How to start exercising

I've been SB for two weeks now. I've lost 7 pounds. Phase one is supposidly finished, but I'm going to continue on it for a bit longer. I've been perfect...with 2 exceptions: 1. Friday, I went to a funeral, and when I came home had a drink (scotch). It was a high school/college friend of mine. I really needed that drink. 2. Yesterday, I went to the "shiva" (condolence call to his home). When I got home..yep...drink.

Those were my only two "off plan" ventures.

Now...I KNOW I have to start exercising. I know it! BUT I :evil: HATE IT!!!

I don't have time or energy now to do the big question is:

HOW DO I START? and the next question do I keep myself motivated? Keep in mind, I'm 56 "fluffy" and get bored easily. Its been very cold here (Chicago), so I really don't want to go out and walk more than I do with the dogs. And I can't exercise walk with them, cuz they have to smell every blade of its slow walking. Oh...we do also play fetch every afternoon in the cold, but...I mostly stand and throw.

I'm not a "jock"... and I'm not at all interested in doing this, but have to.

Any suggestions?

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Are there any types of exercise or activities that you like to do (ie swimming, biking, etc) that aren't necessarily 'exercising' but more of doing something that you like to do?

Also, in your daily life you can do things like take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator. You can park further away from the grocery store entrance (or wherever you're going) so that you have to walk a little farther.

Some people claim that getting one of those pedometers helps because you are 'forced' to walk a certain amount, like 10,000 steps a day and it will let you know how much you've done.

Walking around the mall counts as exercise.

It is recommended that at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week, but you can break it up into 10 minutes at a time, so if you have a spare ten minutes, you can walk around the block a few times, etc.

The biggest thing is that if you are doing something you like to do, chances are you'll keep it up longer than if you are doing something you dread. Like if you hate the treadmill, it'll be harder to keep motivating yourself to do it.

Instead of fetch every afternoon could you play something that would involve more movement from you? Even a little bit would add up. Maybe soccer where you also have to move when they don't bring the ball back?

Also, I know that some park district community centers have small indoor walking tracks free of charge. They get quite boring...small circle...round and round and round...but it is better than walking outside with our weather. If you have a walkman or ipod that can help break up the monotony. Some people like books on tape to pass the time.

If you don't want to be outside, mall walk. No fair stopping to shop. Just walk around the entire mall at a good clip. Good thing is mall's have rest rooms, you'll need it the first few times.

Exercise within your target zone. You need to elevate your heart tate to at least 60% of your max hear rate. To find this rate, subtact your age from 220--for 56 year old that's 164. Then 60% of that is 98. You shouldn't go over 80% of your hear rate.....that would be 131. Keep within 98 to 130 hear beats.

If you swim like I do, get the heart rate up around 70-80% since the cold water cools you and your heart rate needs to be higher.

Personally I hate exercise machines.......I won't even use them at the gym. You need to find something you can enjoy doing. That way you will make time.
I recently read "act like you want to be." In your case, act like you like exercise and God willing, you will eventually come to tolerate it. I don't like to walk for wits own sake, treadmills and other equipment bore me. I like to do exercise videos. I have a variety and I do like Leslie Sansone's "Walk Away the Pounds" which you do in the comfort of your own living room. Go to the public library and I know they will have quite a selection. Pick one or two and audition them. Start with 10 minutes a day. Check the local tv listings--I'm sure Lifetime or some other channel has exercise shows in the early morning, like 5-ish. YOU DON'T HAVE TO EXERCISE AT 5 AM THOUGH. Set your VCR (or Tivo thingy) and do it at your leisure.

I know many women who swear by Curves or Women's Workout Express. That's too much of a commitment for me, plus I'm not paying to exercise.
Curves! Try it, it works for me! There are only women there and no one cares how you look or what you wear. No "cutsies" in their tight leotards bemoaning that teeny bit of cellulite - just us regular gals. Really, it's convenient (open 6 am to 8 pm Mon-Sat), economical ($31 per month) and best of all - anyone can do it. The workout and stretching is over before you know it! They play vintage rock music too - bonus!
I know this is late but I'm just now having time to sit at the computer and catch up on posts. I teach a class to my patients call "Compliance and Adherence", how to KEEP EXERCISING and stay motivated.

The most important thing I tell them is to pick an exercise you enjoy. If you don't like it you aren't going to do it!!!! So many people run out and buy and exercise bike because it is the most reasonably priced piece of equipment out there. But it quickly becomes an expensive clothes hanger because NO ONE lies the bike for very long.

If you do buy a piece of exercise equipment, don't stick it in your basement. Put it somewhere in your house where you won't feel isolated and alone. My elliptical is in the middle of my dining room. Does it look great? NOOOOOOOO but if I had to go to some dark basement or some back bedroom away from the center of the "action" I wouldn't do it.

Vary your routine. Exercise is boring if you do the same thing EVERY DAY. On the chit chat thread Zahra was just posting about an exercise tape she found, I ORDERED IT. KUKUWA (or something like that) SHAKE YOUR BOOMSEY, aerobic exercise to African and Latin music :lol: . I also have Leslie Sasone "walk away the lbs" AND YES, Richard Simmons. I try to keep a variety of tapes around so I can pop something different in when I am bored with the eliptical.

EXERCISE TO MUSIC. Studies have shown that you move more quickly AND that it stimulates your brain if you exercise to music.

Set a regular "exercise appointment" It's easy to say on Sunday night, "I'm going to exercise 4 times this week" and then before you know it it's Friday and you've exercised once. If you decided that on S-M-Tues-Thurs and Sat (or what ever day) you will exercise from 5:00 to 6:00 and make an "exercise appointment" you are less likely to skip.

Track your progress, keep a log of your exercise. This provides a mental "push" on those days when you don't feel like exercising. To look back and see all you have accomplished, how many days this month or hours or what ever you have exercised may help you to NOT skip exercise that one day you feel like skipping.

REWARD YOURSELF. Set small attainable goals and when your reach them reward yourself (and not with an icecream sundae :lol: ) If you decide that you are going to exercise 4 times a week and you do it, after the first week do something nice for yourself, a book a movies, a new CD (exercise :twisted: ). Always reward yourself for your accomplishments.

And last but not least, have an exercise buddy. Even if you aren't able to exercise with them hold each other accountable for setting and meeting your own goals. It's a support systems and cheering squad.

GOOD LUCK :wink:
Hi Deb !

Great suggestions above! For winter weather :( , I have
a collection of videos/dvds. You need to select ones
that you like and will use often. A good site is collage video
to preview exercise dvds. Luckily many of the dvds are available here
through Amazon :D

Currently I am using the Quick Fit System by Gilad.
You can mix and match the workouts, but in the beginning he
has a whole schedule along with an eating plan.
I mix these tapes with some of his earlier ones.

Also using world dance dvds, like kukuwa (african dance),
zumba(latin dance) and few other dance forms.

Find something you enjoy doing and the trick is to
be consistant !

Good luck!
When you are out and about...
1. park far away (safely) and walk
2. always use stairs, no elevators
3. if you dont have to many things to buy dont use a basket, use your the tri's and bi's

At home...
1. cleaning (groan, I know, but it counts)
2.and my favorite...tae bo...billy blanks is awesome!

Playing with the dogs... dont have to run much...a few fast steps, stop, turn, few fast get the idea...(panda loves this game) around the dining room table...(be careful of wood floors, they tend to scratch 8O )

these are some of the things I do...hope it helps
I'm with Deskwench - I love Curves. It takes about 45 minutes, so it's easy to work into your day. You're on each machine for 30 seconds and I can tolerate anything for 30 seconds. And it's an all-over workout, which is important because I have pretty good legs from all the walking I do but everything from the stomach up is, as you put it, "fluffy"! Like a marshmallow with pipecleaner legs. Very sad!
Bailey's Mom wrote:
Like a marshmallow with pipecleaner legs. Very sad!
You lucky duck! I'm a marshmallow with marshmallow legs! You're right, though, Curves is the best! I go right after work (4:30) and am done and home by 5:20 including travel time, changing clothes, etc.
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