My Brother In Law

I found out that my Brother In Law has been in the hospital since last Wednesday.
For those that don't know... 2 1/2 yrs ago my Brother In Law was driving cross country and ran out of gas in a small town called Shamrock, TX. He was walking down Rte 66 which parallels Rte 40 he was walking back to his car with a gas can and a mag light and he was struck by a car from behind driven by teenagers out past their furfew. They hit him at 60 mph he almost died, he had to be airlifted to the nearest hospital and spent 28 days in the ICU... He got small towned and didn't receive a dime. The police officer did not even test the girl that hit him for Alcohol. This is a town of 800 people... I am sure it was all a cover up.)
My Mother In Law said that he was acting stranger than normal. Jimmy drinks a lot....also has fugue states where he can't remember stuff.
He has virtually no short term memory. He thinks it is 2001 and he was hurting from an injury he didn't remember receiving. They did a toxicology screen and it came back negative. He may have had a seizure...(Possibly how he injured himself) My Mother in Law said the Dr's think he has a Viral infection in his brain. He has an MRI, cat scan...eeg....
I haven't heard about the results yet. I do know that my MIL only told the Dr's that he drink occasionally... LIE!!!!
His blood pressure is way HIGH...200 something over something really high. They are not having any luck controlling it. He is at a high risk of stroke right now. I haven't been down to see him because I cannot bring the kids. Also he doesn't remember Hayley!!!
Billy called him yesterday and he told Billy that he was in the hospital for a bad cold. He also keeps forgetting he is in the hospital.
Please keep him in your thoughts....
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That is spooky. I hope he recovers. Of course I'll keep him in my prayers.
Oh, Elissa, how sad for him. :( Of course I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks Chris and SheepieBoss.

I meant to say above that his short term memory has been screwy since the accident in 2003. He knew what year it was until this happened on Tuesday evening.They also think it might have been a mini stroke...
Still waiting to get news from my MIL.
Elissa, I'll be thinking of you all...
How awful! :(
We're thinking of you!
I'm sorry to hear :( Everyone is in my thoughts! :(
Elissa so sad to hear about this.

My uncle had a viral infection of the brain.He came out of hospital about 6 months ago.He also didn't know what year it was or who most of us where.Turns out the infection had wiped 20 years out of his memory .He has 2 children aged 15/16 and he knows they are his but he can't remember their childhood.

If you need to ask any questions or want to talk just PM me.

I'm sorry ELissa, my thoughts are with you and your family.
Sending positive thoughts your way.

Brenda, Murphy and Dud
HUG!!!! I hope you hear some good news soon! Was this the same BIL with the little boy? This must be so stressful for you and the rest of Billy's family!
Bummer. Sorry to hear about what he is going through. I hope everything turns out okay.
thoughts are with you and billy!!!
Thanks everyone still waiting to hear from my MIL.
I did hear that he has arterties of an 80 yr old man and he's 37.

Iriskmj wrote:
HUG!!!! I hope you hear some good news soon! Was this the same BIL with the little boy? This must be so stressful for you and the rest of Billy's family!

Yes, He also has three daughters...
That so sad :cry: How are his children holding up through all of this?
His son is still in custody of the state in a foster home.... I don't think he knows. My SIL took one of his daughter for the weekend.
His girls are 13 and 14. The 13 yrs olds are twins.
Their mother has custody of them. I am sure they know but not sure if they will see him. They haven't seen him in quite a while, because of his drinking and crazy emotionalness around them. He scares them.
I just spoke with my MIL.
She said Jimmy does not remember the last year and a half at all.
The hospital has suggested that Jimmy will need assistance for the rest of his life. My Mother in Law talked about having him move in with her...
Probably not the best idea. He cannot be trusted to be by himself. She said she could have someone come in and be with him during the day, but I still think it would be too much for her. What about when she's sleeping.
She said they repeated his MRI over the weekend but no results yet.
Probably because of the weekend. Also my MIL has not been to the hospital yet today. She just got out of work and is on her way down there. So hopefully we should know more by this evening.
Oh, Elissa, I'm so sorry for you and Billy. It's important that the doctor be made aware of how much he truly drinks as it may affect whatever treatment they have to offer.

Oh man, that is really rough. I'm so sorry. I hope the situation improves. . .
No news. My MIL said the test results were not back yet. 8O
I am so sorry you and your family and brother in law are going through this. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi Elissa,

I'm so sorry you are having to go through this and what a heartbreaking thing for his children, your sister and his mom have to go through. Hugs to you and wish I knew the right thing to say in this circumstance other than you're in my thoughts.

Marianne and the boys
Still no test results yet.... :evil:
A Psychiatrist came in to see him and told my MIL that he should not live alone.
Tonight I spoke with him... He told me that his back hurt...he started to tell me a story of how it happened...something about the Police harrassing him.....but this wasn't a secure line 8O and he would tell me later. Again tonight he did not remember Hayley... I know this because he did not mention her, but mentioned Ryan.
He also said that he had been there for 1/2 a day in the Hospital and really needed a cigarette. My MIL said he seemed more with it today.... I don't see that at all. He said how he didn't know where his shoes and clothes where and he thought he would be leaving tomorrow.....
How heartbreaking. Hugs and prayers being sent to your family.
Elissa, I'm so sorry to hear that! I remember you said he was tough to deal with even before this because of his accident. Please make sure your MIL doesn't take on more of a challenge than she is qualified to handle. It wouldn't be the right thing for either of them. Tell Billy I'm sending positive thoughts his way.

Thanks Everyone :)
Jimmy was released last night. 8O They basically couldn't do anything for him. I am not sure if he is staying with my MIL or not....probably for now.
They said the MRI showed some Atrophy and some abnormalities but everything was fine. They were concerned with the EEG they saw peaks.... Whatever that mean. He is supposed to follow up with a Neurologist.
My MIL put me on the phone with him last night.... Mind you I spoke with him twice yesterday. He heard Pepsi bark and asked who barked. I told him Pepsi and then he asked how Harley was.... So again I had to tell him that he died. :( He said that maybe he blocked it out because it hurt so much. He also didn't remember Hayley and she brings nothing but happy thoughts to mind.
Called my MIL to find out how Jimmy was. She said that he stayed with her Wed. night then she brought him home 8O
So I called. He was wayyyy out of it. He thanked me for the pack of cigarettes. I haven't bought him a pack of cigs in at least two years.
Then he proceeded to tell me about how he hurt his rib.
He didn't even remember being in the hospital.
I really don't think he should be on his own......
Yikes. I wonder what you can do or who you can contact to help with this. There has to be something to be done for him so he doesn't hurt himself or someone else by accident...
I said I wasn't going to get involved :roll:
But I feel like I have to now. The only reason Jimmy was not considered disabled after his accident is because the Dr that said he was disabled was in Texas, not California. All he had to do was go to a Dr here and My MIL never took him.
I would rather stay out of it and am trying to point my MIL in the right direction.
You are so right Steph.... He also has had these fugue states since the accident. His neighbors complained about him and he always said it was the neighbors. My MIL then moved him to her town so she could keep an eye on him. Next thing you know he has problems with the new neighbors. He swears he had no idea.
I am going to try to stay out of as long as possible.....but safety is a main concern.... I am not worried about him as much as I worry about other people.
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