Where Should I Put the Crate?

I'm trying to figure out where to put the crate (well, in my mind I'm trying to figure it out...we don't have the crate yet). Who better to ask than all of you! Yes, again another poll. I like these!

We live in a split level home with 2 potential places for the crate. We don't want the pup to have the habit of sleeping in our room. Annie sleeps outside our bedroom door in which we have a gate up.

Here are the two possible places:
1. Living room - This room is at the front of the house next to the front door. I think Annie spends most of her time looking out the window during the day. Neighbors say she likes to bark at whoever she sees whether or not we are home. I'm concerned that the pup might have too much activity and get excited at sights/sounds. This is a carpeted room, but I can put a shower curtain underneath crate in case he pees out. Carpet needs to be replaced eventually anyway.

2. Lower level - Pup may be able to see a little activity from birds or squirels out the patio door. We are usually at this level at night doing laundry or watching the big screen. Hardwood floors, but may be cool/damp at times. Noise level is minimal, ie Annie barking upstairs, furnace, A/C

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I think you ought to keep it by you for the first few nights and then gradually start moving it away towards its final destination. I'd pick the room that has the most activity in it since the crate likely won't be just for sleeping. He'll probably go in there while you're running around the house doing laundry, cleaning, etc. and you can't watch him like a hawk-- because that's what those first few months are, watching every move he makes and keeping him out of trouble. Come to think of it, I think their entire lives are all about keeping them out of trouble!
Whether or not you want to keep him in your room long term, I think you should start out with him in his crate next to your bed. You can move it later on when he's sleeping through the night. 8)
Ditto... my girls had no trouble with the transition from the crate next to my bed to the crate being in the kitchen....
I should have clarified this. I'm not sure where to crate him during the day while we're at work. After next week, we're gone for about 4 hours, then I'll come in for lunch, back out for about 4-5 hours.
I would put him on the lower level, since you said that would be a place he'd be likely to be when you are home, so it seems like it would be more comfortable to be around familiar settings...
In that case, I'd say the livingroom so he has company :)
next to your bed
I always had more than one crate. One handy for car rides etc, and one bigger one that pretty well stays put, in another room.
Like Nicole, I had to two crates, for when Dudley was a puppy, one in the bedroom right beside my bed so that he could see me and I could hear him when he need to go out and also when he went in the bedroom crate he soon figured out that it was nighty, night time and one in the kitchen for when I had go to work. Luckly, I only worked about 15 minutes from home, so for the first year, I would run home at lunch and let him out.

So 2 years later when Murphy came along, I thought.. this is a piece of cake... how wrong I was!!! He HATED.. and I cannot stress enough how much he hated his crate. For the first few weeks after I rescued him, I would set the Webcam up so I could watch him in his crate while I was at work and he would do nothing but HOWL, I would see him with his head thrown back and according to my neighbour he would do this from the moment I left the house to the time I got home.. I would see him work himself up into such a frenzy that he would throw up or worse, poop himself.

Finally, I said enough is enough and got rid of Murphy's crate and just let him be with Dudley becuase at this time Dudley was to big to be crated (130lbs) and he was trustworthy in the house. Murphy was good as gold..never chewed anything... never got into anything...he was so much happier being able to hang with Dud all day watching the Home and Garden channel... maybe that's why he likes to dig up and rearrange my flower beds..

I guess it's all personal preference and trail by error to figure out what works best in your house. What works for one dog might not work for the other as I have learned....
I know I shouldn't be laughing, but the store of Dud is making me laugh. :D I thought about the webcam thing, but I'd probably run home if I saw the pup howling all day. How horrible for you and him! We'll figure out what works...eventually!
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