Pray for me, the groomer is coming

Last spring, I had Ben (now 16 months and 90 pounds) groomed at Petsmart. I was invited never to return. It wasn't that he was aggressive, he was just terrified of the noise of the dryers and wouldn't cooperate.
Fozzy (18 months and also 90 pounds) was shaved down while he was in rescue, and I have no idea how he reacted.

Our Baltimore summers are really rough, and I'd like to have them nekkid for the summer.

At a dog-savvy friend's advice, I have arranged for a groomer to come to my home. The grooming will be done in the groomer's van. I inquired about a sedative for Ben, but my vet warned that sometimes a sedative actually makes a dog more panic stricken. He recommended Benydryl.

Has anybody tried this? I brush them daily, and they don't mind, although they can sit still for only so long. They both enjoy baths.

I would appreciate all the advice I can get.
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Well, if you're having them both done, the groomer could always just switch back and forth. When one gets antsy, she/he could switch to the other and back and forth until they are done.
That's probably the simplest answer. :wink:
That's great that the groomer is coming to you, that will probably make things easier, unless they are not great about car rides, then they might not want to get in the van.
Rescue remedy would be good in that situation as well..... it can be found at any health food store, and is not all that expensive.
Stacey, does rescue remedy REALLY work? I am having a similar dilemma with Ty. He really needs a "professional grooming" and haircut but he turns into the Tazmanian Devil as soon as the dryer and brush come out. I have not dared to take him to a groomer.
I never used to think it really worked, until it was used on Dancer while at the owner of the studs. She was very stressed after days of travelling, staying at 3 different houses on two different days, with all new dogs to meet at each house. By the end of it she was so stressed she wouldn't come out of her crate, or drink or pee or poop. Nothing. After some rescue remedy, she was visibly more relaxed, so yes, I would now say it does really work.
Rescue Remedy has worked for our dogs as well.
It didn't work for me. :cry:
VerveUp wrote:
It didn't work for me. :cry:

You're supposed to use it on the dog. :roll:
Maxmm wrote:
VerveUp wrote:
It didn't work for me. :cry:

You're supposed to use it on the dog. :roll:

:lol: :lol:
Have you considered investing in a good clippers and shearing the dogs yourself? It's not all that difficult and less stressful for the dogs. You can work in shifts and give the dogs (and yourself) several breaks.

At Maggie's age (13-1/2) I would never subject her to the stress of leaving her with anyone she didn't know. Our clippers has certainly paid for itself over the years.
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