STAIRS . . . insurmountable!

Ok - now that Prissy's wound isn't bleeding all over anymore, we thought we would take down the baby gate that was keeping the girls downstairs. I had visions of going upstairs to write on the forum with the two girls laying by my feet or running around the room, you know the normal stuff!!

Well, they can't figure out how to climb the stairs! Every time I head up, they make it up the first two to the landing, turn the corner and STOP!!! Prissy managed to get the farthest - about 3 stairs up - before sliding backwards to the landing. They are sooo funny - they try and jump up the whole flight. :lol:

Needless to say, the girls are still down-stairs dogs and they seem to be just fine with that! They look mournfully at me every time I head up, but it's not enough to tempt them up the mountainside!! :D
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I was so surprised when I first got Chummie home that she did not know how to make it up the stairs. I thought -- wow, she really is OLD (8.5). Well, after about 3 or 4 days, she figured it out, on her own without coaching. Now, I just love seeing her bounce and wiggle her bum as she heads up for bed. . . So maybe Mopsey and Prissy will surprise you. :)
When we brought Barney home he was 6 months old and it was SO FUNNY to watch him try to do the stairs. Now, a year later, he's not graceful by any means and usually end up crashing into the wall at the bottom, but he gets from A to B!
I had to take Panda to the firestation to learn how to climb stairs....going up was easier than coming down....nothing like several firemen at the bottom of the stairs with treats crooning to my dog to "come on down..."
Darcy wrote:
I had to take Panda to the firestation to learn how to climb stairs....going up was easier than coming down....nothing like several firemen at the bottom of the stairs with treats crooning to my dog to "come on down..."

Cute firemen?? I shoulda done that with Louie! :D
Jasper has never seen stairs. I bet it'd be funny to watch him around them... :lol:
Pepsi stayed with my sister while I went to NJ in December.
He was ok going up the four stair to the door, but refused to go up the 14 steps to my sister's bedroom.
She said finally one night she heard him come up. He quickly looked around and decided he would rather be downstairs. He did not climb the stairs again.... WEIRDO!!
Dixie bounds up and down them like a deer. Bosley is very clumsey, and goes up and down like a bear would....and clings to the side wall. 8O
Dexter has yet to figure how to go up the house stairs........ he has managed to do one or two steps - but won't go any further..........
they are sooo funny....
I had to lure Louie up the stairs with treats. He went down on his own (THAT was funny). Then after that his need to be with me was stronger than his fear (after he learned it wasn't so bad). Now he races up and down the stairs. And has actually slammed into the wall at the bottom a few times. I swear he's trying to give me a heart attack.
The best stairclimbing that I've seen was Clyde and Bentley last weekend. It was a race up and down. The best part was, they were following me but forgot as soon as they hit the stairs because the race was on. They nearly bowled me over and then I quickly learned to stay to one side and hold the rail! I can't believe both of those idiots would take the entire staircase going down in 2 giant leaps. Bentley won every time thanks to his super long legs!
never thought about them not wanting to climb stairs before reading this. I don't know how/ when Daisy learned about them but it has never been a problem. In our old house we didn't have any stairs, but when we moved in here, she followed me up the stairs the first time. Velcro is easier to part with than a sheepie/ She sticks like she's been superglued to my side.
Could you borrow a dog that is familar with stairs? To show the girls what to do..... I think my 4-foots have just taught the younger ones what to do.....
They're just afraid of the unknown. If you hold their collars and walk with them upstairs, even though they might not budge, just give them a gentle pull and they'll go up with you. Slowly. Then it will be pitiful because they won't know how to go down and will be scared. So just help them and talk to them and they should learn in no time.
Mojo learned to go up the stairs right away. Coming back down was the tricky part. Had to dangle treats in front of him to get him to come back down.
Sometimes I wish Annie didn't know how to take the stairs. She has slid up and down them so many have I :D

Mom's Tibetan, Pandy, never liked stairs. We took her to puppy training class which was up a flight of stairs above an ice skating rink. As all the cute pups tripped up the stairs, she cowered against the wall absolutely refusing to walk up. She will take a few long wide stairs, but never would go up or down. Growled if you picked her up to carry her down :evil:
We have tried to teach Prissy, who has the most interest, in the stairs. She was soo good yesterday and made it up just over half way before she SAT DOWN and promptly began sliding down on her rump!! 8O She didn't try again until later in the evening! However, we brought them to our church tonight and had them climb the four stairs to the entrance - MOPSEY did great and Prissy tried to jump up all four. :roll: They're so funny!
When we first got Blue, he'd charge up the stairs, then stand at the top and cry, afraid to come back down. We'd have to go back up and walk down with him. Well, he'd more or less tumble down. After a few times of that, he'd come down on his own, but he'd still fall on the landing and at the bottom, usually sliding into the walls with a heavy thud. I was afraid he'd bust the old plaster, so we put rugs on the landing and a runner at the bottom. The rug on the landing helped a lot (and gave him one of his favorite places to sleep), but the runner at the bottom just usually ends up bunched against the wall. We've tried to teach him to go slow down the stairs, but he still tends to take a few steps then jump the rest of the way. If he's excited, then forget about it.
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