Breaking News-A boy and his dog stuck on edge of cliff

While watching the 6 o'clock news this evening the broadcast was interrupted by breaking news. A small boy and his dog were stuck on small ledge on the edge of a cliff. Perhaps, he had tried to rescue his dog? They were not sure at this point as to how he ended up there. He didn't appear to have fallen as he didn't seem hurt. Although, it was only perhaps only 20- 30 ft down, it looked as if it was quite steep, a sheer incline of rock, slippery to climb back up with moss covered rock. When the news chopper backed away and you could view the surrounding area, you could see behind him was a 2,000 ft drop off the face of the mountain. You realized how perilous the situation was.

Now glued to the set, I held my breath, watching the rescue unfolding. The boy (anywhere from age 11-14) waved to the news crew whom were amazed at his calmness. He was calming his large Golden constantly hugging and patting him (The big yellow dog was seen to be wagging his tail). Not sure who was calming who but a very touching picture.

Search and Rescue appeared and seemed as if it took a long time for all safety concerns to be in place. The newscrew in the chopper as well as those reporting it from the desk expressed concern for the dog too. The lines were that boy and what if the dog panicks when the boy is rescued and falls?

The slow decent by the one lone Rescuer starts, the others are all in their places. The boy appeared to have a companion who originally called 911, and he too has not left his spot to offer support to his friend. Night is starting to fall.

It looked desperate when the rescuer was also on the tiny cliff as now it was crowded. He appeared to be sheltering the boy from falling, I was worried the dog would also panic. It was difficult to tell if the dog was with them on the climb up due to the now dimming light.

The rise over the top...boy climbing, rescuer behind , dog fully attached to the rescuer, boy attached by harness. It's why it was difficult to tell if the dog was coming up as well...he was wedged between the rescuer and the boy.

Everyone is seen to be hugging...back to the newsroom. They are all dog and kid lovers..not a dry eye.

What a wonderful happy ending! Story of a boy and his dog. sniff...

Marianne and the boys

It was agony watching what would happen...45 mins.
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Wonderful story! So happy all are well.

Years ago a friend's son and step son got lost in the Colorado wilderness. The rescuers weren't keen on expending much energy in looking for them because the boys were troubled teens, into drugs, etc. The mother and step father were adamant the boys had not run away. Finally they drove up to a ranch and talked to the ranch manager who after listening said, "I have an idea where they may be." The ranch manager was well known and convinced Colorado Search and Rescue to haul out the helicopter and head for this possible site. Sure enough, there the boys were--4 days later--with their Golden Retriver. The rescue was quick as the pilot was watching either a bear of cougar working it's way to the site (I forget which).

The boys and dog survived a horrendous mountain storm without getting hit by lightening or badly bruised form hail. However, from that day on, the dog was a basket case any time a storm would form. Prior to that she was oblivious to storms.
So glad everything turned out okay!
Hi Again,

Me too! My heart was pounding from the suspense as you had to wonder how the dog would react when the rescuer came down. Would he start jumping around and possible fall or knock the boy off? I think that was perhaps why they took so long for the climb down. The rescuer stopped momentarily above them and then leaped down right behind both of them to shield them.

I'll be watching the 11 o'clock news and report back as to how the boy ended up down there. I suspect he was trying to help the dog.

What I found so heartwarming is, not only was there constant concern from the various news crew reporting for the boy..but several times they expressed concern for the dog as well. They kept repeating they hoped that the rescuer would save the boy then go back for the dog. It seemed almost impossible to bring both back up at the same time. There was the worry if the boy was rescued ..what would the dog do? Ohhh my poor heart! It was live so it was as if all those watching were there on that mountain with them. Happy it ended well for both the boy and his dog!

Sheepieboss - what an incredible story you told as well! How heart wrenching from the parents of those kids. So glad they listened to their guy instinct as the outcome would have been so tragic. Those kind of stories just make you smile however when the ending ends up happy.

What a great story Marianne. I would love to have seen it live. The people love those stories and they make such great viewing as long as there is a happy outcome.
More info on the boy/dog cliff thing:

The boy went down to get the dog. Apparently the dog decided to have his own little adventure!

Oh and the best part? The dog's name is Chaos. :roll:
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