ear problems-infections and yeast infections

I have a OES that is a 4-year-old female who just started getting ear infections in November. I just had her back to the veterinarians yesterday and this time unlike the others, it is a yeast infection. She also does alot of paw-chewing and licking. We changed her food to an allergy formula, and she's been on that for about 3 months now. This is my second OES and I never had these issues with my first. Any suggestions?

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Yogurt is supposed to help. I've been feeding Clyde a few tablespoons a day and he hasn't been getting yeast in his ears anymore. For awhile it was getting pretty gross-- no infections, but really nasty looking!
We are going through the same thing with Dixie. Ear infections, chewing feet and other areas, licking etc. We are back to the vet's tonite, as this time I don't think the antibiotics are working.

We have her wear a T-shirt around the house so she doesn't scratch to the skin. We let her wear it outside, too, but Bosley took it off her 8O

We are not sure if it is due to allergies, or demodex or what...She gets Benedryl so we can all sleep, or she keeps us up with her scratching and licking.

No suggestions, only sympathy here... :cry:
Dancer got a yeast infection in her ear, yogurt every day or every other day, a tablespoon approximately, has kept it cleared up.
Daisy has not (knock on wood) had an ear infection or yeast infection yet, but recently I did notice she was starting to rub her ears once in a while and immediately started giving her yogurt (after reading the posts here) and it has stopped.

This reminds me, need to stop at the grocery store for more yogurt tomorrow.
We had a Sharpei with itching problems and ear infections. She would actually rub her fur raw in places. The only thing that made a difference was switching to a lamb and rice food and staying away from wheat snacks.

Good luck!
Anonymous wrote:
I have a OES that is a 4-year-old female who just started getting ear infections in November. I just had her back to the veterinarians yesterday and this time unlike the others, it is a yeast infection. She also does alot of paw-chewing and licking. We changed her food to an allergy formula, and she's been on that for about 3 months now. This is my second OES and I never had these issues with my first. Any suggestions?


Hi Susanne,
My 6 yr. old female, Stampy, has had the problems you describe since she was about 6 months old. Unfortunately, it wasn't geographical (TX, AZ, and MD are about as different as you can get). We tried her on Nutro Lamb & Rice for about a year, which didn't work. We did prescription duck & potato dog food for about 3 months, to no avail. The only things that helped were daily or every-other-day ear cleaning and daily walks (to reduce any boredom-induced licking). Our groomer suggested diluted apple cider vinegar (50/50 vinegar/water) for the ears, and while our vet seemed dismissive of the home remedy, it has worked better than anything. Unfortunately, she smells like fish & chips most of the time now! :) As a last resort, we recently took a (not so small) portion of our tax return and got her allergy tested. We'll see in about 6 months if the allergy shots work. Nobody ever said OES weren't high maintenance!
My previous sheepie had the exact same issue. Scratching and licking paws and ear infections then hematomas and then surgery..... with her it was a lot more seasonal since we found out she had allergies to some of the pollens. They would irritate her feet so she would lick them and then when her paws were wet from licking, she would scratch herself in her ear and so hard sometimes she would moan and stuff. That transferred some of the wetness into her ear and then it would just get worse and cause ear infections. She would then shake her head cause it itched and cause the blood vessels to burst and cause a hematoma which usually needed surgery. I definitely recommend keeping those ears hair free and as dry as possible. Cotton balls help during baths and q-tips to get the rest out if you feel comfortable using them. they have ear powder to dry our the ear and stuff so you can grab those hairs pretty easily. Other than that I really dont know what else to recommend. Good luck!

I was interested in this stuff long time ago as my son was born with a birth defect in which resulted in his having to take antibiotics for the first 18 months of his life. While antibiotics is a good thing ..it does in effect not only kill the bad bacteria it also kills the good which keeps yeast under control. A bit of a vicious cycle...as it's why woman often get yeast infections after taking antibiotics. Yeast infections are apparent too when the immune system is a bit out of whack. A coated tongue on a sick kid is one example.

A bit of yogurt on your dogs food daily helps control the yeast and gets it back to a reasonable amount. It should be natural yogurt as the adophillis..urg probably spelling that wrong. You can buy that stuff in tablets too at health food stores and some food stores also carry it. Someone help me out here and let me know the correct spelling?

It's usually only the dogs with floppy ears that get yeast infections. Yeast thrives and multiplies in warm moist environments. Flipping the ears up and letting air get into them is good. I often do this with my boys when they are laying down...just flip up one ear. One time when searching the net I actually saw there exist "things" which props a dogs ears up to help with this. I have no idea what it was called or where I'd find it again but I'm pretty sure Merlin and Panda wouldn't put up with having some girlie thing holding up their ears! Just thought I'd mention it anyhow in case someone might be interested in pursuing it.

Good luck and hope you find something that works.

Marianne and the boys
Yogurt was also reccommended to my husband by his doctor because of excess antibiotics and it does work. Keep the hair around the ears trimmed to help allow air circulation. I pulled the ear flaps up and used a "very very" loose fitting, plastic, clip type clothes pin. It was loose enough that it didn't stay in place long, it didn't pull or pinch the ear flaps, but did allow some "air" time.
Bunker has the same problem. I have drops from the vet. The vet says its from her ears getting wet.
Betty is four months old and was born with a multitude of health issues. She was a third the size of the other pups in the litter and her immune system is poor.

At four week her eye was injured from what we think was from one of the other pups claws. Thought for sure she would loose it, but with much care it has repaired itself although her vision is not so good.

About a month ago she became infected with mange. All dogs have the mite but dogs with computerized immune become infected. My other three dogs are fine. The mange is finally under control, after what seems to be a hundred hours of research on the net, but her skin is discolored and alot of her hair has fallen out.

Now she is chewing her paws raw, her ears are full of goopy junk, she stinks of high hell...I keep wondering if she is ever going to be free of problems.

Again, after a ton of research, it looks like Betty has Candida Albicans is a Fungus/Yeast and a common microorganism that lives in the gut of a human/dog. it is called a Systemic Yeast Infection, and it affects the health and well-being of the whole animal.

I have found a way to control it. I have been feeding her a diet of chicken, carrots and brown rice three time a day with a couple of tablespoons of plain unsweetened yogurt, in her water I squeeze a small amount of lemon into it. I started dabbing her paws into listerine every day. For her ears I cleaned them out really, really good and then I put 5 to 10 drops of vinegar in each ears every morning. If she would have had open sores I would diluted the vinegar 50/50 with water.

Now for the god awful smell. I wet her down and then I used equal parts vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and water and scrubbed the heck out of her and boy she just loved it, then I rinsed with warm water and a final rinse of 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a gallon of water. Once a day.

I cant believe it...for the first time in months she isnt scraching or chewing herself raw, her ears of clean and pink with no smell all her sores have healed up and thank god the horrible odor is GONE!!

I know this all sounds like a lot of work, but the pay off is a happy little girl...My hours of research have payed off and I hope it helps anyone out their with the same problems!
good luck
I never knew about giving them yoghurt to stop them chewing their paws. Fuzzi does this quite a lot so I 'll get him to eat some yoghurt from now on. I know he loves its as sometimes will lick out the empty cartons that we have had so I don't see a problem there.
I think yeast feeds on sugars. Ask your vet first but you might want to try plain low fat yogurt and make sure it has active cultures so it will be most effective.
I have taken to smearing yougurt into Kongs, and freezing them. Makes a great healthy snack for the pooches and some good quiet time for me. :lol: :lol:
Bosley's mom wrote:
I have taken to smearing yougurt into Kongs, and freezing them. Makes a great healthy snack for the pooches and some good quiet time for me. :lol: :lol:

How much yogurt is involved in a smear? Just a tablespoon or two?
Whatever amount you wnat to give them. I use just a tablespoon or two, and make sure it is shoved down at the bottom, and smeared in the crevasses of the Kong, and along the sides.

Frozen it is not messy and it takes them longer to get if off. Actually, yesterday I through in a few bits of kibble and shook the Kong so they stuck to the sides and froze. That gave them a bit more of a treat.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I LOVE Kongs....and use them all the time...
i like the freezing yogurt in kongs idea will try that. I have given obe yogurt since he was a puppy 9 weeks. The vet said it helped in creating enzymes in the stomach. i do not give it to him everyday but it must help as he has not had any of the problems that has been brought up in this discussion.
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