Lily has a heart murmur

Lily was supposed to get spayed today. I was going to have her spayed up at my school so that I could do the anesthesia and monitor her throughout. Her physcial was great and she was fasted. Then I gave her her premeds before induction. The vet checked her over after the premeds and everything checked out fine except the vet found a heart murmur. Now sometimes it is possible for there to be a drug induced heart murmur which I originally thought it was since I had never heard anything through my stethescope nor had my regular vet whom we have seen for several different things. So the vet at school listened and let me hear it and sure enough there it was. Now a drug induced murmur would usually show up over the left side of the heart (mitral valvue insufficiency) but this one was on the right side ( something with the tricuspid valve). Those are very rare and are usually not good. The vet gave it a grade 2-3 so she decided not to go through with the surgery because she didnt want anything going wrong under anesthesia. I am definitely greatful for her being honest about not wanting to do the surgery. Wednesday I have an appointment with the cardiologist and we will see what is going on. It doesnt seem to be affecting her way of life since she is nice and slender and ruomps and runs all over at the dog park and doesnt have any exercise intolerance at all. Still I am having it checked out to see what can be done if anything and what her prognosis is.
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Positive thoughts going your way.
Oh, my, what a shock that must be. I wonder why it just showed up, now.

Bosley also has a heart murmer, a grade 2. His was detected very early, and never got any better or worse. He was neutered at 4 months old, and did fine, but we are keeping an eye on him. I hold my breath at every check-up.

Please let us know what you find out about her prognosis. It is so awful when one of our babies has a problem.
My cat Sammy had a heart murmor and lived a perfectly normal life... :D
I hope everything turns out ok.
Sending positive thoughts for Lily too, hope it is not too bad.
Hope you get good news Wednesday.
having had to deal with this with Fergie My prayers are with you. HUGS to you and lily.
Paige Pyr also has a murmur, tho grade unknown.....or I forgot. She has always been slender, even the cardiologist was at first concerned. That was 5 years ago. Paige just turned 10. She remains slender and active, tho at 10 is slowing. I wish your girl the same long life.
Sending sheepie hugs and prayers your way for a good outcome at the cardiologist's. Please keep us posted and know that our thoughts are with you!
I'm so sorry to hear about Lily! My best friend has a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy who has been diagnosed with a heart murmur too. She's due to see the cardiologist next week. I'll be sending Lily positive thoughts!
Good luck tomorrow. I hope it turns out to be nothing to worry about.
I'm very sorry to hear about Lilly's heart murmur. Please do let us know how the appt with the cardiologist goes. My thoughts are with you & Lilly.
Poor girl, I hope all goes well for her.
WOO HOO Lily is heart murmur free. Boy was that a rough day! The cardiologist says that it was probably drug induced although it is rare to get a murmur in that particular area she had it in but she wrote a letter to my vet stating what went on and that it is ok to proceed with her spay. I made a new appointment with my vet for monday and will be talking to the vet before she goes in to get her up to speed on what has been happening. But Lily is healthy as a horse, I saw the ultrasound and her heart looks great. Thanks for all your support, it really meant the world to me. Lily says thank you as well and sends sheepie paws and kisses everyones way.
:banana: :clappurple: :banana: Great news, I can't imagine how scared you must have been :(
Glad to hear all is well :D
Great news! :)
I bet there were a few tears of joy!

...and in YOUR house, too! :oops:
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!Fantastic News :banana: :clappurple:
Yaaaaaaay! Glad to have some good news. :banana:
Oh I'm so happy for you both - what a terrific ending!!!!! :clappurple:
Oh!! What a huge relief!! :D
what good news!!!! YEAHHHHH
Whew!!!!! What a fantastic relief!! :high5:
Thanks everyone for your support. I was really nervous on wednesday when we had the ultrasound done. I even made my self sick worrying about her. She is doing great but me on the other hand am sick as could be. Hopefully I ll get over it quick but Lily is back to her bouncy self. Thanks again

That's wonderful news!!!! So glad to hear that Lily is doing good! :clappurple:

Marianne and the boys
I'm late on the upswing..........but glad to hear all is well!!!!!
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