. ;) :lol: i've decided something smaller is needed for at least yuki's paws (like my small oster) when I do it. i can't get inbetween the paws with the golden.
I hated doing the paws because the dogs hated it. It was several days of work to get it done.
The vet trimmed it for me on one visit because the hair between the pads was too long. :oops: He explained that the feet are very ticklish and the trick is to keep the trimmer just above the skin.
It works for me. :o
Foot looks good,just trim with a scissor. If you want the close nice look then you have to use a 10 blade. Remember practice makes perfect.

Chattering clippers usually is the blade (usually caused from dropping) . Do you have a second blade? If so, does it do it with that blade also? If so it needs to be looked at, it should be smooth and quiet.

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