A Kiss, Hug, and Offer to Watch SpongeBob!


I knew It was going to be a great day when I spied Miss Drezzie's photo and that of Buddy, that was posted this morning. I saw them while drinking my morning coffee. Off to work I went with a smile in my face.

I was greeted at the door by a very shy girl whom I always make sure I stop and chat with at recess time when I'm on supervision duty .She said I know you love chocolate and presented me with a gift. A chocolate kiss!! Awwww.

At recess a young girl ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug and said thanks so much, you made me so happy! I should backtrack for a second, this child has diabetes and needs her blood sugars to be monitored several times a day and requires an insulin shot. Due to this, she was unable to go on fieldtrips as it was impossible for the school nurse to go. Since I'm the first aid person at school I asked if I could be certified for diabetes monitoring and be used as backup.
Next Monday, some children are going on a fieldtrip and as I'll be there I suggested this girl go along too. She was thanking me with a hug as she finally gets to accompany her friends on a school trip. Another big Awww!

Later in the day, a young autistic boy whom I work with has recently been angry with me, as he's been refusing to do his work. Once again he was having a bad day. Instead of getting into an arguement ,I decided to chat about his favorite topic, which is animals. Just happens that's my favorite topic too. :D Soon we had the globe out and several Encyclopedias and tried to find all about little known animals on the planet. As the bell for the end of school rang I gave him a page of homework. (He was actually so far behind he had 4 pages but I didn't want to overwhelm him). He says cheerfully, nope I'll take three pages. Normally homework causes him to have meltdowns so this was a huge deal!

He runs and gets his jacket and then comes over to me..say Miss D...you know where I live right? Do you think one day, you'll come over and hang out and watch Sponge Bob with me? Another AWW moment!
(In case your're wondering I did tell him that I would go to his birthday party.)

Some days I get home dead tired and thinking urg..it's hard being with kids all day long. Especially working with special needs kids whom sometimes have no barriers and will lash out, swear or yell at me. Then I have days like I did today and think I have the best job in the world!

Marianne and the boys
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We are lucky to have good people like you in the world Marianne!
Marianne- As the mom of a kid with an Autism spectrum disorder let me say a huge

The wonderful therapists and teachers that have worked with us are amazing :D Handling the arguements and tantrums on a daily basis in constructive ways, without losing your cool, is so commendable. SO from all of the parents of special needs kids out there I say thank you again.

Have a blessed day!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :high5: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Marianne, you've got such a big heart and so many children benefit from your caring. :hearts: Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful day with us!
Marianne, That just breaks My Heart! Your Heart Amazes Me. I have 4 Puppy Parents that have Autistc Up Rights. I really had to do some researching before I decided to adopt to them. This was ignorance on my part about authism. The Babies have been great with the children. Two of My Puppy Parents work with Autisic Children and use Their Fur Babies to work with the children. It is seems to be a great combination. The Children will talk to the Furbabies when they won't talk or work with humans. Something to Think About. Respectfully, Kaye
What a great day!! That's wonderful, Marianne. It does make you know it's all worth while when you have days like that one. :D

One of my nephews is autistic, too. He's the sweetest most adorable kid...most of the time! He's in first grade this year and his teacher's helper just adores him. She's so awesome. She told us a few months ago that she & Bear (his nickname) were walking down the hall together holding hands and he mumbled something to her. She asked him to repeat it and he mumbled again. When she asked him to repeat it again, he yelled very loudly, "I saaaaiiiddd I LOVE YOU!!!!" :D She told him she loved him, too - and she told us she just cried happy tears! :D
Those are the BEST days!!!!!! :D

That is so awesome Marianne! Don't days like that just make all the bad ones worth working through??? :D
That says a lot about what an awesome teacher & person you are!! :D :D

Awww what a fantastic day, makes it all worthwhile and special when special moments like that happen in one day. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful day, brought a huge smile to my day reading this. :D
It's wonderful to watch them grow and connect with people. It takes a special person to be able to connect with them. It's hard to explain what they give back in return - its more than you can explain.
Marianne, thank you for what you do.
Hi Again,

Apologies for not responding sooner. Thanks everyone for your comments!

I don't think it's all my doing as these kids are pretty special. Looking back on the years I've been doing this in most cases what helped me make a connection is animals. Every child I've ever worked with seemed to have a favorite animal and in a lot of cases I brought my kittens, bunnies or puppy to work with me. I bring poster boards full of photos and we start discussions, as that has been the key to even allowing the quietest kids to tell me about their special pet. That was an extra special day however and thanks for allowing me to share it with you all!

Marianne and the boys
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