cooper bit my son

Yestereday we were in the office, and cooper snapped for no reason, and t pushed him away figuring he was asleep and startled. Just not my son was playing near him,and picked up the ball to throw and cooper bit his face. He left 2 small puncture wounds one on His left templ and the other near his jaw. Luckily my 5 year old was there and screamed and the dog backed off. I am crying, I am soooooo heartbrowken. I LOVE cooper with all my heart, but obviously I can not risk him biting my son again.
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oh!! sleepymom, I know you really love Cooper for what I have read.
i don't know if I get the picture well. Maybe this will help.
is Cooper seeing ok? Did he try to catch the ball?
Shanti acted in roughtly way until I realized that he did not see well with all that hair covered his face. For that reason I began to cut the hair around his eyes. Since then he plays smoothly.

he has no hair on his face. before we got him he was crated a bit, and he was upset so he rubbed a lot of his facila fur off. The trimmed the rest before we picked him up :(

I'm very sorry to hear about Cooper biting your son. Unfortunately, this happens all too often. I would first contact his breeder and discuss this with them. They need to know what is going on. Cooper may have thought that your son was invading his territory (and you've reported other territorial aggression.)

It doesn't justify his behavior - it only explains it.

Please contact his breeder! Feel free to contact me privately ( if you need to talk.

You may also want to contact Grannie Annie @ NEOESR - she deals with this situation all the time (probably on a daily basis) and will be able to offer some suggestions.

im so sorry to hear about cooper, i know how you feel- walter and i have been through much of this. but with a lot of hard work we have come along way and its been a month since weve had any growling/biting.
i recommend:
-leaving coopers leash and collar on so if he starts to growl or seems as if hes going to bite you can grab the leash quickly
-call a trainer who specializes in aggression- the first trainer i went to was not used to aggression or sheepdogs at all and was not helpful at all, i think this is crucial because they know what to expect and can anticipate further problems
-avoid situations that make cooper mad. walter is in his crate when he eats, and in a gated room when people come and go, he cannot have rawhides, and if he gets a special treat i make sure people will not be by him or he has his leash on. i think avoiding bites is important, although its not fixing the problem its not adding more stress to you.

i remember the first time walter bit me. i completely freaked out, i thought i was going to have to give up my baby. youre not alone, and if you think you can devote a lot of time and patience to cooper then i think he can be helped. i know its hard but try not to stress out too much, i found that talking about walters aggression on this board has helped me a lot. so keep us updated!
I am so sorry for what you are going thru with Cooper. However your first priority is to your children. Cooper should be returned to the breeder, they were remiss to not tell you that Cooper was not used to children. They knew full well that you had small kids. This has not been the only incident that you have had problems with Cooper. What happens the next time one of the kids gets in Cooper's 'space', it is just not worth the risk to your children.
I too love my Merlin but if he were to bite one of my kids in the face, unprovolked, I could not have him in my house. This is why I never leave the kids alone with the dog. Kids are more unpredictable than the dog is.
please read the web site on k-9 aggression I posted It will help you decide what you can and can't do.Don't feel like you have no options you do. First consider what you and your family are willing to do to make things work second call a behaviorist who deals with k-9 aggression.I would definantly take him to his vet for a check up as well some dogs are grouchy if they arnt feeling well. I have seen alot of family dogs put to sleep becouse owners did not do something about the problem they pushed it off for a later date dont do this it will only make the situation must do something right away it could be the difference of your dogs life.I do have great sympathy for you I also have kids and they come first .my puppy tries to dominate them and I am constantly working with them(kids don't listen as well as dogs do).I wish you the best of luck and am praying for the out come to be a good one.
Cooper could have done even more damage if he was vicious. Abbi has shown us she is quite capable of cracking open a huge femur bone off of a full grown cow.
Cooper is acting out something ....jealousy, annoyance, fear somthing. I bet he isn't vicious, just frustrated.

Hopefully you put the fear of the Almighty into his soul or at least let him know his behavior was absolutely intolerable.

But if you feel there's no hope, there is no hope... you have to believe there IS a solution before you will find one. You have to feel capable of managing the solution too.
Your child also needs t learn there are bettter solutions in this world than avoidance. It is hard to avoid all problems in the world.
let us know how it is going and if we can help ...
Although I agree with you all about family and kids being number 1 priority ... and that a pet dog or cat (I was bitten by my pet cat and also bitten by my cocker spaniel) are NOT to be allowed to bite the owners...I also think that sometimes we are the ones at fault...mainly by not understanding their nature and seeking help is the best way to do the web site on K-9 agression but I also think that to return the pet to the breeder is not the solution....well It is the quickest one but I don`t think the right one ....It`s the same with all the loved don`t return them try to figure out what is the problem.
I am so sorry to hear that Cooper bite your son..and of course that is of real try to help your son realize that if he shows he is afraid or uncomfortable around Cooper, he (cooper) can feel it and it only ads to cooper`s alpha qualities...he should and needs to know who are the bosses in the house and that is you and your family of up-rights.
Do keep us updated on this.
The dog that Michele has (cooper) she had gotten only last month. Cooper is 15 or 16 months old and as Michele has found out since phoning the breeder about this problem, that he has never been around kids and as a matter of fact had been caged quite a bit after it was decided that he was not going to be shown. So not only was he not around kids, he was not properly socialized as well. The breeder was remiss in selling Michele a dog that they knew had never been around children. It was the breeder who suggested that Michele return Cooper. The breeder obviously knows something that we all don't.

Michele's sons are 2 and 5. It was the two year old that was bitten. A two year old child cannot understand the importance of showing a dog who is alpha, nor learn to deal with a dog that is competing with it for his mother's attention. Apparently Cooper has growled and tried to nip the boy when Michele hugs her son.

It is not like you or I giving our dog away after having it several months(years). I am sure if the breeder had been completely honest with Michele from the beginning, Michele would have never taken in Cooper.
Cooper is back with the breeder.
It was agonizing to decide. I cried about it, and got sick over it. saturdayw e were getting ready to go, I had him on leash trying to get him to potty as my son walked past into the car, cooper lunged growling and barking. I know in my heart I made the right decision. The breeder was kind and ended upo giving me a full refund. she also offered me a puppy.
I was glad for her offer and thankful to hear cooper would live with the co owner as a pet, he will not be sued for breeding. The breeder also trains and agreed, that it was to risky to keep him in the home with my small children. She figured he was having serious jealousy issues.
We miss him, and comming home without him was ahrd for all of us.
We will not "replace him" with a puupy. It feels like replacing a family member,which I would never do. We need time to heal, and my youngest needs time to grow up so that he can work with an animal.
thank you for your help.
I don't know what to say to you, I'm deeply saddened by your loss. I know time will help to heal your pain, and I can only hope that some sort of good can come to others from reading about your painful experiences.
I am also sorry for your loss but if in your heart you know you made the right choice than it mustbe the right choice.I hope this has not made you never want to get anouther dog they can be great and faithful companions.I wish you the very best luck and hope you will still come chat with us if you can.( I know it will remind you of your loss but sometimes that helps).
im also very sorry for you. i think you made the best decision for all parties involved, and im sure cooper will live a happy life in his new home.
I didn`t know the whole story of Cooper...sorry to have sounded so harsh.
I am sorry that you had to make that choice....I am sure It was a hard one, and I feel like need time to heal for the loss and for your son to grow up a bit so he can enjoy a dog as well.
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