Poor Maggie is a stinky poo fountain

After 3 weeks of rice and 10 days of antibiotics, both girls spirits were perking up, stools had firmed up, and I was so pleased. I slowly transitioned them back to regular food. Things went well for several days. . .

Then, yesterday, Maggie had a complete relapse -- worse than before -- a geyser spewing stinky runny poo (outside only -- and no poo on her head). I was so horrified by one mess that I went back with a bucket of water to slosh it off my neighbor's sidewalk.

I picked up more antibiotics for her today and she's going back on the rice regimen. I'm supposed to collect some of the icky drippings so that it can be tested.

Poor Maggie.
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OH NO! 8O Give Maggie a hug from me. I hope she's feeling better soon!
That's too bad :( ...hopefully this next round of antibiotics fixes the problem. Give Maggie hugs from Izzie and me.

Oh no!! Poor Maggie!! :( :(

She's really having a time with this stuff, isn't she? :(
Poor Maggie!! :( :( Is this a relapse of the giardia? Is there a chance Chum will re-catch it? Poor Val!! :( :(
How to catch a sample:


Try a long loaf pan.
It's the city of brotherly love, ask the neighbor to help you collect the sample!
Awwww... poor Maggie, and poor Val! :(

I hope it all clears up soon!
EWWW! Do I have to? I'm actually going out of town for the weekend and so I am not planning on providing a sample til Monday. Hope it is more solid by then. . .

Drezzie's Mom wrote:
Is this a relapse of the giardia? Is there a chance Chum will re-catch it?

The Vet thinks probably yes but wants to re-test to be sure. Yes, Chummie could re-catch it. :(
Hi Val the same thing happened to me with the giardia, everytime they finished the metrogyl it came back within 3-4 days. Took a couple of courses to get rid of it completely. One started then within 3 days after that the other got it back too. So make sure they both get another course and also ask the vet to make this 2nd course of tablets longer. It can take awhile to get rid of it completely. :?
poor Maggie - I bet she's miserable! Lots of (((hugs)))
Hi Valerie,

My boys are sending Maggie lots of sheepie kisses and best wishes to get well soon. I hope she's feeling better soon.

Hugs to you
I am so sorry to hear about Maggie :(
That really stinks... in many ways....lol
I couldn't resist that one....sorry :?
I hope she is feeling better soon.
Pepsi & Rags send kisses
Feel better Maggie!
My girls have loose stools again now too. Just Dancer and Sky.... Panda is fine so far.
I wish this would end!
Oh, Val. How awful. I'm so sorry and hope this thing clears up. I thought you were in home stretch. Call me if you need an ear! :D
I've been reading up on it some more, and recent studies are finding panacur is more effective for giardia, and safer too.
Stacey sorry to hear dancer and sky are loose again :?

Here's wishing firmness for all 8) Been a loose time for lots of sheepies lately :cry:
I appreciate the support! I actually left them in the care of dogwalkers while I visit with friends this weekend.I left them with prepared dishes of rice gruel. I expect they will have it all cleared up by the time I am back! :wink:

I feel a bit bad leaving them to tend with a sick dog, but I am glad to have a break from it. I will ask my vet about panacur. . . I asked his assistant about the shots and my vet doesnt offer it but I will talk to him to find out more . .
Wow, sorry to hear your pups are sick again!! 8O Knock wood, Frank has been fine!!! Although we just spent the weekend at a dog show clinic so hopefully he didn't pick anything up.

Hope they feel better soon! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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