Now harvey ran up and bit my daughter in the face!!!!

Harvey is 9 wks old today-- we've had him for 9 days.. we are going to try all of the positive reward suggestions but I am really worried!! My daughter turned 2 last month and she really is a gentle soul... she gets silly sometimes but is not a hyper little one.. anyhow.. My husband and my daughter were sitting on the floor reading books and out of nowhere Harvey runs up and bites her face! I do not think it was malicious but it is a problem.... I love him to pieces and I want to keep him but he can't bite my little one.. I guess I just wanted to vent....
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One thing, even though Harvey still is super young, is that the floor is his territory, so not that he is being malicious in any way, but he might be saying, hey, I'm in charge of all things on the floor and feels he can play rougher when anyone is down there with him.
And it seems more like the fact that your daughter's face and belly are at 'the right height' for the puppy to nip there (both of them being low to the ground).
Is it possible to stay off the ground until he learns better (you could obviously crate him while you want to be on the floor). He's just a puppy learning his boundaries, so he just needs to be taught (easier said than done!)
Keep them separated.
Harvey is like an 8 monht old human baby right now. He doesn't know any better and is trying to play like puppies play.
Are there any wee puppies he can play with? He sholud be enrolled in a puppy social class, so he can learn how to control his bite. At least when he bites it will be soft.
It is vital that he and your daughter are kept separate. She will become afraid of him, and Harvey doesn't need to be diciplined for being a normal puppy.
Get him some puppy toys to keep him busy, and get him tired. It is not too early to teach him to sit, fetch a ball, etc. It will keep him busy.
Jasper did the EXACT same thing to my 2 year old son, Brandon. He had to have liquid stitches, and he still has a scar on his face. Jasper is 15 months old now, and he is soooo gentle with the boys. He may knock them down on accident sometimes, but he'd never try to bite them anymore. We still keep our eyes on them, but he really has gotten so much better after he got over his "nipping" phase.
As everyone has said, Harvey is just being a normal puppy. He may see the baby as one of his littermates or a play-thing... being on the floor would add to that. At 9 weeks of age, Harvey has just begun to explore his world and puppies do this with their mouths. Have you ever seen two puppies play? They can get pretty rough and wild but this is normal behavior for a puppy... but it's too exteme for a human baby.

I would recommend you speak with a trainer with a gentle/positive approach to start you off on the right foot with baby and puppy. Don't wait too long... he can be taught the basic commands now. You'll be amazed at how fast he will learn sit, down, etc. using food rewards. I love training puppies because they absorb the info like a sponge but you have to keep the sessions real short to match their attention span.

The sooner you start the better the chances will be for a happy existance together. In the meantime, keep baby and puppy apart except under strict supervision... like one of you holding puppy and one holding baby during a "puppy calm time".

Good luck and please keep us posted :D
Thank you all.. Harvey Kinkle and I are starting puppy lessons on sunday!!! SO I imagine this will help!!! Again thanks so much!!!
good luck !!!!
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