He won't stop barking at the cats!

I don't know what's wrong with Jasper - we've had cats since we got him, so it's not like they're new to him. This week though, he has been barking at them non-stop. It's getting the cats upset and they've started hissing, growling, and scratching at him. They've started "hiding" and staying on top of furniture/counters to get away from him. Every time he sees them, he just barks and barks and barks. Since they're all inside, that means the only time he's not barking is when he's having potty breaks.

It's getting so aggravating, and I don't understand why it started all of a sudden. Nothing has changed at all. It started Sunday-Monday and hasn't stopped since. Any ideas?
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He & Beaureguard are very close in age, as I remember, so let me welcome you to the adolescent puppy stage!! :D

He's started doing annoying things that he's never done before too. And behaviours that he KNOWS BETTER than to do or I thought he'd outgrown. :x

I've had to go back to the basics of obedience training with him on lots of things (lunging toward cars when we're on a walk is the worst so far!!). He's digging holes, which he had stopped doing.

OH - and he's learned to cock his leg when he pees. He doesn't do it all the time, but he does know how now. Watching him learn was hilarious. He would switch legs mid-stream. :lol: :lol: But, he's also marked on my grill cover!! :evil: :evil:

Take a deep breath, Gail, and say "This too shall pass." :D In the meantime, I'd suggest distracting him with toys or a kong. :D
GOOD luck!!! I know it is frustrating for the cats, and for your ears too! I hope someone has some great advice for you!!
It seems like he may have made a game of herding them? Even though it's all of the sudden... it could just be something he JUST decided was fun.

Yuki always sees me say NO!!!! to the kitty when she's up on the kitchen counter, so now whenever the cat is there ...Yuki will bark excessively AND CRY...until someone gets her off. If we ignore her...the barking gets worse and worse. To Yuki, she's just doing her job of helping mommy out.

Yuki won't ever give our cat a rest. Where she goes... Yuki goes. To basically babysit. If the cat does something Yuki doesn't like, Yuki will start barking to let mommy and daddy know.

SO ANNOYING (yet I "GUESS" so sweet that she wants to help).

We tell her IT's Not Your Job, and immediately stand up in front of her to block her the SECOND we see that she has made eye contact with the cat (like the cat is getting read to jump off the couch or walk somewhere). It's tiring... and it took about a month... but she eventually understood that we don't want her watching over the cat........just the sheep she sees on the weekend.

It took A LOT of work. To ALWAYS pay attn. to when Yuki was "watching the cat" ...and to STOP IT (just by saying.. yuki STAY .....or actually standing in front of her vision) for her to grasp it.

Usually at first.. just saying NO ......did NOT cut it. That was US being lazy. ...that's when we realized we have to GET UP and do the stuff I mentioned above.

Not sure if this helps but it sounded like they could be similar issues.

Even before I scrolled down and read Beau's mom's post I thought..hmmm sounds like the teen years have hit Jasper. Oh boy! You know in play, our sheepies will often bark in other dogs faces..in dog speak this may mean "Come Play!!!"....."I'll chase..you run" or "I'll run and you chase!" Now kitties don't understand "dog speak" and it's annoying to them and ....us as well.

One thing that worked for me is the LEAVE IT command. Said very firmly...like I mean business! (Merlin loves chasing his kitty sisters) and this is something which he sometimes forgets and I have to remind him. If Merlin runs...so does Panda, and Blue just gets upset and goes in his protective mode. Urg! Panda never chases the cats on his own...and Blue just protects them. Merlin is the culprit and also the most playful and active of the group. Teaching him to LEAVE IT brought some form of sanity back in the household.

Baby gates also helped my cats find a bit of a reprieve from their annoying "baby brother". They often sought refuge in my bedroom where they didn't have to deal with him.

Good Luck!

Marianne and the boys
Oh, I didn't realize animals went through "terrible twos" too, lol I JUST got over that phase with my 3 year old, and his lasted about 3 years! lol I've been trying to distract him, but it seems almost impossible.

I think I'm going to go buy him some new toys or treats this weekend. Maybe that'll help distract him, even if for just a little while!
And just as easy as it started, it has stopped. I swear, between the animals and kids, I'm going to end up in an institution - lol
Well they say grey hair is hereditary...you get it from your kids..and sheepies too in this case.

Gail - I love the new avatar of Jasper! He looks so cute & his hair is growing fast! :D
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