My baby was attacked by 2 dogs!!!!

My baby was attacked by two dogs, each got one ear. Luckily we've been having snow and rain showers (we all know what that does to our sheepies fur) well if he hadn't matted they would have surely killed him. After attacking his ears they went after his throat. He's still bleeding, 12 hours later, there are no 24 hour vets, he won't let me touch his ears to treat them and two benedryl aren't doing anything. I was able to wash him, and kind of brush him with cowboy magic, but they ripped his hair out in a couple spots. I don't want to force him to let me look at his wounds, and I don't want to drug him. I do want to find the dogs that did this and their owners. My baby will need to be sedated and shaved, I just know it. I've just been loving on him, telling him he's a good boy, kissing him and trying to stay calm so as to not aggitate him.

Anyone with any advice? My husband is taking him to our vet in the morning. I'm just so upset I want him to be ok.
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All I can say is OMG and good luck. I'm pulling for ya.
I'm really sorry to hear what happened, I hope you find the owners of those dogs :evil:

Just looked up my Vet book and here is a bit of advice to help stop the bleeding without touching it and upsetting him even more till you can get to the vets.

"Minor bleeding, even if extensive will stop on its own after awhile as a blood clot forms. It can be faciliatated by applying (Spinkling) a fine powder such as talcum powder or flour, but clots which have already formed should not be disturbed because this may initiate fresh bleeding"

So if the bleeding has stopped do not touch it at all or you will make it bleed again. If it is still bleeding then try the powder on it. Leave him in a quiet spot to rest till you can get to the vets in the morning.

I am so sorry to hear that this has happened to your baby and I hope the attack does not change his personality. Best wishes for the morning and keep us posted on your babys progress. :cry:

How horrible for you and your poor dog!

I once wrote a post long ago of how Merlin was attacked by a wolf hybrid dog when he was only 6 months old. His long sheepie hair (ironcially this is why Sheepies were used as drovers to help the farmers and that a wolf can't get a grip on a sheepies throat). It's what saved him and sounds as if your boys long hair prevented that from happening too or he may have been injured more.

While I'm not a vet, I've had several classes of animal first aid and am the first aid person at work. Any facial wounds in both people and animals bleed alot as the skin is thin in that area. Ears being one. Your main concern would be infection and the wound closing back up. Your vet will be able to determine that tomorrow and may need to open it up (if it scabbed over) and cleanse it. Clotting is a good thing with wounds as long as there is no infection left in the wound. Polysporin (available in small tubes) is good for applying to prevent infection.

I am sending hugs your way and please keep us posted. Best wishes to you
It looks like I may be a little behind with this info but for next time...

Cornstarch works pretty well to help stop slight bleeding but Styptic powder works the best. You can pick it up at PetSmart or any of the chain stores and is one of those things you should always have on hand.

In the case of severe bleeding you need to apply direct pressure to the wound to get the bleeding to stop.

REMEMBER even your loving family pet can be vicious when hurt so make sure you take your's and your family's safety into consideration when dealing with hurt animals.
How did this happen? Did they get into your yard? Poor thing. I hope everything works out.
As badly as you hate to have your dog shaved, I would encourage it. When our OES, Winston, was attacked by a Great Dane, we happened to overlook one bite wound. This area got infected and required tubes to be inserted into it to drain the wound. Be sure you and your vet go over your dog completely to prevent missing any injured area.

Wishing your sheepie a speedy recovery :D and hope you find the culprit dogs :twisted: ... and their owners. :evil: :evil:
I hope everything is okay. I am sorry to hear about such a horrible thing!
The sypic powder really does work wonders....I actually use it on myself when I cut myself shaving.....Let us know how things turn out and give big hugs and belly rubs from me and Panda
i'd always heard styptic powder should be avoided on pretty much anything but the nails as it can cause soft tissue damage... i think i heard that when looking into birds' feathers bleeding.
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry about what happened to your baby. Dog fights are really terrible. We just went through Prissy's whole gangrenous wound and we have a new respect for dog fights. We send you lots of love!!!
In this case, the styptic powder would help control the bleeding until you could get the dog to a vet. Most dogs will not let you hold pressure on an open would therefor it would be hard to put direct pressure on it and control the bleeding. You can apply styptic powder or cornstarch from an arm's length and stop the bleeding. A little tissue loss over blood loss.

It shouldn't be used as a long term solution and any open wound that gapes, looks to be deeper than just the top layer of skin or where you can see any substructure need to be irrigated and stitched by a vet with a follow up course of antibiotics.
We are anxiously waiting to know that your baby is OK!
OMG. how AWFUL!!! :twisted: I can't even begin to imagine how scared you were when this happened. Please let us know how he is when you get back from the vet.
How frightening, what happenend at the vets?
Thank you all for your advice, and well wishes; they are so very appreciated. We got home at about 8pm last night, and he was so happy to be there, he kissed his human brother and sister a lot. :D

When the attack happenned, he rolled on his back and was furiously kicking. They ripped his left ear and shoulder, he has somewhere near 30 stitches between the two injuries :cry: . His right ear has one stitch, and because of the mud, blood and stickers he is being treated for an ear infection :cry: . Also, because he was protecting himself on muddy barbed thistle covered ground, the vet couldn't shave him. He has a horrible matt around his neck, that he patiently lets me cut piece by piece. I will have to keep him in a puppy cut for a while, which means during this cold streak (in Sunny Southern California of all places) he'll be indoors a lot, but he doesn't like outdoors right now anyway. I'm just so happy that he is home, and healthy.

BTW, any suggestions on how to get his cone on him? He and I have a dislike of that cone (he ran into walls with it last night before managing it off), but I have the understanding of the necessity behind it. :D :D
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